1 (1979), p. 11 Hopwood, Middle Temple Records (1904), p. 506. Issue: Yes. 2. The above record may not necessarily indicate (but should not be ignored either) a kinship between Francis and Henry since most everyone probably did some business with Henry BROOKE. Indentured servitude was popular. TNA PROB HCA 14, Bundle 93, No. 12 Feb 1644/5 Henry Brooke mrcht to the demand of John Rablie saith, that the demand was not so as is alledged, & if it be true that it was for Pilotage of his shipp; that the plf did not performe the duety of pilot, but brought his ship a ground & carried her beyond the port; And the plf made oath of the truth of his demand: And Tho. Died: 5 September 1686, at Ince, Lancashire; and buried at Wigan Church. One York Co, VA record shows that a Richard HAWLEY was a servant to Mr. Henry BROOKES [Junr] merchant who was deceased by 1646. John Knowles (passenger) Born: circa 1612. MSA Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 65. Religious affiliation: Catholic. John Rablie demandeth of Henry Brooke iunr Sedent mr Secr: mrcht 15 l sterl: in goods bought at the first peny mr Gr. Born: circa 1571. Thomas Carrington (passenger) 134, No. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 110; Liber ABH, folio 94. Peter Draper, secretary of Gov. v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al.). Issue: No. 1633 Mary & John 1633, from Southampton to New England, Robert Sayre, Master Ships Passenger Lists to U.S.A. 1634 Ark & Dove 1634 England to Maryland 1. 3, p. 23. Thomas Cooper (passenger) H.W. 7 servants - George Prideaux, Thomas Young, William Chambers, John Dawson, William Rhodes, William Burgess, Jane Lawson. Died: 1637. 4. 2. Anon Benham, servant of Thomas Greene John Elbin [Elkin] (passenger) Richard Cole, gentleman (passenger) While many came from England, Ireland, and Germany, individuals from all over the world were affected. They had to remain as slaves during their whole lives, and their offspring also become . Brereton of ark and dove record passengers crew servants in various english and thus god frustrated the caribbean. They were the second group of settlers in the province of Maryland, the first being the Isle of Kent and established in 1631 by William Claybourn. Slavery in American colonies developed primarily due to a shortage of labor. It also establishes a relationship between Richard COLE and the WICKLIFFES (David and Jane) that began as early as 1638 in Maryland and that continued in Virginia until Richard died and he named the widow Jane BROOKES executrix of his 1663 Westmoreland Co, VA, will that also identified his wife as Alice; another interesting coincidence since Henry BROOKE listed one Ailce [Alice?] 1. MSA Wills Liber 1, folio 11. J. Hawley et al., A Relation of Maryland (1635), p. 56. 2. 3 Dec 1647 Thomas Gerrard Esqr Attorney & Admistrator of Henry Brookes mercht demandeth of Capt Robt Vaughan twenty thowsand pownds of Tob: for goods receiued of the sd Henry, under his owne hand. Plantations in Virginia many as indentured servants of the plantation owners. Wilder, Roger*, age under 21, servant in the John Carver family. 2. . Robert Edwards (passenger) v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al.) J. Hawley et al., A Relation of Maryland (1635), p. 56. of the Maryland Legislature Vol. 2. 15 Feb 1633 Thomas BUTLER, age 27 yeares [b c1606] deposed regarding a wager made in reference to a wedlock of Mr. Wm Burdett and the Widdowe SANDERS in Virginia. Married: Anne d/o Thomas Arundell, 1st Lord Arundell, of Wardour Castle, Wilts. A British colony from 1625 until 1966, the island was a hub of the lucrative global sugar and rum trades, and the wealthy planters prospered due to the . E.C. TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore). Sincerely, The Combs &c Research Group, Email: Webmaster. of the Maryland Legislature Vol. NYC Comptroller, Newtown, Long Island, Town Records, 1659-1688, folio 170. 105 & 106), p. 229. 2. Stephen Salmon, servant of Capt. Religious affiliation: Catholic. Issue: No. MSA Land Patents 1, folio 20, 166. William CLAYBORNE established the first white settlement in Maryland on the Isle of Kent in 1631. William Browne (passenger) 3. Slavery is a status that slaves gained for their life. 1) Friday the 22nd of November 1633. 1. Issue: Unknown. 1. His wife, named Dorothy, and his descendants are closely allied with the BUTLERS, LISSONS [SISSON], and WICKLIFFES. On the Dove. And finally, passengers on board, orders in hand, on November 22, 1633, the Ark and Dove set sail from the Isle of Wight, and it was a rough, rough beginning. 12 Feb 1644/5 Thomas Bushrod mrcht demandeth of henry Brooke mrcht 5000' tob, due by covenant & 400 l mr Greene tob for interest the said henry Brooke saith the demand is due to be paid at a certaine place in virginea, & that he hath appointed order for the paymt in virginea. 1. 1. May 13, 1671 made Deputy to Duke of Albemarle. Captain Richard Lowe of Ratcliff, Stepney, Middlesex, Master of the Ark (crew) Crew Members: Headed by Master Christopher Jones, the Mayflower crew was composed of about 44 men total, with around 30 crewmates and 14 officers, which included the following: Servants: There were about 13 servants under the charge of the Pilgrims, while about 6 were working for Merchant Adventurers' passengers. Mr Henry Brooke dr with account list and Nicho. Issue: Unknown. James BALDRIDGE of Westmoreland Co, VA per his 26 Nov 1658 will. 4, p. 52. 3, p. 258. Born: circa 1610. TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore) Capt. 1. Nathaniel POPE, whose daughter Anne married Major John WASHINGTON (ancestor of George Washington), and James and Capt. Indentured servants - Richard Cole, George Beadon, Hugh Carteret. John Halfhead, brickmason (passenger) Jurat. Died: Before 1 December 1643. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121; Liber ABH, folio 98. 1. Kathy Manley Nystrom, in a Rootsweb post, states the following about Thomas and Joan: Thomas Butler began as a haberdasher in London. LMA, St. Dunstan and All Saints, Stepney, register of baptisms 1608-1638. Francis deposed on 23 April in 1662 as being 38 years [b c1629] of thereabout. 1. Issue: No. Perhaps it is coincidence that Henry BROOKE, Shipwright of Westmoreland Co, VA, had a daughter Dorothy BROOKE alias BUTLER, a family closely allied with the BALDRIDGES. 1. 1996-2010 Combs-Coombs &c. Research Group, We Support Free Nonprofit Genealogy and History on the Internet. White, A Relation of the Successefull Beginnings of the Lord Baltemores Plantation in Mary-land (1634), p. 4. MdHS, Calvert Papers, MS 174, no. Issue: Unknown. NOTES: The above identifies Jane, the wife of Henry BROOKES, as formerly married to David WICKLIFFE who is presumed to have died as he is not found in records after Sep 1642. Died: 5 November 1640, in Maryland. MSA Archives of Md. Issue: Unknown. Francis Rogers (passenger) 1. Issue: Unknown. MSA Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 94. Patapasco London England to Baltimore, Maryland 1734. 4. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 75. Wch Gunne being since come to the defts hands bee refuseth to deliver the same to the plte. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 23. He may be a different Francis than that of the s/o of Robert. vol. Died: Before February 1634. 2008 Passenger #16 BRYANT The Ark and the Dove shows #16 as John Bryant, one of my forefathers, from Gravesend, England then Cowes, Isle of Wight to St. Clement Island, Maryland . 1. PCC PROB 11/167/45 (George Calvert) 1. 20 Jan 1637/8 Commission of Sheriff to James BALDRIDGE. www.thearkandthedove.com . MSA Archives of Md. 1. 1. 154 (Richard Orchard et al. NOTES: Nicholas COSSIN aka Cawseene aka Causseen was a neighbor of David and Jane WICKLIFFE, and he later married Jane COCKSHOTT, the widow of John, and the same who sued Jane WHITCLIFF. 3. (MD SA, Proceedings of Council of MD, v3:119). It is signed his loving Uncle Henry who advises his nephew that his father [unnamed] is not pleased with the accounts and returns from Virginia and plans to take his business away from Nicholas, his son. Crew included John BOULTER, Purser and steward of the Ark. Married: (1st) Ann d/o (2nd) Juliana d/o (3rd) Elizabeth d/o (Dyas) Servant - Christopher Edwards. 154 (Richard Orchard et al. NOTES: Henry BROOKES the merchant aka Junior has deceased. Died: Before April 1644. Issue: Unknown. 22 Nov 1638 Elizabeth BROOKS transported by Mr. FULTON & Mr. WORLEY who also transported Giles BRENT. 4. Jane Brooke. Issue: No. of the Maryland Legislature (1979), p. 186-187. (1642-1644), folio 170. Born: circa 1605 in Norfolk, England, (2nd) son ofWilliam Cornwaleys, Knt., by his wife Lady Katherine Parker of Erwarton, Suffolk. (MD SA, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, v3:132). 1. Born: circa 1600. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. Married: Anne d/o George Calvert, Knt., 1st Lord Baltimore, and his (1st) wife Anne Mynne. vol. A. Thomas Cornwaleys Likewise unto others hee made appeare due in Court, wch he had satisfyed, & the Court allowed 1355 l Tob: & cask soe the Court adiudged the Attorney of Mr Gerrard to assigne unto the sd Capt Vaughan as many of the Bills, & accompts, as should satisfy the Two aboue-named summes, unto him, wch were these following Viz Mr Cox's cheare acct 375 l Tob: & cask Jno Bennetts cleare debt, by Bill & acct 439 l. 17 Nov 1648 Oath of Fielty. vol. Wilts. Tho: hebden. Records place Mathias de Sousa in Maryland, in 1635, among the very first original settlers in the Colony. Apr 1650 These prsents doth testify that I Leonard Calvert Esqr doe Liber A. binde my self to deliver or cause to bee delivered vnto Joane Tompson for the vse of Thomas Butler deceased his Children two Cowe Calves of three monethes old some time in June next after the date hereof Witnes my hand this tenth of ffeb-feruary 1646. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. 30 Dec 1637 Warrant for John BUTLER of the Isle of Kent. NOTES: Early Butler records are being included because of later associations in Virginia between Butlers and BROOKE, POPE, BALDRIDGE, UNDERWOOD, WICKLIFFE, etc. 2. Died: Before 1638. Joane was the widow of Thomas BUTLER 1. B. Fothergill, Wills of Westmoreland County, Va., 1654-1800 (1925), p. 1. Married: Mary d/o vol. Died: Before 17 July 1637. Religious affiliation: Catholic. Issue: Unknown. in Engl: or holland & a new p of shoes & a new saile for his the plfs shallopp; owing vnto him from the deft for pilotage of the ship, & a months waiting of him & his man & shallopp one month after the arrivall of the ship in the port & wch he refuseth to pay vnto him to the damage of the plf to the value of 4130 l tob wth cask warn: to Cort to morrw morn: 9cl pill iudgmt. Twenty-six years later, Cecilius Calvert, the second Lord Baltimore, sent the ships Ark and Dove to establish the colony of Maryland at St. Mary's City, envisioning a society based on religious freedom. Most of these servants had been convicted of crimes in England and Ireland. MSA Land Patents Liber 4, folio 186; Liber 2, folio 528; Liber ABH, folio 27. 28 May 1644 henry Brooks demandeth of the estate of Leonard Calvert Esq 200 l of tob due from estate of Jo. of Robert Moryson of Kecoughtan, Va. v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al.). MSA Land Patents Liber 4, folio 623; Liber ABH, folio 244. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 37-38; Liber ABH, folio 65. MSA SC 2221-17-5. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 26. 1, p. 28. Indentured servitude is a form of labor where an individual is under contract to work without a salary to repay an indenture or loan within a certain timeframe. 2. MSA Land Patents Liber 4, folio 623; Liber ABH, folio 244. 1061. Sep 1642 1642. A Journey to Christmasville By the Holts and Berryhills. Join Combs &c. in Support of USGenNet an IRS-approved nonprofit web-hosting service . Then, a violent storm hit as the three ships were sailing together. Issue: Unknown. In Westmoreland in 1661, Christopher Butler requests money from the estate of Edward Thompson (administrator John Washington) stating he had cared for the ill wife of Edward Thompson until she died which would mean that Edward remarried after Joane died. Thomas Cornwaleys Religious affiliation: Catholic. 1. Died: Before 3 August 1642. of the Maryland Legislature Vol. UNDERWOOD is documented as the brother of Elizabeth UNDERWOOD Taylor Slaughter Catlett Butler by virtue of the latter's 1673 will in which she refers to his son, William UNDERWOOD, Sr. as my couzen [nephew] William UNDERWOOD the elder.. Issue: Yes. The passengers on the voyage, based on records of Leonard Calvert include the following. The key difference between slaves and indentured servants is that slaves worked throughout their lifetime, whereas indentured servants worked only for a selected period. 15 Apr 1643 Lt. Thomas BALDRIDGE of St. Michael's hundred. Provincial offices: Lower House, Kent (1650); Upper House (1650-1); Council (1648-1651); Justice, Provincial Court (1648-1651). Captain Robert Wintour, Esquire, Commander of the Ark (crew) Thomas Heath (passenger) Issue: Yes. And Lt Willm Lewis in open Court averred vpon oath, that Governor Calvert acknowledged hec had a Gunne of the pltes and promised to deliver the same againe to the plte at his returne from Kent being about 4 or 5 yeares since (as hee rememberes Vppon wch proofe before menconed It is ordered Liber A. that the Gunne pduced in Court bee delivered to the pltes Attorney for the pltes vse. Married: Alice d/o Issue: Yes. 2 Oct 1644 Thomas Bushell complaineth agst Henry Brooks boatwright, for not pforming a covenant wth the plf for making him a shallopp by midsomer day last, & wherof he hath received satisfaction for the greatest part of the price; & yet delayeth to build it to the damage of the plf to the value of 1000 l tob. MdHS, Calvert Papers MS 174.1 (15 October 1633) 30 Jun 1650 Names of people to come out of England and arrived in Maryland June 30 1650 at the cost and charge of Robert BROOKS Esqr Robert Brooks Mary his wife his children Baker Brooke, Thomas Brooke, Charles Brooke, Roger Brooke, Robert Brooke John Brooke, Wm Brooke, Francis Brooke, Mary Brooke, Anna Brooke, and list of man servants and maid servants including one Margaret WATTS and Agnes VEALE. Issue: Unknown. In all, there were 102 passengers on the Mayflower - 74 males and 28 females. Virtual Jamestown - Richard Frethorne - The Experiences of an Indentured Servant, 1623 2. Died: 1634 in Maryland. Captain John Hill, gentleman (passenger) No ship lists are extant but passenger lists have been developed from secondary sources: Ark and Dove Record, Passengers, Crew and Indentured Servants,, Mrs. G. W. Hodges, Register of Maryland's Heraldic Families, Series II, by Alice Norris Parran, 1938, and The Flowering of the Maryland Palatinate, self-published, Washington, D.C., 1968 by Harry Wright Newman. 2. Indentured servitude was an important form of labor utilized in British North America during the colonial and early national periods. Following are records for BROOKE, WICKLIFFE/WHITCLIFFE, BALDRIDGE, BROWN, WASHINGTON, COLE, BUTLER, and others who were prominent in both St. Marys and Westmoreland. E.C. Capt Robt Vaughan deliuered in uppon his oath an acct of the whole estate amounting to 13793 l Tob: & cask out of wch he proued due to himselfe by acct Bill, & Sallarig 4657 l Tob: & cask. He appears to have deceased by June 1643 (see following). 1. Indentured servants were persons obliged by contract to work for a stated number of years. Married: Dorothy d/o Robert Sherley, servant of Father Andrew White The Dove was a pinnace, or "tender" to the Ark. 1. WICKLIFFE in his list of transportees for his 1650 patent in Northumberland. Issue: Unknown. 4, p. 59. Born: circa 1612. RO 2667/1/25/26; 2667/1/22/1, John Bowlter, Purser of The Ark (crew) William Fitter, gentleman (passenger) Religious affiliation: Catholic. 3. Alexander BAYNHAM, who married Ann, was the son-in-law of Dorothy BALDRIDGE. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 19, 37-38, 166; Liber ABH, folio 65-66. MdHS, Calvert Papers, MS 174, no. J. Hawley et al., A Relation of Maryland (1635), p. 56. MSA Wills Liber 1, folio 9. Rowney produced by the deft made oath that the shipp sailed by St michaels point on Satturday, & the next morning she came on ground neare about James point on the Easterne shore; & then returnd back to St michaels point on Sonday night: And the Court found for the plf. In British North America during the colonial and early national periods, Town Records, 1659-1688, folio.... George Prideaux, Thomas Young, William Rhodes, William Rhodes, William Rhodes, William Chambers, Dawson... Lord Baltemores plantation in Mary-land ( 1634 ), p. 11 Hopwood, Middle Temple Records ( 1904 ) p.... Anne married Major John WASHINGTON ( ancestor of George WASHINGTON ), p..... John Carver family number of years Mr. WORLEY who also transported Giles BRENT St. Dunstan and Saints... On the Mayflower - 74 males and 28 females, 38 ; 2... Hca 14, Bundle 93, no Lord Arundell, of Wardour Castle,.! Wickliffe in his list of transportees for his 1650 patent in Northumberland WASHINGTON ( of. 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