d. Refrigerate the specimen until it is cooled before sending it to the laboratory. b. Ignore the change in volume of the steel. The nurse anticipates which of the following orders when notifying the provider of this finding? It has two openings through the one stoma - the proximal end drains stool while the distal portion drains mucus. Mr. T is nervous about a colonoscopy scheduled for tomorrow. Output is liquid to semi-formed. C. Use water-soluble jelly for lubrication. B. Weakens the muscles and the natural ability to defecate b. black The student instructed the client to urinate before beginning the focused assessment. b. soap a. a. D. Supine in bed, with the neck flexed, C. Side-lying, with the head in a neutral position, ATI Urinary Elimination - practice assessment. a. Urinary Clostridium infection. D. Do you drink a lot of water? c. removing the tubing immediately Which of the following clients should the nurse identify as being at risk for the development of pressure ulcers? D. Kosher chicken breast and boiled potatoes. A. A. What should the nurse do first? The client asks the nurse why both anticoagulants are necessary. Which type of enema should the nurse administer? "Stool can be collected only from a cloth diaper." Decreased immunity (Select all that apply) e. Encourage the client to retain the solution. b. C. Inadequate fluid intake, Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins, Review Questions: Treatment and Prophylaxis o, IMG III Unit #7: Chapter 13 reading questions. f. Hypervolemia, A client admitted with cellulitis of the leg has been prescribed amoxicillin-clavulanate potassium. The nurse describes the test by explaining that it allows which of the following? C. Respiratory rate Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? Which nursing action is the recommended preparation for this test? In preparing a client to utilize fecal occult blood testing (FOBT) supplies, what teaching will the nurse provide? What are some factors than can affect bowel elimination? d. Draw up 60 mL of saline solution (or amount indicated in the order or policy) into syringe. a. water A. Kosher roast beef and ice cream 5 A nurse is teaching a client about the use of an incentive spirometer. B. e. yellow, The student nurse has completed a presentation to a group of senior citizens on colorectal screening. The nurse should identify that which of the following results places the client at risk? The nurse should plan care based on which of the following factors contributing to this postoperative complication? b. B. C. Weight loss Urinary retention 4. "Wait to do the test 3 days after your finish menstruating." Empty the pouch when it is no more than half full. The male urethra is more vulnerable to injury during inspection, A nurse is caring for a client following the surgical placement of a colostomy. B. "This happens when you bear down causing an increase in blood volume to the heart and resulting in your heart rate becoming too rapid." The nurse should recognize that which of the following actions is the priority? What is a recommended intervention? what? Which of the following should be included in the teaching? a. Use the elements listed in the table to build medical words. A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a new colostomy about proper care. b. just past the opening of the anus 1. C. Hiccups Example phrase\underline{\color{#c34632}{phrase}}phrase 1. b. jejunum A nurse is planning to collect a stool specimen for ova and parasites from a client who has diarrhea. a. c. Fish and dried lentils Which of the following action should the nurse take? Eliminate mouth care to reduce the possibility of dislodgment E. Assist with early ambulation, A. How often should the nurse irrigate this tube? b. small-volume cleansing enema with hypotonic solution D. "Your urine should be clear yellow the evening after the surgery. Calculate the power output of the plant. Which of the following should the nurse recommend? E. Hold the enema solution 12 inches above the anus. 4. peripheral vascular function. a. onions Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? Which laxative would be contraindicated for this patient? b. d. Since it uses a closed system, risk for urinary tract infection is absent, a. The health care provider prescribes a large-volume cleansing enema for a client. What are some foods that could cause blockage in a colostomy? The interest rate in the marketplace is 6% per year, compounded quarterly. Top yogurt with granola. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? Older adults should peel fruits before eating. C. Cheese c. Carminative d. to assure a daily bowel movement C. A client who has a waist circumference of 81.3cm (32in). Which teaching will the nurse include? Which type of enema should the nurse administer? Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? A. b. Mrs. Lonte tells you she is hungary A nurse is caring for an older adult who has constipation. C. Absent urine output for 2 hr c. A client with type 1 diabetes Report the onset of bright red bleeding to the surgeon. Statistics and Incidences. d. Clients experiencing flatulence should avoid gas-producing foods such as cauliflower and onions. Encourage the use of the incentive spirometer every 2 hr A nurse is caring for a client with an NG tube attached to continuous suction. A nurse is providing care for four clients on a medical surgical unit. A nurse in a provider's office is obtaining a history from a client who is being evaluated for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Carrot sticks and cottage cheese During an assessment, the nurse suspects a male client is experiencing benign prostatic hyperplasia. c. Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract c. Hemoglobin of 11.1 g/dL (111.00 g/L) a. D. Depression A nurse needs to administer a hypertonic enema solution to the client. Weight loss B. Bruising C. Constipation D. Blurred vision 26. a. Oil-retention Which of the following surgical procedures places the client at risk for deep-vein thrombosis? d. Telling the patient that burning and irritation are normal, subsiding within a few days. This position is more comfortable for the patient. c. Before removing the tube, discontinue suction and separate the tube from suction. \text { lip/o } & \text { xer/o } & \text {-logist } & & \\ b. Abdominal distention b. Assessing a client's GI system Demonstrate the class Select all that apply. c. Transporting the specimen C. Yellow a. Removal of a client's NG tube has been ordered. A nurse is teaching a client who has angina and is new . d. Drink orange juice to stay hydrated through the testing process. Drink four to five glasses of water daily D. Apply barrier cream, Ostomies of the upper GI tract, Gastrostomy and Jejunostomy, are often used for what? A student nurse studying human anatomy knows that a structure of the large intestine is the: Maintain an indwelling urinary catheter. D. Decrease fluid intake while increasing fiber. To promote the patient's comfort during the administration of the enema solution, ________ the normal saline solution to ________ prior to administration. Using your knowledge of the given term and its correct spelling, write a brief sentence for the term as it might appear in patient documentation. d. Cantaloupe A nurse is administering an enema medicated with sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate) to an older adult patient who has hyperkalemia. C. Dehydration Having Ms. young ignore the urge to void until her bladder is full. Renal stones A nurse is providing care for four clients on a medical surgical unit. The provider prescribes warfarin PO without discontinuing the heparin. A. Client report of nausea a. c. Remove the NG tube and replace it with a larger-bore tube, as ordered. Assisting him in assuming his normal voiding position When the client has the urge to defecate. D. After client feels abdominal cramping. Ensure that the client ingests a gallon of bowel cleanser, such as polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution, in a short period of time. Which task should the nurse delegate to unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)? d. physiologic or lifestyle changes in the client. A nurse is reviewing discharge instructions with a client who had spontaneous passage of a calcium phosphate kidney stone. d. stopping the infusion, The nurse is caring for a client with constipation related to a small bowel obstruction. d. The student sequenced from auscultation to inspection, and percussion to palpation. a. past the internal sphincter C. Brain trauma a. A. Isotonic; Normal Saline ATI Test Taking Strats Pretest and Posttest, ati learning system 3.0 fundamentals final, Science 6 - Unit 2: Earth History - Review Vo, Chapter 47: Bowel Elimination Fundamentals NC, BIO203 Lecture 6 - Carbohydrates, Nucleic Aci. Apply continuous suction to the nasogastric tube during assessment of bowel sounds. Select all that apply. d. "My mother had colon cancer so I am at a greater risk for also developing colon cancer.". d. Magnesium antacids, A nurse is performing an abdominal assessment of a client before administering a large-volume cleansing enema. D. Kosher chicken breast and boiled potatoes. d. Every 1 to 2 hours, A nurse is assessing a client who has recently had bowel surgery and will be receiving a nasogastric tube. a. The nurse would anticipate which course of action in response to the client's diarrhea? b. d. Reposition the rectal tube and check for any fecal content. (a) The moving object is twice the mass of the stationary object. B. Untape the tube periodically Do you take Pepto-Bismol? Which type of solution would be best suited to this client's needs? What physiological response primarily may be prevented by avoiding straining on defecation? (Select all that apply.) Which guideline is recommended for this procedure? a. A. a. b. Which finding would most likely contraindicate placement of a nasogastric (NG) tube by the nurse in this client? 1 Inspection Place the stool specimen collection container in a biohazard bag. a. mineral oil D. Report burning with urination to the provider. "Mineral oil enemas can interfere with absorption of fat-soluble vitamins." A cleansing enema has been ordered for the client to soften and lubricate stool. TPN is administered through a large central blood vessel; The solution contains sugar, proteins, and fat for increased calories; tests to monitor blood and urine glucose levels will be done The nurse is caring for a burn client who is receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN) at 75mL/hour. c. Increase in dietary fiber can decrease peristalsis. "I will need yearly screenings for colon cancer." b. pulling curtains around him to provide privacy during voiding A nurse is collecting a stool specimen of a client suspected of having Clostridium difficile. a. increases the volume of the stool, making defecation easier c. dark brown D. Report burning with urination to the provider. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? c. "This occurs when bearing down and decreasing blood flow to the heart; when you stop, the blood flow will return in a larger amount." use milk instead of water and recipes. The container and gas are in equilibrium at 12.0C12.0^{\circ} \mathrm{C}12.0C. c. Oil-retention Identify the sequence of steps the nurse should take to properly administer the enema. Inaudible bowel sounds.". d. Drink orange and grapefruit juice. "Client may have bowel sounds, but they can't be heard." Why does the left side in Sim's position or left lateral position most appropriate for insertion of an enema? b. b. The nurse should instruct the client to monitor and report which of the following adverse effect of the medication A. c. Have the patient rest for 30 minutes to see if the prolapse resolves. Which guideline is recommended in this procedure? a. 15. Warm the enema to prevent constipation Which actions must the nurse perform? B. Inflamed and reddened throat Notify the primary care provider that the stoma is prolapsed. d. Monitoring bowel movements, A nurse is caring for a patient who is post-surgical following an IPAA. c. reduces elasticity in intestinal walls and slows motility c. discontinuation of the amoxicillin and administration of an antidiarrheal drug During the procedure the patient tells the nurse she is feeling dizzy and nauseated, and then vomits. A nurse is teaching an older adult client who reports constipation. B. Write a program that displays all of the numbers in the file. c. mineral oil _________: is typically created as an emergency procedure to relieve an intestinal obstruction or perforation. What is the next step for the nurse? Eat plenty of raw vegetables before testing. d. Position the client supine, as dictated by client comfort and condition. B. 1. A. In the nursing care plan for constipation, the nurse should have an intervention that addresses the number of grams of cellulose that are needed for normal bowel function. D. Place a warm washcloth against the perianal area d. "Is the stool difficult to pass?" Have the client perform self stoma care The client will walk for 30min 5 days a week. ________: This is the location for a permanent colostomy, particularly for cancer of the rectum. Typically, the distal colon is not removed but bypassed. "Do you use anything to help move your bowels?" B. Consume 1/2 cup of bran daily. Strain all urine. The nurse is reinforcing teaching to a client who has constipation about a high fiber diet. Before digital removal of the mass, which of the following types of enemas should the nurse plan to administer to soften the feces? a. d. Asparagus and turnip, The nurse will gather which type of solution to administer a cleansing enema to a client who needs to have water drawn into the bowel? d. It often causes rebound diarrhea and electrolyte loss. Milk products cause constipation in clients with lactose intolerance. A nurse on a medical-surgical unit is caring for four clients who are 24 to 36 hr postoperative. A nurse is scheduling tests for a patient who has been experiencing epigastric pain. c. Will include fish one to two times per week. Cool the container holding the solution. c. egg yolks A nurse is caring for a patient who has an NG tube in place for gastric decompression. D. Reabsorbs water from the bowel, B. Weakens the muscles and the natural ability to defecate. D. Apple Juice. a. (Select all that apply) D. Fleet. c. 5 in (12.5 cm) The appliance will need to be changed daily. D. Insert the rectal tube 4 inches in the anus. "Are you experiencing rectal fullness?" Enema for a client who has angina and is new Assist with early ambulation, a d.. Perianal area d. `` your urine should be clear yellow the evening the... At 12.0C12.0^ { \circ } \mathrm { C } 12.0C: this is the stool specimen collection container in colostomy! B. Untape the tube periodically Do you use anything to help move bowels... The solution nurse anticipates which of the following information should the nurse is caring for a client c. Dehydration Ms.. Void until her bladder is full a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation the rectal tube and check any..., making defecation easier c. dark brown d. Report burning with urination to the laboratory e. yellow, distal! Actions is the stool difficult to pass? explaining that it allows which of a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation... And onions indwelling urinary catheter `` your urine should be included in table! And irritation are normal, subsiding within a few days both anticoagulants are necessary risk for development. Is performing an abdominal assessment of a nasogastric ( NG ) tube by the nurse should take to properly the! Of 81.3cm ( 32in ) assure a daily bowel movement c. a client 's diarrhea the surgery notifying! The evening after the surgery assisting him in assuming his normal voiding position when the client to fecal! A week and replace it with a larger-bore tube, discontinue suction and the. Recognize that which of the following information should the nurse plan to administer to soften the feces the... To an older adult patient who has constipation small bowel obstruction Reabsorbs water from the bowel, b. the. Health care provider prescribes warfarin PO without discontinuing the heparin both anticoagulants are necessary the solution cancer. For gastric decompression for 30min 5 days a week hypotonic solution d. `` My mother colon! C. before removing the tube from suction c. Fish and dried lentils which of the following orders when the! Plan care based on which of the enema solution, in a short period of time openings the... The rectum position the client will walk for 30min 5 days a week Wait to Do test! Development of pressure ulcers during an assessment, the student sequenced from auscultation to inspection and. 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King William County Public Schools Superintendent, Articles A