However, historian Donald Engel believes that the Vox acted as a death warrant for the cat. We know there was a massive reduction in cat populations at the time because of this, so its plausible to make the connection. BUT HUMANS , NOT SO. The reforms were based on the suggestions of the Italian scientist Luigi Lilio, with some modifications by the Jesuit mathematician and astronomer Christopher Clavius. At length, when the novice has come forward, [he] is met by a man of wondrous pallor who has black eyes and is so emaciated [and] thin that since his flesh has been wasted, seems to have remaining only skin drawn over bone. Retrieved from, PetMD. Afterwards, they sit down to a meal and when they have arisen from it, the certain statue, which is usual in a set of this kind, a black cat descends backwards, with its tail erect. By rough estimates, as many as 200 million people died. While there is no evidence that cats in medieval England were persecuted, their mousing skills were likened to the devils ability to catch souls, with the fifteenth-century merchant William Caxton remarking how the devil playeth ofte with the synnar, lyke as the catte doth with the mous. Some historians believe that the persecutions across Europe so depleted cat numbers that mouse- and rat-catching by cats diminished- one of the reasons why the Bubonic Plague took such a deadly hold in Europe during the fourteenth century. For example, ever heard of Oxford University? The few versions of this story that bother to give anything like some substantiation claim that cats were declared servants of evil by Pope Gregory IX in 1232 or even that he declared that they should all be killed. For years there was a debate if the Black Death and the Bubonic Plague were the same, adding speculation to the rat spreading theory. 1999. My mum always said the best way to get rid of a flea infestation was to let a cat walk through your house. Cat burning became a favorite medieval pastime in France, where cats were suspended over fires in cages or doused and set alight- even chased on fire through the streets by cat chasers. Terriers were also used for that purpose, in fact they were bred specifically for it. On a personal level, my parents taught me the value of travel when I was young, and since then,Ive been an avid traveler I have visited 20 countries. (2007, September 1). There are two types of people in this world: cat people, and not cat people. My guess is this had something to do with ancient cat worship in places like Egypt, which made its clams by farming the fertile land around the Nile.1. Wikimedia Commons. Ugolino assumes the mantle of the pope immediately in the papal election of 1227 after the death of Pope Honorius III (Conrad of Urach was chosen initially, but declined). Remember: Egyptians were known for being cat lovers, and Asia is where cats originally came from. Before you accuse me of clickbait, hear me out. Like most diseases, were hard pressed to find thebad guy. Nevertheless, all those glimmering achievements fall short of his most famous rumor that he absolutely hates cats. And anyone who tries to understand them as the devil incarnate or as a female marker hasnt spent enough time enjoying a cat walking all over them, kneading them or running from cucumbers. On June 13, 1233, he issued a papal decree, Vox in Rama, based on bogus evidence provided by a Spanish Inquisitor. Gregory IX. Encyclopedia of World Biography, In a papal bull of 1233 he denounced the black cat as diabolical. Then, there is the fact that cats just arent good ratters-, which is why dogs; especially terriers are employed to catch rodents. While I dont have any cats my allergist says owning a cat for me is worse for my lungs than chain smoking Ive long revered cats. But myths often transcend evidence, dont they? Want more crazy cat facts? The Bull arose in response to rumors of satanic cults in Germany by the areas grand inquisitor, Conrad of Marburg. (As a side note, the festival continues in modern Belgium but nowKattenstoethonors felines with a parade that features cute effigies of cats, but I digress. Before the prospect of burning at the stake for having contact with the purring pets, Catholics around the the continent began slaughtering any feline that entered their property. . They were shunned, persecuted and often killed by people who feared that they . The proverbial compendium of collective human knowledge at that point was certainly shorter and harder to access than it is now, but people back then still used their brains. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Museum Hack leads small group, VIP museum tours that are fun, fast-paced and surprisingly cool. Dogs are sweet but they dont really have that self respect that cats do. He also became the first Pope to appoint inquisitors to actively root out such heretics. On June 13, 1233, Gregory issued the Vox in Rama, an official papal decree declaring that Satan was half-cat and sometimes took the form of a cat during Satanic masses. No cats appear the police cruisers, but I can almost imagine a cat sitting alongside the witches on their broomsticks. But today, the association between cats and Halloween persist, perhaps ironically because spurious associations between cats and Satan worshiping that the Catholic Church pushed, some 800 years ago. As I learned at the Profs and Pints event, cats persist as a marker of femininity in the media and our language of pop culture. Though Ive learned important lessons from each of my trips, my trip to Chile the string bean-shaped country was my favorite. Also, in 1182, to aid the churchs vendetta against the Cathars, the French theologian Alain de Lille falsely claimed that the sect took its name from the cat instead of the real source, the Greek katharoi or pious ones. Even for modern times, that is not a young age to take on the papal role. Did Pope Gregory's comfort with the law cause him to overstep his station as the pope? A 'bulla' is the seal on the papal bull. In the 13th century, Pope Gregory IX, pope from 1227-1241, believed that cats actually carried the spirit of Satan himself within them. You cant even accept that cats may have offered some protection from the plague. Medieval people were indeed superstitious (but so are modern people), and cats are great but, lets face ittheyre assh*les. Cat burning and other forms of cat hating have survived the centuries since. In the meantime, accusations of witchcraft began to spread amongst the ordinary people, as a way of settling grudges or seizing property and cats began to be used as proof of satanic association. He informed the Pope of his findings. The mass killing of those docile beautiful creatures is despicable. The final point though is that contemporary accounts and the examination of modern doctors and historians of the evidence from them has shown bacteria that caused the Black Death can take the form of a lung infection called pneumonic plague, which was spread easily between humans. As one might have predicted, thereafter, mass slaughters of cats blanked Europe. So a thing about the inquisition was that they would torture people to get confessions and such because that's a good way to make people say what you want to hear. why did pope gregory think that cats were evil? (Accessed June 1, 2018). Meanwhile, they need that meat on the regular and know how to get it, so theyre great at killing and eating vermin. Because the powers that be dictated that the cat composed one of the main identifiers of a witch, the Church officially excommunicated the entire species. Elsewhere in Europe, the legacy of cat killings passed into folk practices. All this was about to change. And thats because its body is invested with the spirit of the Morning Star himself. Henry was acquitted when he appealed to the bishop of Mainz and later that year Marburg himself was mysteriously murdered- probably at Henrys behest. Thus, purported heretics, such as the Cathars and Waldensians, were accused of worshipping cats, according While the fact is pretty obscure on whether the papal bull is directly influenced by Konrad, he is known as a zeal that is set on to burn every last heretic. (Accessed June 1, 2018). In any case, the various popes saw nothing wrong with burning heretics alive, so they already had a savage reputation. Pope Gregory IX became pope of the Catholic Church in 1227 and he wanted to kill cats. After all, the devil was already at work through heretics. Thanks for publishing! Its disgusting the way people treat and exploit these great animals. STOP W/ THE BABIES ALREADY. In 2019, Profs and Pints, an organization that was founded to democratize higher learning, hosted an event that was designed to demystify the magical, spiritual and even sexualdepictions of catsin media and society. To think that all this fuss is over cats. (2017, February 6). There are two things we need to shed light on; whether Gregory IX endorse the newly-coined cathunt and whether the cathunt directly correlates with the black plague that happens 100 years after. To learn more about me and my digital travels, visit myTwitterpage. THE HUMAN OVER-POPULATION IS CAUSING ANIMAL SPECIES TO GO EXTINCT. In the meantime, accusations of witchcraft began to spread amongst the ordinary people, as a way of settling grudges or seizing property and cats began to be used as proof of satanic association. While I cannot say for certain that things didnt happen this way, there appear to be holes. Your writing is comical! *Coupons: Check out our coupons for stores like Checks Unlimited and CheapOair! Henry was acquitted when he appealed to the bishop of Mainz and later that year Marburg himself was mysteriously murdered- probably at Henrys behest. Wikimedia Commons. In other words, the Europeans were murdering their best ally in the war against the pandemic. It mentioned Pope Gregorys hate on for cats. Based on these confessions, in 1233 Pope Gregory IX issued an official papal decree declaring that Satan was half-cat and sometimes took the form of cat. Others posit that the smaller geoglyphs were used as location markers for travelers. All That's Interesting is a Brooklyn-based digital publisher that seeks out stories that illuminate the past, present, and future. I thank you for your service to this great multiverse. After Pope Gregory IX associated cats with devil worship, cats throughout Europe were exterminated in droves. They fly in the face of the Christian idea of God putting the natural world and its creatures here for humanitys benefit. They both carry fleas, only the mice never jump in my lap and bunt their head-glands all over my jeans. By 1198 under the reign of his cousin, Pope Innocent III, Ugolino was named the cardinal deacon of St. Eustachius and quickly rose as one of the most prominent cardinals. While the papal bull was sent to several rulers such as Emperor Frederick II and King Henry of Germany, the central prominent figure that assumes that task very seriously is one Konrad von Marburg. Your email address will not be published. (To be fair, the cat is only one of more than 300 figures the Nazca created almost half which have been discovered in the last five years). Missionary Activity under Pope Gregory the Great. So, rather than being a document banning cats from Europe, it was a letter sent to a city warning them about a cult. Ive written before about whycats are strange including the reasons cats like to walk all over you, knead you and are afraid of cucumbers. Lastly, a bit of science about the plague: the disease is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis and is initially transmitted by fleas, which pass it to their hosts. The Black Death or Black Plague was the original zombie apocalypse. It wasn't until Pope Gregory IX came to power in the 1200s that black cats became a symbol of bad luck. (dogma defined as the established belief or doctrine held by a religion, ideology, or any kind of organization: it is authoritative and not to be disputed, doubted, or diverged from). People banged drums and kept the sparrow in the air not permitting them to land until they died of exhaustion! Some historians have forgiven the rats. But some of their adversaries do. The Black Death came in 1347. Homeless Cats Recruited to Fight Rising Tide of Rats, Erika Engelhaupt National Geographical, September 29, 2017. Honestly, I feel like even thinking that the cathunt resulted or directly influence the black plague is a bit of a stretch. Purina, the multinational firm known for making cat chow, notes that, Egyptians have had a long love affair with cats. Gregorys response was to issue the Vox in Rama. Here are our sources? Yes I agree with you on this as we can never judge history in modern times In the decree, he declared that Satan is half cat and claimed that there were . In the Middle Ages, devil-fearing Christians killed cats, which carried the unintended consequence of increasing the rat population and the spread of the Black Death. However, amongst the warped fantasies were some bare facts from past beliefs which lent themselves to the dark image of witchcraft the church was attempting to conjure. A witch riding a broomstick with a black cat. At first glance, these rites, with their orgies and obscenities seem to be deliberately far-fetched. People in medieval Ypres, Belgium, had a festival called Kattenstoet where theyd throw cats from the belfry tower to symbolize the killing of evil spirits. Public Domain. The flea that bit humans was specific to the black rat anyway. But it starts to fall apart once you roll it around in the ol brainpan. No one can say for sure how many cats were killed because of the association made between them and witchcraft by the Vox in Rama. Not only were they a source of companionship they were also a status symbol and source of worship., Egyptians have had a long love affair with cats. Retrieved from, Georgievska, Marija. I was among the attendees of this event, and can attest that it was a doozy. Which brings us back to Pope Innocent VIIIs 1484 declaration that the cat was the devils favourite animal and idol of all witches., The cat was the devils favourite animal and idol of all witches. Pope Innocent VIII. As a noble hailing from the prestigious noble family of Conti di Segni, Ugolino is still related to other popes such as Innocent III, Alexander IV, and Innocent XIII. Both, however, rendered the Catholic Church redundant. as a dvm (research quickly with phd, now DO, but still love animals) I agree about cat fanatics but this loser has all wrong about the need for cats to kill the Y Pestis flea vector rats; also, that species of flea does not infest on cats or dogs- their anticoagulant is perfect match for RATTUS NORweigica, and humans; not even mice suit them; his map of plague is laughingly inaccurate. To start, lets look at what Pope Gregory IX actually said about cats in his bull (special formatting is my own): However, it was also a piece of papal legislation that was notable in another way, for the Vox was the first papal bull to associate the cat with witchcraft. They definitely dont stop fleas. And neither of these areas were parts of the Holy Roman Empire and thus subject to anything Pope Gregory IX might have said (but didnt) about a no-cats policy. Great read! In my home, I use cat statuettes as bookends, and have various other representations of these felines throughout my home. Learn how cats first spread around the world. But, despite all the people who make their livings as cat psychologists, cats will just be cats. If these furry creatures association with fictitious international criminals isnt enough, cats also have been linked to witchcraft: In the Middle Ages, women who owned black cats came under suspicion as did the cats, who were assumed to bewitches in disguise and were burned at the stake. It wouldnt be the first time Catholicism has decided an animal once worshipped by pagans needed to be rebranded as Satanic (see: goats). Thanks, Even today, the police department of Salem, Massachusetts, where witch trials executed 20 women for witchcraft, uses the image of a witch on a broomstick on theirpolice cruisers. I live in a city, so I have plenty of experience with both cats and mice. Scientists back in the 19th century found out that the real transmission is through touch, and the most common carrier of the disease is the natural enemy to the previously butchered feline friend the rats. On January 23, 1229, he sent messages to Riga, Lubeck, Sweden, to Gotland with an appeal to begin . He is mostly known for issuing the Decretales and starting the Papal Inquisition. For one, rate outnumber cats by a huge margin, like everywhere, and always have. HUMAN OVER-POPULATION ISNT PRETTY, IT IS THE CAUSE BEHIND CHRONIC WARS. Some believed that the disappearance of those cats helped rats spread the bubonic plague aka the Black Death that killed millions of people in the 1300s. For he had inherited the problem of heresies which were blossoming across thirteenth century Christian Europe and challenging the 'universal' church. A LION; I will wager $500 we can debate this and I will win with 100 literate judges NOT taught as toddlers the pope or priest can send them TO HELL. He therefore gave his official blessing to the widespread persecution of cats across Europe. They catch cockroaches, snakes, and scorpions too. The Decretals reorganized the whole library of Catholic laws. Information junkie with high probability of being a real-life Ted Mosby. Welcome to, home of Revolutionary Artist & Warrior-Poet, Chairman Meow. He has a brother named Adenulphus who later on in life served as the rector of Anagni, while Ugolino himself was educated in Paris and per known tradition, Bologna. One can love animals, the Catechism says. The Churchs feline foibles didnt stop with Gregory, however. Reply . Pope Gregory IV (Latin: Gregorius IV; died 25 January 844) was the bishop of Rome and ruler of the Papal States from October 827 to his death. Pope Gregory IX was a pretty good pope by medieval standards. The black plague ravaged countless European cities around a century after the demise of Pope Gregory IX. This description created an image that was to be used for all future depictions of witches sabbats- and one that established the cat as a creature of the devil. Public Domain. Cats breed quickly, know how to survive on their own, and are hard to catch. As a strategic communicator, I juggle many balls but Im a writer first. Interesly, June 7, 2016, The spooky history of how cats bewitched us, Abigail Tucker, The Washington Post, October 31, 2016, The History of the cat in the Middle Ages (Part 2): The Black cat as the devil in Christian sects, L A Vocelle, The Great Cat: The Cat in History, Art, and Literature. Following years brought the great plaque of insects! Poor cats though. The Black Death in Egypt and England: A Comparative Study. "The whole story is one of those pseudo historical urban myths that keeps getting repeated despite the fact it's complete nonsense. Since that time, black cats have symbolized bad luck, or a curse, to people not only in Europe but throughout the world. Finally, even if cat numbers were vastly reduced, they were not wiped out. But in the final analysis cats just arent dogs. Either way, his account cant be true. So theres a lot of weak info out there about the backwards things that Medieval people were wont to do. That is the well-accepted history, but is it really true? Furthermore, several more black plagues would hit the world in the 18th century or so, and it's unlikely that the cat population still suffers the cathunt after hundred of years. Retrieved from, Encyclopaedia Britannica. The mass murder of cats was not the only cause of the Black Plague, but it removed a crucial natural predator of the flea-carrying rats that spread the disease. Gregory was a reluctant pontiff- and not just because of his age. Gregory's missionary zeal among the Franks and the Anglo-Saxons in England was the first step in a process that would culminate with Charlemagne's coronation in Rome on Christmas Day in AD 800.. At the same time Benedictine monks led by Augustine were sent to Kent to convert the pagan King Ethelbert and his people, other missionaries from . With this thought in mind, I spent two years at CIA, where I was a supervisor in the Public Communications Branch at the Office of Public Affairs. In fact, most people who believe the Europeans wiped out cats which caused the Black Death bull crap, is that cats werent the only animals used for catching rats. One should not direct them the affection due only to persons.. The PBS documentary pointed out that cats dont have the musculature in their faces to reproduce human-like facial expressions the way dogs do, which is probably the main reason people think they are aloof and why they think dogs are so much more companionable (cause we love things that are more like us). Hera are six really weird pets that you could actually own. As one might have predicted, thereafter, mass slaughters of cats blanked Europe. This cruel practice continued until 1817 although the Kattenstoet continues to this day- involving stuffed cats instead. The fleas just love cat blood so much more than ours. The most you can say about cats from this papal bull is that they are perhaps among the icons worshipped by a Satanic cult. no; mice? some particularly superstitious believers seized on the idea that the black cats were servants of Satan. Those arrested by Conrad, therefore, had only two options: admit to heresy and spend the rest of their lives as a known former heretic or burn. April 1st was originally celebrated as the New Year day, until in 1582 Pope . Cat burning and other forms of cat hating have survived the centuries since. Its true that paper cutouts of these furry creatures make nice imagery at Halloween parties. It was one of the most deadly pandemics in history. Firstly, they are greeted by an abnormally large frog or toad, whose behind they must kiss and then a man of fearful pallor and thinness whose task was to suck out every last remnant of faith in the Catholic Church from their soul. Such heresies could not be left unchecked to spread around the population and thus undermine the Churchs authority. Pope Gregory IX did not say cats are evil, and did not order people to kill cats. Costs of living dropped. Buy Long Live the Kitty! Conrads methods, however, yielded results and in 1231, the Archbishops of Trier and Mainz wrote to the Pope, full of praise for their heretic catcher. Pope Gregory IX (Source: Long Live Chairman Meow Propaganda Poster, This Is Fine Meme: Dog Drinks Coffee In Burning House. Denmarks Fastelavn held at the start of lent was based on the premise that for spring to begin, evil had to be banished. Is the Vox in Rama authentic? Enter the ancestors of Garfield the Cat. What effects did it have? This info on Pope Gregory the ASSWHOLE is just another scandal caused by a Pope. Dog lovers, please get over it. This seems to add up for the modern reader. Another belief is that the plague wasairborne. Cats are awesome rodent hunters. I soon realized thatpublic affairs combined the best of both worlds of journalism and television talk shows I get to learn interesting and unusual things about people who worked with me, I then get to tell their story. After years of consultation and research, Pope Gregory XIII signed a papal bull in February 1582 promulgating the reformed calendar that came to be known as the Gregorian calendar. Wierd Tales, Vol 36. While there is no evidence that cats in medieval England were persecuted, their mousing skills were likened to the devils ability to catch souls, with the fifteenth-century merchant William Caxton remarking how the devil playeth ofte with the synnar, lyke as the catte doth with the mous. Some historians believe that the persecutions across Europe so depleted cat numbers that mouse- and rat-catching by cats diminished- one of the reasons why the Bubonic Plague took such a deadly hold in Europe during the fourteenth century. There is little real evidence for this. For example, 79 medieval cats were mysteriously slain in Cambridge, England, by the townsfolk in the 13th century. Fewer cats, more rats, more fleas, and more plague. Although he did not approve the use of torture in the interrogation of suspects, Gregory did pass the law that sent unrepentant heretics to the fire and in some cases repentant heretics to prison for life. Thank you for your cooperation.You can sign-up to the Membership any time to remove the adds and enjoy the content with no interruptions, 2 popes and a plague are to blame for burning felines at the stake. If you survived, you lost many people you loved. The pandemic livings as cat psychologists, cats will just be cats that purpose, in fact were! Did not order people to kill cats, according plenty of with! Geoglyphs were used as location markers for travelers accuse me of clickbait, hear me out on 23. 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