video series Legal Briefs, you can further empower yourself with uncensored facts about the truth of COVID while also being able to share each video. Attachment "The people that are dying are. Andrea: Im trying to think along the positive line of WHEN it goes to trial! to better explain elements of these events and offer science-backed solutions. ", Jeanine: Why isnt there federal money for these people to move?Dana: There should be but Governor DeWine has to ask FEMA to come in and he hasnt done it yet We send positive energy to all who are taking on this very important situation re constitional rights. Ohio Stands Up! is a grassroots organization composed of Ohio citizens who are focused on restoring the rights of Ohios 11.69 million residents and educating the public about the realities of COVID-19 data. Renz has been paid by Americas Frontline Doctors at a fair rate for nonprofit legal advice, a spokesman for the group said in an email, adding that they contacted him after noticing his earlier work related to issues tied to the coronavirus response. Or better yet indicted for either manslaughter of second degree murder. taking them to court is as good as nothing, even worse, as the courts only render and enforce an outcome to its liking. In the 1890s, Hanna led the conservative wing of the party against Theodore Roosevelt 's progressive movement. is a 501(c)(4) community-based legal advocacy organization comprised of God-fearing, patriotic volunteers from across Ohio. If this case goes to trial, the door will open to the presentation of fact and science. Between April and May of 2020, Jen and I contacted two lawyers, one in Columbus and another in Lake County, hoping to procure legal representation for Ohioans. Once they roll out 5G at ultra high frequencies, they will have real data to justify their emergency actions. This group did a tremendous job raising funds for their lawsuit! A new episode will be added every Monday. is proud to stand up and stand with, parents, students, and employees who are taking a stand against unprecedented discriminatory policies and, coercive tactics being employed by university administrations. After leaving the credit union, Renz worked briefly at ACT for America, a Washington nonprofit that says it aims to preserve Americas culture, in part by stopping a radical Islamic cultural invasion, according to its website. fundraising campaign on Give Send Go and humbly request that any donations to Ohio Stands Up! at Declining to publicly identify the purported whistleblower out of fear for her safety, Renz filed affidavits featuring her allegations in support of his lawsuits in Alabama and Michigan. Renzs brother, one of eight plaintiffs in the lawsuit, said in a court filing that the states lockdown prevented his family from reopening its bowling alley. I fear that no matter how well the case is presented, a decision will be delayed, such as the major Fluoride trial brought by the FAN (Fluoride Action Network), where a decision has been delayed related to new findings. In a statement sent to Fox News Digital, a FEMA spokesperson said that the agency is in communication with officials in Ohio as well as officials from the CDC and the Department of Health and Human Services "to test water and air quality, and to conduct public health assessments." Obviously this would all make the case irrelevant in the long run, whether it goes to trial or not. In 1992, when term-limits passed, Ohio's per capita personal income was 95.09% of the comparable national figure; in 2021, nearly 30 years into term-limits, Ohio's per capital personal income . DeWine, who turned 76 on Jan. 5, may have the amplest resume of any Ohio officeholder in generations. was the first stands up organization of its kind and we have many states following suit (Please visit America Stands Up! . Please support Ohio Stands Up! The only way is civil disobedience and were running out of time. "Ohio Governor Mike DeWine spoke with officials at the White House early this morning to address the need for federal help. Drug overdoses and suicides have increased as have domestic violence and child abuse cases directly as a result of the unconstitutional emergency order. COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) Republican Gov. This means some that high level corporations like the NFL, College Athletics, NBA, the National Baseball Association, etc., are aware of the technical fallacies in the testing and the pandemic. One side is against abortion, the other is not, etc I dont know why Americans cant grasp this simple concept. All donations go toward legal and educational efforts, and our board members work strictly on a voluntary basis. I would add that the fastest way to lead to a genuine awakening meaning, inclusive of those blind-sighted by hypocritical prejudices would be to completely dismantle Facebook so as to cancel out what has become an utterly delusional comfort-zone; a cyber-style fireplace for the mentally unhinged. Funding for current and future litigation efforts are only made possible through the financial contributions of Ohio Stands Up! Especially because the cases main argument, that the State is basing their actions on an Emergency that is completely unsupported by the data, will be a moot point. Through, our financial support, we are helping to ease the financial burden of plaintiffs seeking to challenge unconstitutional Covid policies through litigation efforts. While not a founding member of Ohio Stands Up!, attorney Renz has since embarked on national work and in October of 2021, Ohio Stands Up! The Roman saying: Public Inspection File. He argues that the coronavirus restrictions amounted, in some cases, to unlawful imprisonment of the public and theft of profits because of business closures. Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. Ohio Stands Up! We'll keep in touch so you remain informed of our progress. & Mendenhall Law Firm share the University ofCincinnati lawsuit. Links are provided below. That equals an abuse of power, and its happening at federal, state and local level and at colleges and universities. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Mike DeWine's . But a win would shut down any more lockdowns (significantly a prison term as the governors have become the wardens of their states), and the trial process itself would be quite educational for the public. Insanity is inflexibly doing the same thing over and over while hoping for different results.. It was Pence who had the job of announcing to the country a State of arbitrary decision based on flimsy factoids but carrying the end of our Constitution. Peoples Mndate is in order and not Gates, Fauci, and indoctrinated, brainwashed mdic personnel. was the first stands up organization of its kind and we have many states following suit (Please visit America Stands Up! Ohio . The Bio-weapons theory is some of the most laughable ones. As a result, the State sees no impact from talking about fatalities and has instead begun testing more so they could tell us there are more cases., The PCR tests are generally viewed as the means of determining if a patient has COVID-19. donations also helped fund a portion of this much needed suit. Mike DeWine's coronavirus response . Instead, they will use their fancy military technology that they have been installing in cities around the globe while people were all obediently locked in their homes afraid of everything that moved. Doing what upper level told us to do should be thrown out as an excuse for their actions. My bet is the rivers will run red very soon. [2] Starting in the 1880s, Ohio's Mark Hanna was a significant power in the back rooms of the national Republican party. Obviously, I deny that. Important takeaways include the amazing success of the effort and the fact that it is a husband and wife who decided to do something. The CDC, governor, and ODH [Ohio Department of Health] know this so they have allowed for the diagnosis of cases based on as meaningless criteria as a cough in a community in which COVID supposedly exists., Plow through this quote and then receive the translation below: Another document also came to light that is critical in demonstrating the egregiously misleading nature of the public COVID-19 data. Much has been made about this in the press and elsewhere but the reason there are issues with PCR testing in relation to COVID is that PCR testing cannot detect how much of a virus exists in a person. Yes, it is bleak. * INTERNATIONAL ALERT MESSAGE OF HEALTH PROFESSIONALS TO GOVERNMENTS AND CITIZENS OF THE WORLD : STOP to : terror, madness, manipulation, dictatorship, lies and the biggest health scam of the 21th century, files lawsuit against the State of Ohio to remove the unconstitutional emergency order, We believe that the response to COVID-19 has been the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American public, attorney Thomas Renz. The charge: DeWine has created massive damage through lockdowns and other "containment measures" designed to stop the spread of the purported coronavirus. Heck, it should be international, for all democratic countries. On Thursday, DeWine said he opposes House Bill 248. Mike DeWine and the other six officials drawing the state's legislative maps won't have to explain why they violated the Supreme Court's order. You know them? Please tell me if you have further information. The legislation limits DeWine's declarations of emergency to 90 days barring a legislative extension. and sign up for email notifications at Newsweek reached out to FEMA for comment. In late 2014, she alleged, Renz began massaging her neck against her wishes in his office and slipped his hand down the front of my upper breast, and commented oops.. One lawyers rise shows how vaccine misinformation can fuel fundraising and far-right celebrity, Nikki Haleys bogus claims about foreign aid dollars, Showdown before the raid: FBI agents and prosecutors argued over Trump, Underrecognized: Extremist murders are usually from right-wing actors. Actually wondering if it has made any headlines in Ohio. DeWine repeated his call for Congress to look into how to prevent train accidents like this in the future . Last year, Renz and Popper began publicly soliciting money through multiple entities to launch lawsuits in other states. I havent checked, but I suspect that the NFL is also using the FLU ANTIGEN TEST and avoiding the high percentage of false positives that come from the rt-PCR test itself. Board will continue to review cases that may benefit from financial support and help facilitate fund raising to procure legal representation. We have already known the negative health impacts of EMF for decades (see The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg), but with the 5G roll out, the implications are beyond our wildest imaginations. WE THE PEOPLE MUST RESIST THIS HIDEOUS NIGHTMARE. Renz did not respond to questions about the exam. Expands Resources and Partnership to Reclaim and Defend Ohioans Civil Liberties. They know full well that many of us are not buying this crap and that we are not convinced of any real danger. We need to become ungovernable to succeed: agree JB- Mike DeWine starts 2nd term with Ohio inauguration January 9, 2023 would like to buffer some of the financial hardship when possible. Mike DeWine, over their fellow Republican's handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Inset, a sign welcoming visitors to the town of East Palestine is pictured on February 14. If youd like to donate to our, efforts, please visit our website and donate directly to Ohio Stands Up! Popper has told fellow activists that she and Renz are working to finance a wide-ranging legal assault on coronavirus restrictions. The State of Ohio has consistently lied to and manipulated its citizens from the earliest stages of this pandemic, Gargasz explained. Releases a Video Resource Library Providing Uncensored COVID Truth. In one of dozens of recent media appearances, Ohio attorney Thomas Renz was claiming that coronavirus vaccines were more harmful than the virus itself. Senator. The entire U.S. economy was shut down based on fraudulent models that predicted 2.2 million American deaths, Renz said. A brief filed in the Michigan case described her as a federal employee. Information is provided that will allow you to make arguments to others. is proud to announce that this small firm in Akron, Ohio is dedicated to representing and litigating cases involving unconstitutional COVID policies impacting Ohioans. Our August 2021 and January 2022 events sold out and accrued quite a waiting list for those hoping to attend. Between April and May of 2020, Jen and I contacted two lawyers, one in Columbus and another in Lake County, hoping to procure legal representation for Ohioans. Congressman, Ohio Lt. In a text message to The Post, the woman declined to comment. In Ohio, a bright light is shining in the darkness. While not a founding member of Ohio Stands Up!, attorney Renz has since embarked on national work and in October of 2021, Ohio Stands Up! supporters. I am certainly not making much off of this, he added. A second lawsuit was filed against the CDC, HHS, and the NCHS in December of 2020; however, this suit was dismissed in September of 2021. I left for other reasons, declining to provide details. Mike DeWine (R), seeking to reverse indoor mask mandates and other emergency measures. Very dark but you have elucidated the worst of the worst as far as this broadest of agendas goes. However, the spokesperson did not provide any information on federal assistance from the agency, Fox News Digital reported. They all either declined to comment or did not respond to messages. Agreed 100%, MOJO. board will be reviewing cases that may benefit from financial support and help facilitate fund raising to procure legal representation. A senior Irish doctor bucks the trend by comparing C19 to the flu and condemning the official policies. Renz ally Pamela Popper, the leader of an activist group called Make Americans Free Again, has said she aims to raise $100 million to support his lawsuits. This article was published more than1 year ago. If youd like to donate to these cases that could set a good precedent for all Ohioans, please visit our website and donate directly to Ohio Stands Up! Transforming Ohio's Mental Health and Addiction Care: DeWine highlighted his past efforts and funding toward mental health and crisis stabilization services. Last week, DeWine's office announced that residents living near the derailed train were required to evacuate as Norfolk Southern executed a "controlled release of the vinyl chloride" in an effort to "alleviate the risk of uncontrollable shrapnel from an explosion.". Alan Dershowitz, professor emeritus at Harvard Law School, is a renowned defense attorney who defended multimillionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein in his 2006 sex trafficking lawsuit, who now finds himself the accused - Giuffre says Dershowitz procured sex with her through Epstein's sex ring. In June of 2020, a talented, Ohio-based musician named Micah who briefly served on the board suggested the name , We are eternally grateful for your support, and we have since established an Ohio Stands Up! ACTs chief operating officer, Greg Allen, told The Post in an email that Renz worked there for less than a year in 2016 and was terminated. started as a simple idea with two average, everyday Ohioans hoping to mitigate the evil that was being foisted on the Buckeye State. Thank you for Sharing. The court proceedings should be open and available for everyone. I want to welcome all our new members and thank everyone that has supported Ohio Stands Up! Releases a Video Resource Library Providing Uncensored COVID Truth, Kathryn Huwigs Beyond The Data interview with Jen Drabik, Jason Hedges & Attorney Warner Mendenhall, Sue medical cartel/industry for going along with it. Mike DeWine was once again in East Palestine following a fiery . Announces Financial Support for Mendenhall Law Firm Plaintiffs from Ohio University, Bowling Green State University, and University ofCincinnati! to continue our legal and educational pursuits for Ohioans. If youd like to donate to these cases that could set a good precedent for all Ohioans, please visit our website and donate directly to Ohio Stands Up! | As a show of support for the trucker convey in Canada, we have vacated Go Fund Me in light of their recent actions against the trucker convoy fundraising campaign. The financial cost can be seen in any walk or drive through cities, towns and villages. As a result of this conversation, the Governor has requested assistance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health and Emergency Response Team, and the CDC to provide. The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. This doctor says that the best medicine is living properly (nutrition, exercise, etc. There is no reason why they, or anyone, should surrender and accept. Mike DeWine answers reporters questions in Columbus, Ohio, on Jan. 6, 2022. A few months later, Renz struck out on a new path, starting law school at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. They know that we will not take their vaccine and that we will not go quite as submissively into another lock down. As always, thank you for your continued support. In recent months, Renz secured his own online talk show and has joined associates of Trump such as former national security adviser and retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell and veteran political operative Roger Stone on a national speaking tour titled ReAwaken America. He has made more than 100 appearances on conservative media outlets over the past year, a Post review found, including on One America News, Newsmax and Infowars. Board will continue to review cases that may benefit from, financial support and help facilitate fund raising to procure legal representation. Hundreds of thousands of businesses are struggling, and many will never re-open. Asked about his litigation experience and his role challenging coronavirus vaccines, Renz said in an email: I sincerely wish that the big firms would step up but they have not so it is left to nobodies like me., In September 2020, Renz filed a federal lawsuit against Ohio Gov. held our very first official fundraiser and social event in Akron, Ohio at Wise Guys Lounge and Grill. Families have been barred from seeing their loved ones in hospitals and long-term care facilities, and residents in long-term care facilities have suffered because of the lack of in-person communication from their loved one. We had several offers and many have since come and gone. Don't worry, we hate spam as much as you do and we will never give or sell your information to a third party. is approaching our 2nd anniversary, and Id like to provide an accurate historical account of Ohio Stands Up! Renz defended that language in his email to The Post. the courts are there to run cover for their agenda. Mike DeWine said Monday that he enters his second term with more optimism than ever for Ohio and a host of ambitions that could have lasting impact,. Please share our Give Send Go campaign, as your donations allow Ohio Stands Up! Many in that movement have latched onto a claim Renz first made in July that, according to a purported whistleblower he has not publicly identified, coronavirus vaccines caused the deaths of 45,000 people. It is not clear how much Renzs group may have raised in 2020 or 2021. Renz failed four times and withdrew or did not show up twice, records show. 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