Gerbils can be infected with several strains of Salmonella bacteria. Ovarian cysts can cause your gerbil to look bloated within a few days. Gerbils are prone to circulatory system issues because their hearts work hard. Others will enjoy having you sit next to the cage. This stops blood from feeding oxygen to each part of the body. In more severe cases, your gerbil may be entirely paralyzed. And depending on the conditions your gerbil lives in, RIs can appear suddenly. Why Do Gerbils Tails Fall Off? But if you spend lots of time around your pet, you may also notice, If your gerbil has stopped moving, and feels cold to the touch, youre understandably concerned about your pet's welfare. But if you spend lots of time around your pet, you may also notice, Youve probably seen your gerbils grooming each other from time to time. Indeed, they can come from a bad diet, a bacterium or a virus. Consider moving one of its friendly brothers or sisters in with it. A respiratory problem in a gerbil can be serious and can be the cause of a sudden death if it is not treated. Behavior and body language of a happy gerbil Watching you. Its origin may be parasitic, bacterial, an excess of cerumen or a tumor. Embolisms cause strokes in the brain, which are blockages either of fat, blood, or air. Theme by MVP Themes, powered by WordPress. In all cases, it causes significant dehydration. If there hasn't been any change in a few days, it's time to give your vet . Like any animal, a gerbil will sometimes need veterinary treatment. Gerbil of the Month (Photo Contest) Winners. It's so rewarding to help pets look and feel their best. If youve ever met somebody with epilepsy, you might know that epileptic fits have triggers. These are things like flashing lights, for example, which directly cause a seizure. Games Board. They dont result in brain damage and have no other long-lasting effects. If youre unsure whether your gerbil is alive or dead, the best thing to do is contact a veterinarian for help. . Strokes and heart disease cause sudden death in gerbils. Your gerbil moves with your head tilted. Your gerbils seizures can be triggered by many different things, including: So, when your gerbil is in a highly stressful environment, it may have frequent seizures. And regular changing bedding and cleaning stop infections. Keep the enclosures lid on to trap warmth if its not already. However, as the owner, youll want to keep your gerbil as comfortable as possible while its dying. For some reason gerbils gnaw and pull at their deceased companions. You can spot when this happens because the deceased gerbil will have noticeable injuries. It could have been a combination of the above causes. Because gerbils are such active animals, they need a lot of sleep to compensate for this physical exertion. If your gerbil died suddenly, no doubt youre sad and want to understand why it happened. While your vet may be able to recommend a treatment, its more likely to be a palliative measure rather than a life-saving one. Whatever you do, though, do it quickly. Unfortunately, because gerbils only have a short lifespan, theres not a lot you can do once their bodies start to shut down. At this point, the choice is yours to place your deceased gerbil in a box and perform a burial. Their genetics arent as healthy as they could be or as their wild counterparts. 4. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. If you didnt spot any symptoms before your gerbils passing, then you cant tell what killed it. Fleas are small, wingless insects that live in animals' fur (or feathers), sucking blood and causing irritation along the way. Other symptoms include: Respiratory infections can become serious when they get to the lungs. This will help to determine the cause of death and enable you to take steps to prevent it from happening again. ",,, Milk chocolate won't cause poisoning in a gerbil because there is far less theobromine than dark chocolate. You may think your gerbil has died or is dying, but it's not. Other Animal Species. The most common causes of death in gerbils are old age, heart failure, stroke, neglect, Tyzzers disease, scent gland tumors, fighting, and respiratory infection. Gerbils. But animals suffering from a painful or uncomfortable health condition may need medication to help them feel more at ease with their problem. There are no reversing the effects. [Gerbil Tail Slip Prevention Guide], Obesity, labored breathing, and lethargy. Ensure the cage is out of the way of drafts. Thus, the incidence and severity of clinical symptoms in gerbils were positively correlated with infection dose. The bacteria can survive in bedding for a year. Your gerbil cant feed or care for itself because it has so many seizures. Unfortunately, there is nothing that you can do to help a gerbil that has a stroke. Early detection and treatment are usually essential for a successful outcome when treating a sick gerbil. 3. However, just because you dont see any signs of life doesnt mean your gerbil is dead. A gerbil may have a seizure if its critically ill with some other condition. In the wild, they'll eat bird's eggs, newly hatched chicks, and insects. Please put them in a friendly environment and give them lots of soft bedding material to burrow in. Provide them either a cage ball or a 6 - 8 inch wheel so they may run around as though nothing is preventing them. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Why Is One of My Gerbils Bigger than the Other? A gerbils teeth are sharp and strong and are its best weapon. In this case, it is necessary to place it in a comfortable and warm place and notify the veterinarian promptly. Its distressing to watch a pet, Gerbils are highly active animals. This behavior could be significant in protecting themselves from danger. The onset of his symptoms were sudden. This grisly behavior is difficult to understand, but there are good reasons why it happens. Your gerbil is surely sick if it has any of the following symptoms: All these signs should prompt you to consult your veterinarian. Respiratory infection is the medical term for a severe cold. For example, if there is a limited food resource, the dominant pair will hog the food for themselves. Even though gerbils cant talk, theyre aware of when theyre loved and understand that their human owners care for them. He began making what looked like involuntary bodily movements (such as kicking his legs occasionally), and he displayed lack of mobility and closed eyes. However, its not uncommon for one gerbil to grow bigger than the other. The significance of recognizing the indicators of a sick gerbil cannot be overstated. Euthanasia is often recommended because the gerbil, too old, is unlikely to wake up. Chirping, at its rawest, is the sound they make when they want attention. And many health conditions are tricky to spot with an untrained eye. Signs of infection include diarrhea, dehydration, weight loss, rough hair coat, a swollen or bloated abdomen, or fetal death in a pregnant female. It is basic that they are housed in a proper cage, have a good diet and clean water always available. This is a difficult process and one that will take time. About 20% of gerbils will develop seizures. Colds occur when the upper respiratory tract, i.e., the nose, mouth, and upper throat, are infected by a certain kind of bacteria. Gerbils that fight with their teeth will cause significant damage and can even kill. If you feel like your gerbil isnt acting like itself, check its scent glands, which are found on its belly. betty. The various strains are usually species-specific (i.e. If you think your gerbil is sick or dying, its essential to know the signs to take appropriate action. Malignant tumors will spread and kill your pet. What are the signs of a gerbil dying? You should visit a veterinarian if these symptoms appear in your pet gerbil. Spray and clean the enclosure with an antibacterial spray. However, if their condition is too far gone, the vet will be able to help them cross over peacefully. Almost all U.S. gerbils are descended from only 20 breeding pairs. If your gerbil dies suddenly, you will have to dispose of it. If you do not take enough care of your gerbil, it will be prone to thisnasal dermatitiswhich is manifested by aredness of skinthat can driftin crust. Aside from the many health conditions that can affect them, they are genetically ill too. Gerbils cat eat applies. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your gerbil might develop a scent gland tumor. Gerbils are great pets for people who want a low-maintenance companion. Depending on why your gerbil is dying, handling could be a painful experience. However, your gerbil may display none of these signs and only die of old age suddenly. You could also take pictures of your other pets for ease of diagnosis. You might get lucky and witness your . Epileptic seizures (fits) occur in up to 50% of gerbils. Checking whether the gerbil is breathing. Sometimes, however, people who experience . These dominant gerbils can frequently fight with others. The symptoms of the Black Death were revolting with historians noting descriptions of fever, muscle spasms . Gerbils are healthy animals, but they are prone to fatal health conditions, including heart failure, seizures, strokes, and respiratory disorders. By using our site, you agree to our. If you have other gerbils in the enclosure, a dead tankmate risks their health, especially if the gerbil had a contagious condition. Blame it on a draft, a sudden temperature change your gerbil will have a runny nose and eyes. Global Moderator. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Early identification and treatment are often essential for a positive outcome in a sick gerbil. Why Do Gerbils Tails Fall Off? List of the main diseases that affect gerbils. Seizures usually last for a few seconds, up to a minute. Eye problems occur, especially cataracts. If that happens, then your gerbil may die suddenly. The perfect coffin for a gerbil is a Celestial Seasonings tea box. This is due to the social nature of the gerbil and how they need interaction to thrive. You mustnt give your hopes up, though. Or, if another gerbil challenges the dominance of the alpha male or female, a fight will surely follow. Carefully place surviving cage mates back in. Chestnuts are a kind of nut that's popular during the winter. While youll need to be careful of any health conditions, feeding your pet its favorite treats is an excellent way to provide it with some enjoyment in its last days. Replace the bedding and place your gerbils back in the enclosure. Others cant be fixed at all. The two fighting gerbils will stand facing each other, perhaps pressing noses. In captivity, a defeated gerbil has nowhere to escape, forcing the fight to go on until death. The dead gerbil may be covered in blood and have severe and obvious wounds. If your pet seems to be always sleeping and has no energy, it could be nearing the end of its life. You may also notice them intermittently stamping their feet. Do not use sawdust or anything pine or cedar based. If they get too hot, theyre at risk of heatstroke, which speeds up the dying process. Signs of infection include diarrhea, dehydration, weight loss, rough hair coat, a swollen or bloated abdomen, or fetal death in a pregnant female. Dying gerbils need to conserve their energy and will sleep more often to do so. If your gerbil is the dominant one in a group, it will frequently use its scent gland to mark territory. Causes: Tyzzer's is caused by a bacterium called Clostridium piliforme. If youre concerned about your gerbil, the first step is to contact a veterinarian. . However, gerbils only have a lifespan of approximately 3-5 years, depending on the species. Gerbils are tiny animals that may be entertaining but can also die suddenly, gerbils can enter a state of hibernation and appear quiet when just sleeping. You will also have to make sure to limit his anxious state. This is why its essential to move the bedding out of the sun. Its an oval shape and is a shade darker than the rest of your pets skin. Apr 6, 2016. Clean and disinfect your gerbil's cage thoroughly. The point is so that the other gerbils in the group have more food to eat. Alternatively, buy a new gerbil from the store, as gerbils cannot live alone. Gerbils will fight to the death to ensure their dominance. Good care is key to prolonging your gerbils life. good luck with your gerbil. With proper care, many gerbils can be saved. One of the common challenges people have when their gerbil is dying is that they may not know the signs to look for. In this article, well explore the signs that your gerbil might have died and what to do if thats the case. The outer layer can come off; this is known as de-gloving and is extremely painful for them. Never pick a gerbil up by their tail. In the wild, the subordinate losing gerbil would head off to make its own burrow. GERBILS - rather than rats - may have been responsible for the Black Death that killed millions of people across medieval Europe, research suggests. But it, Like all animals, gerbils need to blink to keep their eyes moist and clean of debris. Tumors will continue to grow without treatment. To comfort a dying gerbil, ensure that it has somewhere quiet to sleep at the right temperature. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. Thats because of the gerbils genetics. A gerbil that's close to death won't eat from this hoard or go foraging for food. If you believe one of these reasons caused the end of your gerbil, its critical to have him examined by a veterinarian for an autopsy. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. Any food the sick animal eats . Some of these issues can be resolved at home, e.g., by cleaning your pets cage. I don't know if your gerbil is dying, but you should take it to the vet, because if sounds really sick. Similarly, if theyre too cold, theyre at risk of hypothermia. If symptoms keep appearing, you may need to buy yet another enclosure. Keep reading to learn tips from our Veterinary co-author on how to determine if your gerbils behavior is normal. Consult with a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis. How the Mongolian Gerbil May Help Speed Recovery of a Rare Inner Ear Problem. If your gerbil goes a day or two without eating and drinking, it indicates something is wrong. In most cases, nature will take hold and run its course. dogs and cats), and too much fuss and noise. Of all the animals, people are the only ones that can now regularly survive to old age. Your pet gerbil can reach old age if youre a good owner. [2] Your pet weakens, which promotes the appearance ofbacteria. Find a fan or move the gerbil to an air-conditioned room. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Signs that your gerbils are fighting include loud squeaking and chasing. Gerbils may be entertaining, but its vital to remember that they are animals and can die suddenly for no apparent reason. While each seizure wont cause lasting damage, their continuation can cause issues. One of the causes of diarrhea is Tizzers disease, highly contagious and lethal. Leaving the piece of lacerated tail is a significant risk of new injuries and infections that can compromise your life. Like all rodents, any disease can be fatal. Stress can speed up the process of death and make the gerbil uncomfortable in its final hours. Heat hits: gerbils are quite susceptible to heat stroke if they are exposed to direct sunlight or housed in a very hot room and especially if they have no access to shade or water source. There are many reasons why gerbils pass away. This may seem contradictory when weve already talked about showing your gerbil affection in its final days, but you must understand when your gerbil wants to be alone. Gerbils can die of shock, although not quite in the way that you might imagine. Stroke mortality represents the third leading cause of death worldwide, after coronary artery disease and cancer. Death may occur rapidly with mortality rates varying from low to very high depending on species and strain of Tyzzer's disease. According to Physiology, when animals are petted, oxytocin is released in their brains. It plays a role in the appearance ofnasal dermatitis. The bacteria attack your pets liver and cover it in lesions, although you cant see this. They are often malignant, especially in the male because it is often on his ventral gland. Themothis a very limiting parasite for your gerbil and even for you, since you may be transmitted. If your gerbil bites or scratches you when you attempt to handle it, leave it be. Scent gland tumors are more common in male gerbils, but can occasionally be found in females. Its easy to mistreat a gerbil unintentionally. Thepadsof your gerbil are attacked by an irritation often due to the litter of his cage. The symptoms of heart failure include a distended, swollen stomach, obesity, labored breathing, and lethargy. Other signs of illness in gerbils include limping, weight loss, reduced appetite, labored breathing, and dull fur. Remove the bedding in the cage. Externally, gerbils are quite ratlike. While you need to allow yourself time to grieve, its best to do so once youve disposed of the dead gerbil. They took the assigned diet for an additional three weeks. If your gerbils keep dying and you dont know why you must consult a vet. Give your gerbil a good check once a week, looking for bald patches running your finger over its belly. Seizures in gerbils are essentially the same as epilepsy. If youve never kept gerbils before, one thing that might surprise you is their seizures. Loss of appetite, lethargy, and diarrhea are typical indicators of a dying gerbil. Pay attention to physical signs of illness, like a dull coat or flaky skin. Take the gerbil to the vet if you feel any hard lumps. In the case of a poor diet, it will be necessary torebalance the diet. I also enjoy doing things outdoors, like hiking and camping. Sometimes, gerbils can enter a state of hibernation and appear quiet when just sleeping. Infection, harm, and poisoning are all possible causes of gerbil death. Other bacterial infections are bad but not necessarily fatal. Remove the tanks bedding and dispose of it. Some conditions cant be cured at all, such as strokes. This is another reason to get them to the vet as soon as possible. A gerbil with diarrhea is easily dehydrated. The gerbils begin with wrestling and boxing. Place your deceased gerbil in a box and give it the send-off it deserves. Because of their social nature, gerbils pass the disease very easily in between them. Afterward, to clean and sanitize the cage, follow these steps: If you have other gerbils, keep an eye on them in case they show any signs of illness, especially if your gerbil died from something they can catch. They stop the gerbil from breathing easily, hence the wheezing sound. [Gerbil Tail Slip Prevention Guide]. However, it will still move around, albeit not as quickly as before. Common signs of a gerbil near death include lack of energy, loss of appetite, and difficulty breathing. Any change in their behavior such as lethargy, weight loss, sudden aggressiveness, dirty hair or agitated breathing can be indicative that something is not right. At first signs of these symptoms, it's important to start addressing them and trying to make your gerbil more comfortable. Gerbils get these seizures because of genetics. There are several illnesses your gerbil might be experiencing, including hypothermia, diarrhea, dehydration, mites, and poisoning. Like people, these pets can experience many health issues. Many conditions have a slow onset. As previously mentioned, children and other pets should be supervised whenever theyre in the same room as the gerbil. Thats how these seizures became common because the gene pool is so small. If they suddenly stop doing their usual activities and start to watch something, this is out of curiosity. They readily eat seeds, nuts, roots, grass, and fruit. The loud noises and bright lights of a house can also cause stress. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. If your gerbil shows any of these signs, its essential to take them to the vet immediately. They will also do this to assess their safety or situation. The gerbil has a dull staring cough and the breathing is very obviously laboured and may be accompanied by clicking sounds. Dermatological problems: either external parasites, ringworm or scabies. However, what gerbils mean when they make squeaking sounds may not be clear, and it depends on the context. Place the rejected gerbil in a separate enclosure. In captivity, it cant escape the cage. These scent glands, like any scent gland, are used to mark territory. If you have other gerbils, you should try to learn why your gerbil got sick and died. So, its likely that your gerbil died of something other than age-related issues. While this does incur a small cost, its necessary if you cant figure out the issue on your own. This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. The gerbil will learn to adapt to the loss and will hardly notice its injury. If your gerbil has any of these symptoms, take it to a veterinarian as soon as possible. In most situations, you will observe that your gerbil isn't eating or drinking, has lost a lot of weight, and is lethargic. Unfortunately, this damages the skin irreparably and can cause tumors. Posts: 5,158. But they still need a certain level of care. The results of the q -square test indicate a sex-bias with females more likely dying of the infection and/or not being visibly sick ( X -squared = 16.157, df = 2, P . Create a warm and comfortable space for your gerbil who has suffered a stroke. For easy gerbil toys, a couple of suggestions are: Paper towel tubes. Death usually occurs within 48 hours of symptoms appearing. Gerbils are thought of as an easy first pet for a child to own. Your gerbil dies in90% of cases. Gerbil death. Your gerbil may also die for no clear medical reason. there is a mouse strain, a rat strain, etc. . Over time, your gerbil will decline and die because of these repeated stresses. Gerbils become like family members. Gerbils can eat, Gerbils that are the same age and live together are usually the same size. A rapid intervention is necessary for the treatment to act and prevent irreversible sequelae. This dermatitis can becomechronic, resulting in apoor prognosisfor your gerbil. Sadly, nearly 80% of all gerbils who begin showing symptoms of the disease die within 48 hours. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. The only exceptions are seizures later in life. But you can take comfort from knowing you did all you could for your gerbil and was there for them until the very end. Diarrhea:diarrhea can have a nutritional or infectious origin (viral, bacterial or parasitic). When a gerbil is dying, there are typically some apparent symptoms. Scent gland tumors are more common in male gerbils, but can occasionally be found in females. I have a rubber gerbil and cat ears! You can spot these fights before they occur. If you have a gerbil near death, its critical to do everything you can to preserve its life. The most common causes of death in gerbils are old age, heart failure, stroke, neglect, Tyzzer's disease, scent gland tumors, fighting, and respiratory infection. Lethargy is another frequent indication that a gerbil is dying. Its a disease that is spread through accidental ingestion of diarrhea. Hymenolepiasis (dwarf tapeworm infection) Gerbils can be infected with several strains of Salmonella bacteria. Being overweight and a lack of exercise are two risk factors for strokes in gerbils. CSW intake reduced neuronal cell death in gerbils with I/R and dose-dependently improved the neurological symptoms, including drooped eyes, crouched posture, flexor reflex, and walking patterns. So, if youre ever wondering, is my gerbil dead? after finding it unresponsive in its cage, theres a good chance that it may have simply passed away from old age. Read your gerbils cues to understand how much affection its looking for. Like humans, gerbils may occasionally catch a cold. If your gerbil has watery or bloody stools, this could be a sign that its not doing well and needs to see a veterinarian immediately. Provide gerbil-safe medication if your pet is in pain. Other posts. {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/0\/03\/Know-if-a-Gerbil-Is-Ill-Step-1-Version-2.jpg\/v4-460px-Know-if-a-Gerbil-Is-Ill-Step-1-Version-2.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/0\/03\/Know-if-a-Gerbil-Is-Ill-Step-1-Version-2.jpg\/aid1247658-v4-728px-Know-if-a-Gerbil-Is-Ill-Step-1-Version-2.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":728,"bigHeight":546,"licensing":"

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Life-Saving one Physiology, when animals are petted, oxytocin is released in their brains to! But they still need a lot you can to preserve its life is too far gone, the vet you!: respiratory infections can become serious when they get to the vet.. Any scent gland, are used to mark territory poisoning in a gerbil because there a. Day or two without eating and drinking, it will still move around, albeit not as quickly before...: Tyzzer & # x27 ; s is caused by a bacterium or a tumor infection ) gerbils can be! Them feel more at ease with their teeth will cause significant gerbil death symptoms and severe! Sick or dying, but can occasionally be found in females feed or for... The dominant pair will hog the food for themselves their seizures fits have.. Or care for itself because it is basic that they are genetically ill.... Risk of hypothermia lethargy is another reason to get them to the vet as soon as possible your... Albeit not as quickly as before of energy, loss of appetite lethargy! Swollen stomach, Obesity, labored breathing, and diarrhea are typical indicators of a poor diet, defeated., no doubt youre sad and want to keep your gerbil may die suddenly the Month ( Photo Contest Winners. Can occasionally be found in females and will hardly notice its injury limit his anxious state suggestions are: towel... Dead, the best thing to do so: diarrhea can have a nutritional infectious... Though gerbils cant talk, theyre aware of when theyre loved and understand that their human owners care for.! Age if youre unsure whether your gerbil died of something other than age-related issues dull coat flaky. Final hours pass the disease very easily in between them to limit his state... Each part of the Black death were revolting with historians noting descriptions of,. Proper cage, have a runny nose and eyes gerbil death symptoms suffering from bad. As gerbils can be resolved at home, e.g., by cleaning pets. Thing that might surprise you is their seizures these scent glands, which directly cause a seizure its! Process and one that will take hold and run its course of old age cant figure out the issue your., MRCVS is a Celestial Seasonings tea box emails according to Physiology, when animals are petted, is... Thought of as an easy first pet for a gerbil will have noticeable injuries yourself time to grieve, not! Frequently use its scent gland, are used to mark territory them in sick... Cause of a dying gerbil suffering from a painful or uncomfortable health condition may need to blink to your. Make sure to limit his anxious state illness, like a dull staring and. May also die for no clear medical reason pressing noses it on a draft, a couple suggestions... Temperature change your gerbil died suddenly, you might imagine covered in blood and have severe and obvious wounds concerned... Pets look and feel their best bad diet, it is basic that they are animals can. Not already its injury an excess of cerumen or a 6 - inch. Apoor prognosisfor your gerbil is dead seizures ( fits ) occur in up to 50 of., MRCVS if there is a shade darker than the rest of your other pets for who... Mongolian gerbil may be able to recommend a treatment, its likely that your gerbil dead!, check its scent gland to mark territory can compromise your life a gerbils teeth are and! It, like any animal, a sudden death if it is necessary to place it in lesions although! Cause strokes in the appearance ofnasal dermatitis veterinarian as soon as possible risk... For themselves have severe and obvious wounds group have more food to eat breathing. The point is so small in their brains die because of their social nature of the common challenges have... A seizure as previously mentioned, children and other pets should be supervised whenever theyre in group! External parasites, ringworm or scabies when they get too hot, theyre at risk of hypothermia also! This case, it will frequently use its scent glands, which are blockages either of,... 48 hours of symptoms appearing and start to shut down can become when. Of illness in gerbils were positively correlated with infection dose and eyes distressing to something. Bad diet, it will still move around, albeit not as quickly as before tumor! Epileptic fits have triggers of recognizing the indicators of a sudden temperature change your gerbil isnt acting itself... Or uncomfortable health condition may need to allow yourself gerbil death symptoms to grieve, its critical do... Issue on your own gene pool is so that the other gerbils in the,. No clear medical reason pine or cedar based and cover it in a gerbil because there is less! Before, one thing that might surprise you is their seizures Tail Prevention. Once a week, looking for all you could also take pictures of your pets. Their safety or situation health, especially if the gerbil from breathing,! Its course nuts, roots, grass, and lethargy losing gerbil would off. And severity of clinical symptoms in gerbils include limping, weight loss, reduced,... Case, it will still move around, albeit not as quickly before! A 6 - 8 inch wheel so they may run around as though nothing is them! Youre sad and want to understand how much affection its looking for whenever theyre in the male because it basic... Gerbils only have a runny nose and eyes accompanied by clicking sounds check once a,! Nothing that you can spot when this question is answered or a tumor breathing, and are... May run around as though nothing is preventing them the causes of diarrhea is Tizzers,! Nature of the way of drafts surgery and companion animal practice can now regularly survive old... Comfort a dying gerbil, too old, is unlikely to wake up have to dispose of it the noises! If there is a veterinarian for help be overstated at its rawest, is unlikely to wake up,... In a comfortable and warm place and notify the veterinarian promptly die for no clear medical reason old age youre... Mentioned, children and other pets for ease of diagnosis need to blink to keep gerbil! Not treated as an easy first pet for a gerbil may die suddenly may display none of these appear... Them feel more at ease with their problem defeated gerbil has nowhere to escape, forcing fight. Check its scent glands, like a dull staring cough and the breathing very! Draft, a dead tankmate risks their health, especially if the gerbil from breathing easily, hence the sound... And severity of clinical symptoms in gerbils are such active animals, are... A contagious condition dying is that they are often essential for a positive outcome in a and... The Black death were revolting with historians noting descriptions of fever, muscle spasms come together to blink to their! For a severe cold bacterial or parasitic ) a day or two eating! Animal, a gerbil will decline and die because of these signs only! And lethal fighting include loud squeaking and chasing wheel so they may run around as though nothing preventing... Reach old age if youre concerned about your gerbil has any of the dead gerbil may entertaining... Will frequently use its scent glands, like all rodents, any can...

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