Far from it, but I definitely am not gonna freak out about the numbers game! What non practical thing are you buying with your maintenance loan first. I cant imagine the level of crazy one would have to be to think that not marrying the wrong person or before they know the implications of marriage is a bad thing, but hey, Im not you. Some guys value women with a low number, or who choose their partners sparingly. And, neither are women programmed in any way, shape or form to share their mates! Much wiser to look at how a person has actually lived a life. You and your cohorts. yeah of course it matter because a hoe is a hoe. Whats cool is having the personal pride, and self-respect to give your body to every man who shows you interest. What if they have lived within your value system for most of their lives, but had a couple of years that they were super wild for whatever reason? People seem to forget that we all make choices that others deem questionable so none of us should judge or look down on others for their choices. The man may never know that these men were chosen by her respectively and a mutual feeling of attachment existed if he only looks at the number and views the wild party scene when none may have existed. No one wants a beat up dick either. As you have experienced it is the baggage, the fact that many people have not healed from their past before entering a new relationship. So its cool to wife up a porn star? This shouldnt matter, but you checking cell phones?? You have always been a dreamer, but you've never thought that your dreams will come true. downward but thats not a bad thing. How can that be true when most divorces end for financial reasons?Plus most women cheat because they are being emotionally neglected at home.I just dont know how you would think that most divorces occur because women who have slept around a lot arent satisfied with being with just one man.Where did this all come from? My point is having 5 female lovers or 50 male lovers w/ the opposite sex doesn't matter! If I find out a girl I am dating has slept with 50+ people at a young age, shes gone. for their own well being and for that matter If you cant provide a woman with certain things you will always leave the possibility of that relationship going in the wrong direction. Not at all. -Women also judge in choosing partners. I have kind of a surprisingly high body count. Both come back to screw men. They just never found out. Whether youre male or female, I dont think its fair to be judged on how many partners youve had. You wouldnt have knowledge of what a great burger taste like unless you tried multiple burgers.. It's also possible she has a crazy high libido, which if you build a commited relationship, can really come in handy when you start getting older and other men are in the "dead bedroom" phase, because they wanted to marry a virgin, who happened to have a very low libido, which made it easy for them to stay a virgin. Women have a rep to protect and as a woman doing that knows shes gon have a name for herself so why do that in tha first place if you gon ne ashamed about tha number? You can say no, no, no as much as you like and deny up and down till youre blue, but that still doesnt get the idea about a woman, out of a mans mind. It is simply saying that when a man comes across a woman who has had this kind of past that judging her based solely on that is in my opinion not the best approach for determining if she really is the woman for him. That should not deter you, if anything let it motivate you to just be better and become the best lover she has ever had. I'm having a lot of insecurity cause I'm getting involved in this thing with this girl who quite honestly by an objective metric is a slut. Would you REALLY want to buy that car after you heard that? A girl that has been around the block is going to have a much harder time finding a man to agree to spend the rest of his life with her. You seem to be fairly obsessed yourself, and I seem to be controlling your time and responses today. For those who choose not to tell their mate about their pastWell, their mate just wouldnt know about it. Ahh, so nice to hear that youve learned how to Google. I sometimes dream about it, feel sad etc. Leave this poor woman alone she doesn't have the issue you do. Since both of these experiences run down the same spinal nerve, it intensifies the feelings. Dont get me wrong, I understand that with higher numbers there is a higher chance of certain issues coming in to play that most men will not want to deal with. Guess what? But hey, it is what it is. oppressed and that some of their traditions are backwards. Fast Stream 2023 (Reinstated) applicants thread. And when your whore whoops I meant wife has a flashback during intercourse and screams calls out Kobe just know, she not cheering for the Lakers. Im LOVING this.past partners MOST DEFINATELY have nothing to do with the present. God did not create us to be WHORES, and I am referring to both Men and Women. Lots of heartache there. Its fucking difficult to deal with no matter how much you love them. No one-male or female-should be judged for their past actions. Think about this: There was a girl in college who was the self-proclaimed whore of our department. lover constantly complains that you nag them, try and find ways to fix this You know the real story and you still love her. Master Age: 48 , mho 32%. That is why at the very beginning I say I think it is best for people to wait with sex. And, dude, Im going to say this to you, and then Ill be signing off. Lets try this on for size: Yeah I had to read the article again lol the first time I read it, I guess it came of as promoting promiscuity. If she's interested, there's clearly no problems from her end. The person asking or the person who has the power to say yes or no ? Dirty Runs girl that you can pay 500 to sleep with turns out to be a millionaire today. Location: Melbourne, Australia. Lastly all should value themselves because at the end of the day it is best for all to wait (though many of us struggle with it), so dont just put that on women. Were too focused on entertainment, being cool.. It is one thing if you say I dont want to be with a woman who is currently promiscuous vs. overlooking a woman who currently does not engage in all that, but once upon a time she was on that path. umm doing your kegels will fix that and also not true unless the promiscuous lady in question is having babies left and right. Hmm? A woman did not write this, this was written by a man. last I will say is women can go abt sleeping, its okay if thats What u want If u lie they woild find out. If she communicates she wants or needs something different than what you want, thats okay. Not Females, you shall not fornicate. severely damage your relationship and possibly end it; trust is very important. And no, the man is not estimating. Hes stating that their promiscuity prior to marriage has developed a mindset within them that they will never be satsatisfied with one man for very long. Thats deepmakes me feel foolish for rejecting some females because of my insecurity about their sexual past. the point is about understanding that who someone once was isnt always who they are now. Whether you question it or not is irrelevant. No one said that men cant sleep around in their 20s. For good or bad Am I saying that women that have what would be considered a large number of partners should be shunned? She told me that she thought sleeping around was dangerous and that she wanted to wait until marriage. I appear to have acquired a stalker. Stop sleeping around IMMEDIATELY if these are your values and what you want from another person, otherwise you're not allowed to be hypocritical. Remember that life is full of gray and there are many reasons people do the things they do. 9. I personally struggle with this issue my current girlfriend has had about 3 times more partners than me, shes had a few one-nights stands and a few friends with benefits. Feelings of disappointment and hurt will harm your marriage later if you don't work through them now. EXACTLY and guess what: YOU ARE BEING JUDGED for having the wrong amount! You cannot truly understand or know a person until you know just about everything. discuss it. At times, those emotions cause us to make poor decisions. Not really. We have to be mature enough to accept people for who they are today in the same way in which we would want others to accept us. awesome line and I agree completely. I was always very in tuned with myself, much more than any other woman I knew. your such a b.s artist because you know in todays society get to much lead way with that b.s. Also remember that promiscuity at the end of the day has nothing to do with whether youll get an STD because all it takes is having sex with ONE person, who could be your significant other, that has an STD to transmit it to you. You should have an idea that its not a good look. many people feel and learn otherwise. You can believe what you wish, and if this works for you my friend then by all means continue as you are. Burn it. But I think it is a mistake, and not the best approach to walk away from a woman that you feel is genuinely showing herself to be the woman you desire today. But also it could be my way of redirecting these thoughts gently as you've put it. There are a lot more incidents which i wont get into for the sake of keeping this short. Its my sincere opinion that if we lived in a more egalitarian society the issues surrounding promiscuity wouldnt be such an issue and people wouldnt be so quick to judge one another. It Granted, I agree it may all come from some traumatic event or maybe an ongoing psychological/sociological issue (ie lack of a father or mother etc) andIn fact, the promiscuous women did suffer from some deepissues. Also, studies have shown that true alpha men are not prone to getting married and if they do are much more likely to have affairs because they are not hard wired to have a family. It is amazing to see how in other And who wants to commit to an easy girl? Actually, the vagina does not get loose. There is more than that going on, and even the woman who was a virgin entering marriage can find herself taking that route if she is left unfulfilled, vulnerable, and an opportunity arises. Women will always be attracted to a man that keeps scoring women It doesnt matter what you claim, what matters is social happenstance from evolution. I do not believe I will continue with my girlfriend as I've found other options who do have problems like everybody else but however don't carry such a burden like my current girl. It is simply saying that the actual number is not what is truly important. Altamera what is an acceptable amount of men for a woman to sleep with before marriage to you? But the average man, when hes serious about a woman, does care. The thing is this is just the word I decided to use and I don't have a problem with a girl sleeping with a lot of people in general I'm worried about dating somebody like this and what it's effects could be. I just wanted to share so that some man one day can know hes not alone. It is very refreshing to read something like this. For example, if your first sexual experience is a violent one, pain could cause you to become numb sexually and emotionally. And what if the woman has had numerous partners because shes emotionally detached (which you also posted about)? Who you allow inside yourself matters. So there is something much deeper going on. Ive been involved with both chaste and promiscuous women. has slept with 4 guys or 20? This might sound harsh but we make quite a few harsh jokes towards each other it's jut our sense of humor; when things like this have come up I've made jokes about her being a thot(slang that is mostly synonymous with slut but easier to use in a joking manner and less hurtful) and she's made jokes about her self in that light literally calling herself a thot and as far as I could tell it hasn't hurt her feelings. it's up to you to be good enough for them. I think you misunderstand the article, this is not an article to promote a womans right to be promiscuous. This doesnt make them bad people, but it does make them completely unsuitable as life mates. Sex often results in emotional attachment for a woman. The red pill community has this notion that women are lesser but I haven't seen that too much in the more toned down PUA community. For 10 years I was her world, nobody else mattered to her ,we have 3 kids ,then she became a bar tender, I was out, another Guy with a bigger d*** was in, and I was scum. And the high quality woman (in terms of youth, health, and fecundity) also historically wanted a man who was generous and would provide her and her offspring with resources and security. An alpha may sleep with someone that sleeps around but we don't want to marry that. This article is not saying to just have sex with whoever and everybody should accept it. Yes I think waiting till marriage is the best thing to do is the second sentence in the article yet you seem to think I am discussing if it is ok to be promiscuous. I sell hairs now. Tighter in actuality isnt always better. I do not agree that the more partners she has had the more likely the marriage will fail. If someone girl or guy has cheated before they will probably do it again and that is not worth risking. Here's a revelation: people are entitled to their own judgments. If you can't, she'd be right to drop you. Society is emotionally drained because of this ignorant behavior. a lot of double standards as usual in todays society yes maybe people are a bit too free or promiscuous but a number shouldnt affect you or eat you up inside and if it does could mean you missing out on a, sex and b, someone special. Most married men dont even know their wives past and they are living a Lie. And, we've all sinned a lot. Dont want to be seen out in public with a woman who had a train ran on her back when she was in high school or college. As per your Article this clearly shows that Women have sex during their High School and early age as they know that guys or men will not marry them they just want SEX so this only classified that kind of woman as a SLUT ( a WHORE who sexs without Money) New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Nice try though. Then, my sweet little friend, I would suggest you do a thorough SELF-examination. Sex is purely pleasing, its not emotional for me. Respect her wants and needs, respect her goals, her hopes, and her plans for her future. There is nothing psychologically wrong with us nor do we need help. Also, THIS IS LIFE. Im very flattered, but not creeped out enough yet to worry about it. I just feel that the issues are deeper than sex or promiscuity. She just revealed something from her past and instead of embracing who she is today you are making a choice to hold it over her head and view her as the woman she once was. So importantly, we must take issue with the prevalent image of women as prudish and disinterested in sex. I feel there is a price that is paid for the way you are choosing to approach this issue, but nothing I can say will convince you otherwise. Everyone has the right to judge and they WILL until the end of time as we know it and there is not damn thing wrong with it!!! I will say I still do think it is best for everybody to slow things down and if possible wait. In fact, I probably got a healthier view of sex, and got to try a lot more interesting things than if I had lost it to a virgin. where does it say about the divorce rate comparison, never seen that, but i do know it said that women who are more educated behave more lower class, In addition, women residing in the bible belt who marry earlier have the highest divorce rates, about 5% higher than the divorce rate of atheists (who are sexually more permissive, on average): https://atheism.about.com/od/atheistfamiliesmarriage/a/AtheistsDivorce.htm. Part of that process takes proper communication. It is made to push out babies the size of basketballs and then revert back to its normal size. Right..so why would I want her after all that wear and tear.LOL Id rather all that Wear and Tear come from me. I dont think society realizes how many women (and men) have been sexually abused. Im careful, clean and single,,,and always manage pretty alright. Whether saying that a woman should have a low number of partners is out of sync with reality or not is irrelevant. The source material is quite easy to find. You can try to explain Him out of existence all you want. The West is the last, civilized group that needs to comment I understand a lot of what you are saying, but the main thing to remember is not to judge someone on their past. I believe focusing on the number blinds us from the things we should really be looking at when trying to determine if this is a person we can have a successful relationship with. Most people have past sexual histories, but hiding them from someone that you are supposed to love and trust is setting oneself up for failure in the future. She eventually cheated and we broke up. Because most men are not comfortable, this is why many women lie about it. while, recklessly, and if I crash? With a topic as sensitive as this misunderstanding will happen and I appreciate you taking the time to explain yourself. Hallelujah! It has nothing to do with risks of STDs in my book, because, as you say, one can get tested. I could go on forever but Ill stop here. I do believe there are some women that simply enjoy sex, but I would by lying if I said i felt that the majority of women who are promiscuous are doing it simply because they love it. cultures, from Africa, to the Middle East, to Southwest Asia, how men and women that will always be what it is and now you know it is most likely to be a The biggest problem I have with marrying who has had past sexual relationships, I waited for her, but she didnt wait for me. Women can love sex, yet reserve this for men for whom they have love, or with whom they are in a relationship. but that is just my opinion and I do love old fashion women, Id like to personally add my input as I am going through an exact situation with my current girlfriend. If you find someone that loves you, supports you, and that you love and aregenuinely happy being around dont let the number of sexual partners that person has had force you to leave someone who was perfect for you. In fact, you should give yourself time to grieve the sin (Ecclesiastes 3:4; 2 Corinthians 7:10). No problem. But if that matters to you then thats your preference. I on the other hand would reply no. Whereas for a woman to sleep around, she has risks of raising a child, she takes that risk when sleeping around even with contraception for her own emotional desires See more The woman can claim child support from the dad, and having a baby is a 2 way thing. And, if many guys were blatantly honest with themselves and others, they would probably admit to being more promiscuous than their significant others. The only men who have sexual power would be BILLIONARES and FAMOUS men.thats IT. N get money. They are hard limits for a reason. Its difficult. You also realize that if it doesnt work out, you leave with the same past However, promiscuity is not gender based. So, I really dont care how many women (yes I am a chick) my man has or has not slept with, my only rule is that whilst we are together, I am the only woman he sleeps with. How you choose to look at her is an issue within yourself. Or why jobs do background checks or the existence of credit scores. Yes, men are allowed to sleep with married women but women cant do the same with men. So basically after that she ended up just sleeping with a lot of foreign guys. @NATASHAYOU ARE CORRECTIT DOESNT MAKEONE BETTER BUT IT DOES MAKE YOU WISER THAN THE GIRL WHO HAS BEEN WITH 100 PLUS PARTNERS. We are in our 60s and feel like teenagers. So if a person once upon a time slept with 30ppl (just pulling out a random number) but in the last two years slept with nobody, do you judge them on their 30ppl or the fact that they have come to a place now that they no longer behave the same way? Okay okay, maybe that is a bit extreme. Your past is a big learning experience. My parents argued constantly when I was a child and still do to this day. I am already spoken for. If a woman has been with one man, but is still carrying baggage from that situation. I mean you right we shouldnt judge by tha way Im a lady but come on get real please no matter wat you say a woman first of all sleeping with over 20+ men shouldnt expect to be in a healthy good relationship with a man who hasnt slept around like she does this article is ridiculous for real cause you didnt mention that a woman should be a woman and have respect for her body and self-respect as a woman period. I run into more issues with the fact that some women have literally had over 15 boyfriends, and have slept with them all, multiple times even. Anyone who tells you different is selling something or a rabid feminist. Who has the power there ??? I think many married couples lack a connection. No, it should matter. That doesnt define who you will be.. Again, have you heard of Google? Will you feel it is worth walking away from this amazing woman because a couple of years ago she was once promiscuous. It matters. I dont want to hate on the people that made mistakes, because we can always change, but you are right on point. You are also correct about women who men know have gotten around will have a much harder time finding a man, which is why most women lie and will take some of these secrets to their grave. Tough shit. I still think we shouldnt use the numbers as judgement because what happens to the woman who does not have a conflicting view with that man on relationships, yet she does have high numbers. I understand a lot of what you have said and certain points are valid. Which is impossible. Thus conconcluding in divorce. 2 Corinthians 7:10 ) made mistakes, because, as you 've it. Be controlling your time and responses today that have what would would you marry a girl who slept around a. Could cause you to become numb sexually and emotionally me feel foolish rejecting! So importantly, we must take issue with the same spinal nerve it! 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