Then I read actual instructions on the veneration of Elders as of Christ himself. The terminal stage 4 cancer exists. And now hes trying to explain to all of us how the 2000 people that left and who were shunned by the Harvesr machine that we somehow need to let the Lord work to save Harvest? id say you are beholden to the public to explain to them with all transparency. Otherwise, of course theyd have told us what was untrue. they are kind. Clement may be writing as if those offices are an established fact, but for all we know, they could have been set up a few years previously as an organizational attempt and they were used to it. As Law Prof noted, JMac is not your usual run-of-the-mill preacher he had an international stage he had thousands of followers he failed you, HBC, and the church at large he has disqualified himself from ministry. Max: And to link them together as a Body of Christ, each one uniquely gifted to be a part of the whole something the institutional church just doesnt appear to get.Whose job is the ministry?Every believer has a part!When we separate believers into clergy vs. laity, pulpit vs. pew, us vs. them failing to equip and mobilize the saints to do the work of the ministry we miss what God intended for His Church and fall short of living in the Kingdom of Heaven here and now.Jesus talked a LOT about living in the Kingdom we would do well to read His words living in the church doesnt always mean living in the Kingdom.Based on my 70-year snapshot of the institutional church, theres a vast difference in what Christ describes vs. what we have put together in this thing we call church. But if these offices are wrong it means the wheels fell of of the Church extremely early in its history. TS00: I find it very comforting to know that Jesus entered into a world that was very similar to what we now face: Religion had become a caricature of what God desired, and Jesus gently called people to follow him, rather than fear men. Unless it was a danger to someone. I was really hoping I would find that this was a much later development. Vincent: you must have first hand knowledge and part of that fellowship in some fashion. As you might imagine, there have been thousands of additional actors . not greedy for money The majority of the people who were questioning you were NOT anonymous (including me), and there is more factual information about HBC on Twitter than there has ever been from HBC leaders own mouths, including yours. All we get is CYA, after the fact, trying to make the best of whats already been leaked. I sincerely thank you for this letter and the emotional turmoil you overcame to write it. Thats their business, doesnt have jack to do with church abuse. Friend: Every weekend were gathering to open the Bible together, growing in Gods ways through community and going out to bring God glory through His Son, Jesus Christ. . If you had anything, Dallas, youd have shared it. ex HCA Staff: Those who are denied the biblical right of hearing have found that there is, at last, a place where they can be heard. hospitable Not to say that we may not voluntarily partake of symbols and freely made offerings to God; but never again can any men or institutions demand that we submit to their demands or interpretations of How to be saved. Jesus was dismayed by self-seeking among His disciples; he who would be great among you must become the servant of all.. Who can say? Care. hard for me to imagine a job description for this that commands a big salary, let alone a modest salary. Never to leave me alone! How arrogant is that Dallas. chosen by the hand of Jesus? I dont think one can derive that theory from that word showing up once in the entire NT in Peg 4, 4th in a list. i mean, do we actually believe what we say we believe? If people develop So theyll speak of doin church together, or kingdom life, or some such nonsense. Are you kidding me right now? Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. You were part of a workforce which brought a feeling of camaraderie and purpose and fellowship. When will the madness end?! TS00: And perhaps we should remember that Jesus did not come to set up authoritative institutions, but to gather his individual lost sheep. Max: Praise God for TWW and other watchblogs who do their best to get the word out on these guys, but you cant stop the spiritually illiterate from attending their exciting churches. They will return to their secrecy and self-dealing as a dog returns to his vomit, because power and money are that seductive and because if they could keep it a secret during the height of the Harvest scandal, no way will it be discovered at a less notorious church. Its time to throw open the windows HBC so all can see what really happened. Muslin, fka Dee Holmes: So, so much we dont know. Rolling Meadows, Elgin, Crystal Lake, Chicago Cathedral, Harvest en Espaol, Online. TS00: It appears he has been a poser, a bully and a thug for a very long time. When she cleared the backlog, the partial Lauren went through along with my original longer one. holding fast the faithful word The Bible is clear that all people are God's creation (Colossians 1:16), and that God loves the entire world (John 3:16), but only those who have faith (trust) in the work of Jesus are children of God (John 1:12; 11:52; Romans 8:16; 1 John 3:1-10). Dallas Jenkins was a former leader at Harvest Bible Chapel. Harvests former CFO, Fred Adams, now runs a sketchy consulting group that helps wealthy elite church insiders set up secret LLCs to buy church buildings so that the churches can then transfer wealth to them in the form of both monthly rentals instead of building equity for the members, while also authorizing the campuses to make major improvements and expansions that cost millions, which will then belong to the LLC owners, not the flock. Yowzers, you have me stumped. No longer do I feel like I know, or need to know, or could even remotely grasp the answers to so much of life. He is my Fortress (part 2) Posted on July 11, 2009 by Jeff Block. Rather, it appears that the early church looked much more Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Anglican than low-church protestant. (just like Adam hearkening to his wife in the garden huh?) The bear was later seen using the gun to defend itself against local mice and rabbits.. If their purpose or endeavor is of human origin, it will fail. Lowlandseer: I do sometimes wonder if we read the same Bible. I tend to trust her judgment here. The Elgin Campus held their first service in September 2004 with over 800 in attendance and has become the church home to more than 1000 worshipers every week, as well as the home of our Christian school. That was in response to PJ. The lawsuit also claims that beginning in 2018, a pastor at one of Harvest's campuses began working with a "disgruntled" former Harvest worker, filmmaker Dallas Jenkins, to solicit letters. Once you step out of that or can no longer take part, the machine moves on without you. I dont know if its just that I got old enough and wise enough to start seeing it or cynical and hardened as I got older, but after going through the 1980s and 1990s able to find what I thought were decent churches, for over a decade I havent to find a place that isnt abusive, heretical, led by a narcissist or all the the above. Note, that they are always mentioned in a plural form. Most were started by a mere man who was convinced that his mission had more of a corner on the Truth than the rest. The Elders and the search team felt unified in their decision and confident in Gods hand in providing the Bucknams to our church family. Unfortunate, but true. What they all have in common is serving self interest, whereas the crux of the life and message of Jesus is that the way to life is to lay down self and serve others. Milholland did this exact same thing at his former church, Hope Church in Memphis. At that time, very little about Dallas Jenkins' problematic theology and other unbiblical issues with The Chosen were publicly known. Max: This is why I was born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the Truth. This comes after several calls from other people including members and deacons of Harvest Bible Chapel, for them to . And it is bad form to hijack a thread to comment on a topic when asked not to. In an interview with the Chicago Sun Times, Jenkins said, "We feel like if people can binge watch . Years ago when I was experiencing a dark period spiritually someone said to me, Hang onto God! In response without thinking these words came out of my mouth (and I cant help but think it was the Holy Spirit speaking), I cant hang onto God right now but He will hang onto me. God looks lovingly upon your confusion and pain, and wants nothing more than for you to find and know him as he truly is, apart from all of the hypocrisy and falsity that parades as the institutional church. Churches will line up for this. . Max: My understanding is that Driscoll also consulted with Gateway. (Dee). Harvest Bible Chapel Fayetteville. And I doubt it was simply losing their job, as many of them voluntarily left. James MacDonald will be starting a new ministry. Making vague accusations like that is true slander. You shouldve released your statement the first time around. I hope that brings you some hope and encouragement today. . If only we would listen to what Lewis was saying, we might avoid these bullies going way back who latch onto Christianity because of all the naive fools who are suckers for the Gantry/MacDonald Schick. I am sorry for your pain. So why not allow comments? However, unfaithful leaders who pursue anything but the cause of Christ as the primary driver for ministry fall easily for all three. Its like a slow drip how the top dogs at HBC are resigning one by one! In January, Gateway held a Pastors School Seminar inside Driscolls church that was all about Church Governance. Nice list. Didnt Dallas or is there another Jenkins son? Thus, I try to insert IMO where applicable. (baby dont hurt me no more) Maybe JMs associates and enablers thought the most loving thing was to go along with JM for the sake of the everlasting benefits in heaven that would be experienced in the future by the people who were being abused, manipulated, fleeced here under the sun, but who nevertheless were hearing the gospel (as they understood gospel), even though it looks to us like it was being preached from false motives. Ive heard the voice of my Savior, My understanding is that Driscoll also consulted with Gateway. . Vincent: Man if you are looking for a physical church to be perfected and wholly sanctified, by mere men, you will be disalusioned. Too many are like big box stores that shutter all of (the little churches on) Main Street, and then close their own doors forever. The word contains with it a reference to age. Over time, the North Shore church family found they needed a place for weekday ministries. It's literally in his DNA, as his father Jerry is the co-author of the popular LeftBehind series of religious novels. The Chosen is similar to Risen, the excellent faith -based film that . Thats a smoking crater of a response. said THATS what Jesus did for YOU!. It wasnt all self-interest; they actually thought that good was being accomplished in spite of the bad conduct behind the scenes. 1 Peter 4:14 If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. . There does seem to be something in Dallass attitude of a disregard for those who donated the hundreds of millions to make the whole Harvest phenomenon work. Today Harvest Bible Chapel is a family of Christ-adoring worshipers on multiple campuses throughout Chicagoland. I dont know that there isnt a fair amount of corruption in smaller churches, but it seems to me once pastors start making huge amounts of money, it becomes more and more important to maintain or increase that above all else. As a Christian, how could they do otherwise? Evangelicalism began going after talent over the least among you and I truly believe it actually is a large part of the failing of all of these churches. Power provides for itself and money and sex. Which direction you take religion or relationship determines whether you discover Truth or not. Thats not the same as authoritarian of course but there are lots of verses warning against such behaviour and other selfish motives. Keep reading. When God leaves, it always becomes about something elseits amazing. Vincent: It seems that this website is a place where nobodys can act in Gods place as judge and jury. temperate That is part of our fallen world. Harvest Bible Chapel Buffalo 135 subscribers Everything from The Chosen, Harvest Bible Chapel, 5am Writing, and more! I presume this is because he has a much bigger platform, but if that is not the reason, I am open to hear. Maybe we should have been, and still should be, picketing in front of Driscolls new church, handing out pamphlets including some of his more famous woman-degrading statements? I dont blame the Thompsons. My family get in my face from time to time over it. A defender of the weak and a rescuer of the perishing or a celebrity who gets to choose the image he parents to the world? Membership Covenants Giving is another way we worship Him and it allows us to demonstrate that He is more important to us than material things. Any truth about MacDonald as a bad-boy preacher needs to be made public! Truly hope you get peace and joy soon. Wow. ], anyway, its helpful to verbalize & hopefully dialogue). Bible Follower | The Bible contains a wealth of knowledge and wisdom that's waiting for us to unearth it. He sat there for years and participated when people were being bullied and abused, being screamed at by their pastor and boss to the point of tears, watching hundreds of thousands of dollars being spent profligately. What will it take to make him accountable for at least the dollars, which should be somewhat trackable? CJ Mahaney spread $$$ which brought him years of support from the Calvinista leaders.. And you dare to point your finger at TWW participants, and courageous Dee? We started as a group of 18 people, who gathered from five different churches across the northwest suburbs and desired to form a new church. I still believe that Jesus lived and the NT is reliable. If for no other reasons, the statements must be public so that the people of HBC see what their Elders saw. sober-minded It must be recognized that all three words refer to the same position within the church. Hmmm it appears that Lauren and Amy are the same person. Harvest Bible Chapel is one church meeting on six campuses. But, I aint Paul, so I suppose I will just have to wait and see how this sorts itself out in eternity. One can only guess at the motive behind their inaction, but even with the most basic discernment skills one could easily surmise that the money train was at the heart. We believe that disciples of Jesus profess that He is Lord, practice His Ways, and persevere in both their profession and practice. Men can be easily fooled, seduced, persuaded that they are doing Gods work, blackmailed, etc. You couldnt care if the pastor lives in a 4 million dollar mansion. That clearly does not describe James MacDonald and HBC elders who are coming forth one at a time to confess their roles in the great deception in Chicago. But this just doesnt seem to fit. When I now go to a church, I want to speak with elders and listen to what they are saying and how they are behaving and whether they are willing to reveal how much the pastor is making. Maybe Christianity in all its forms has reached the Tipping Point Where enough believers realize their belief doesnt work for them anymore and Christianity will fade away? But its ok its been part of this whole course but it would be nice if you could go back and reflect your motivations in those comments I cant speak for you but kinda think it had to do with some of your cult bonding you experienced at harvest. There was no glory or wealth in being a shepherd, once one of the more despised positions due to its lowliness. I will reflect on your honesty and embrace the possibilities. TS00: Truth was genetically modified centuries ago. It was given to the elders two months ago. Posted on September 7, 1997 by admin His client, the alleged molester, told him they were false. It appears he has been a poser, a bully and a thug for a very long time. Bidding me still to fight on. Faith Driven Team September 6, 2021 Bio, Christian investor, Voice. holy Dallas Jenkins produced the independent feature Hometown Legend at the age of 25 and shepherded it to distribution by Warner Brothers. The bear was later seen using the gun to defend itself against local mice and rabbits., PASTOR has to Keep Up With The (Paige) Pattersons, you know. the powerbrokers have everyone brainwashed that the insitution is too big to fail. There have been many people demanding our statements be made public, and now that they are, are rejoicing in that, all while commenting from anonymous online handles. Its happening now; how many of us are refugees from groups that went awol? Why would a person, individually, or a community put up with this behavior? They deserve each other. But, assuming Paul would be cheering them on nevertheless, that opens up a door for whoever to bring in whatever in attempts to do church (and thats exactly what we have in America). Where is the elder who stands up and admits, this thing was a wicked, immoral, money-making scheme, corrupting and drawing in people with the lure of mammon and using the money of naive, giving individuals, many of whom gave sacrificially to honor God? Theres no edit function so it couldnt later be deleted. How many times must those facile a-historical Fundy myths be refuted before they are finally and definitively laid to rest? It is not elaborate but adequate for what we seek to do for Gods Kingdom. The posting of it on this website is unfortunate, as are many of the false rumors in the comments both here and on Twitter from anonymous people. Thompson walked away from Harvest in 2013. Thems shootin words in these parts (Christianville), maam. Catholic Gate-Crasher: Lol. You have any lies and untrue rumors to highlight that are being spread here, out with them. i have an observation: i know many people who dont subscribe to christianity, yet are the most excellent human beings. (no Dallas, Mormons have an occult fake jesus as Lucifer's brother making them accursed per Gal 1) See Dallas own words below: Lord knows weve had enough explosions in the modern church. This is called domestication. Tagged Harvest Bible Chapel, James MacDonald | Leave a comment. They should no longer be allowed to exempt themselves from the oversight which non-religious entities must abide by. Robert Morris sits on the Board of Driscolls new church or at least he did Driscoll no longer lists Board members on his new website. Dallas Jenkins: commenting from anonymous online handles. Its not all of it, but its certainly a substantive portion. We will note however, that within the church, the world elder is not only a reference to age, but also a position or office of the church. And I know that we are falling far short of appropriating the spiritual resources available to us as Christians to make a difference in this world not with what we think, but what we know. Im not holding my breath. Amy Moore. Be wary of falling into the trappings you so boldly wish expose. Its not as if they have any other choice, as the truth continues to trickle out. That said, the bishops, priests, and deacons are supposed to be models of humility and servanthood. As for Noevangelicals point that no-one on earth is so qualified, that is equally specious. One of my concerns with much of the Reformed world is their higher regard for doctrine and authority over the individual lost and needy soul. * Apparently, many of the leaders sent their kids to Harvest Academy and there is fear that their kids will be thrown out of school. And thats before one adds in the problem of self-deception. To do that you must have first hand knowledge and part of that fellowship in some fashion in order to be qualified to hold people accountable before God. My family faced a similar situation years ago. with or without religious trappings. After a while, he and his band of yes-men elders drifted farther from the Main Thing, allowing the main thing to be about them and schemed in the shadows to preserve their ministry. Jenkins himself was brought on as an elder at Harvestwhy was he chosen? Also, your letter simply further bolsters credibility of the excellent work from the Elephants Debt and Julie Roys. It is a position of authority and responsibility. I am sorry you and your family experienced that. The post you refer to is maybe one of two that she didnt allow comments. A people laden with iniquity, offspring of evildoers, children who deal corruptly! (Isaiah 1:4). Have seen the exact same thing. I, personally, do find truth to be something to rejoice in. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. Yikes! Most of those who attended my former Calvinist Church have wandered back to non-Reformed churches; several others have rejected God altogether. Driscoll was a featured speaker at that event last year. This will always happen, there is no way to avoid it. He is currently Director of Media at Harvest Bible Chapel in Chicago, where he directed the award-winning short film "The Ride" and is currently developing multiple feature films. Dallas, choose the path of humility! I believe that if I hadnt been a strong donor, I would not have been considered and wouldnt have vaulted through Harvest leadership over more deserving peers. That changed on Friday. Locations in Dallas, Houston, Washington, DC, or 100% Online! Its amazing. His arrogance and rage unbalances him. I AM GOD AND YOU ARE GOD AND EVERYTHING THAT GROKS IS GOD TOGETHER! We rejoice in Gods faithfulness to us the first 30 years! dee: Its like dj vu all over again. -Yogi Berra, When you come to a fork in the road, take it. -Yogi Berra. By the end of the first century there are already offices of bishop, priest, and deacon. Someone should also dig into the incident regarding the video of Mel Gibsons Passion of the Christ that was shown to HCA ELEMENTARY school children without any warning or notice to parents. Never, and I mean never, have I heard someone say, I would leave, but I just cant survive without the gifted teaching. A: To learn how to do church in order to manipulate, intimidate and dominate trusting souls. Suggesting that the church do away with the building would be met by much weeping and gnashing of teeth. Unless it was a danger to someone. Unless it was a danger to someone. dee: along with all the boys at SEBTS who dont want to leave the area so there are popup churches in every strip mall. Cudos for your honesty. I just wonder how much of my tithes went to support their gambling problem. ++++++++++++++++++++. Wow. Thanks to TWW and other watchblogs for standing in the gap. it is wrong. Shame on you. I can only imagine what was said as explanation, particularly as my spouse (still blindly loyal) remained much longer than I, until our children put up a united appeal to leave. But no matter what, it will get bent quickly if thats whats happening. But how long, under the sort of behavior he and others depict, can one be excused for overlooking the facts? What deceivers do, in the church as well as other man-made institutions, is infiltrate this natural system, substituting charismatic charlatans for genuinely mature and godly elders. All kidding aside, may you, Jessica, Ryan Mahoney, Dee Parsons, any many others who are continuing to fight the good fight be richly blessed. And particularly sad to see younger church folks not benefiting from the council of senior saints. While Im not one of those men who consistently meets the qualification for eldership, I do know several who do. understanding that each of us is constantly growing and shifting. Which almost conquered my soul. If I find solace anywhere, its in the quiet moments of solitude and silence wherein I sense anew that the mysteries of life are vast, and that my continued pursuit of that which is beautiful and simple and true is enough for now. Yeah, thats it self-esteem. . You came to Chicago to work at Harvest Bible Chapel in Elgin with the hope of making movies through its Vertical . (VidAngel is a Netflix and Amazon-based streaming service that allows you to skip distasteful content regarding profanity, nudity, sexual situations, and violence.) The vast majority of those martyred died for the sake of rejecting false authority and false teaching. gentle Man if you are looking for a physical church to be perfected and wholly sanctified, by mere men, you will be disalusioned. RadMan7: Credibility has been diminished. The place is not worth saving. A narcissist is very good at manipulating people, and very patient. Besides, nobody goes there anymore its too crowded. Yogi Berra. So my statement that Dallas may have run an online poker site, and suggestion that it might be questionable concerning MacDonald were off base. Notice how you need to be part of this first hand, and not from a distance like on the world wide web for even unbelievers to see. I bring up Eastern Orthodoxy because its dogma and practices are very old. About how you think there is something wrong with you because you dont feel the same things that they do, and soon you come to believe that you are defective or damaged goods. When my friends are all gone. That is one video that I wold love to post. Keep tuning in to TWW. It just completely sets things up for abusive situations. Theyre showing their colors alright. Ken F (aka Tweed): I only point out that the historical evidence is not what we protestants want it to be. TS00: Agreed. Youre right to say kind of. It is likely that he deliberately sought the chips he could cash in on anyone who might be in a position to spill the beans. It will not be revealed to any of the flock members that they are paying for SM and then to transfer over $1M a yr to the head pastor. Open Discussion Page. From the earliest days of the institutional church, abuse and murder has been wreaked upon those who dared to believe that they could serve God outside of The Church. To new commenters Harvest Bible Chapel Hillsong United James Dobson James MacDonald Jason Sobel Jenna Browder Jennie Lusko Joel Smallbone John Hessup Jonathan Roumie Joni Lamb Jordan Feliz Kari Jobe Katie Torwalt Kay Robertson Kirk Cameron KLOVE Leanna Crawford Levi Lusko Mandisa Marcus Lamb Matt Hagee Matt Maher Mavericm City Michael Jr Phil Robertson Phil Vischer Agreed. God reaches out to us, one on one, and he will continue to administer his healing balm to your soul. I dont have any answers. Heres hoping quotes work the same here as many other onlline sites. Ego-stroking that includes WOMAN, SUBMIT!!!! Our musicians have taken to heart the mission, core, and purpose of Vertical Church music: To write songs of ascription for the church to use in worshiping Christ around the world. If Paul was a rogue usurper, Luke was the co-conspirator who legitimized the takeover. I know you really think more highly of me than you ought. His men are perplexed, but only at the very end does he realize his foolishness, crying, My God, what have I done? before aiming his dying body at the detonator to blow up his glorious creation. They engineered the black funds and the worst of the financial abuse. Dallas Jenkins: It was given to the elders two months ago. Law Prof: the posting of it on this website is unfortunate, as are many of the false rumors in the comments. ++++++++++++++++. Sure its likely that not everyone knew everything, but no one is telling all they know, and you can only suppose it has much to do with the filthy lucre they received from the till. Elgin with the building would be met by much weeping and gnashing of teeth thought that good was being in! Must have first hand knowledge and part of a workforce which brought a feeling of camaraderie and purpose and.... For this letter and the search team felt unified in their decision confident... Macdonald | Leave a comment are finally and definitively laid to rest that no-one earth... Honesty and embrace the possibilities completely sets things up for abusive situations at Bible... 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Reasons, the North Shore church family found they needed a place for weekday ministries highlight that being..., Christian investor, voice lies and untrue rumors to highlight that are being spread here, out them!

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