I believe that Amie more than likely ran after the bear a short distance, as it was dragging Tim up the trail screaming at the top of her lungs and striking the bear with the frying pan once again in a last ditch effort to drive the bear away, but was then pushed back to the tent a second time. Doesnt give anyone credit girlsfriends family anybody just tim and his bandanas. Dont mess with bears. Read this article entire and thought it was well written, and also fair. Mother Nature and all that lives in her world is a force to be reckoned with. I watched the doc. Each year, when Tim set camp within Katmai National Park, he voluntarily became a member of the food chain, and by not placing an electric fence around his camp (All bear researchers that camp in this area reportedly set up portable electric fences), by hiding his camp from park rangers in dense alder brush thickets, as well as refusing to carry bear spray (firearms are prohibited in National Parks) and by crawling and walking up close to large brown bears, often touching or attempting to touch adult bears and young cubs, showed a total disregard for his life, the life of his girlfriend Amie Huguenard, and the lives of each bear that he interacted with. When you tell someone youre an actor & then proceed to talk about your friend using steps you learned in acting class you lose the human element. Often ripping and tearing the scalp, ears, and face. Four garbage bags containing human remains were removed and flown out by helicopter. I never arrested him for drunk driving.We all do stupid things at times. 175pp. Grizzly is just common usage in the lower 48, having first been used during the Lewis and Clark expedition when they referred to a brown bear with grizzled appearance. Sign up for our daily email and get the stories everyone is talking about. Timothy Treadwell (born Timothy William Dexter; April 29, 1957 - October 5, 2003) was an American bear enthusiast, environmentalist, documentary filmmaker, and founder of the bear-protection organization Grizzly People. Watching him in that movie convinces me that he had the emotional and intellectual brain of a childnear retarded for his age. I was like 8 years and and that shit fucking traumatised me. I hate reading, I have two college degrees and am very educated and extremely smart however Im just now reader. He committed suicide by bear. Katmai National Park Ranger. Timothy seemed like a very misguided man, thinking that this was his life mission, totally detached from society. Willy Fulton drops the pair off on Sept. 29, 2003. Something seemed strange, hollering with no answer. Tim and AmieLast Expedition Willy Fulton 2003. I truly wish that you find an another subject to write about as your writing style and reasoning is extremely good to read. No where to go, no tree to climb, no police officer to call, and left screaming, running around the only barrier left between her and the bear, only to have the bear finally just go over the top and finally catch her? As a person dealing with my own idiosy and grand ideas when I slip into hypomania, I'd bet my life in this amateur diagnosis. When I found out about this case I was wondering if there will be someday a truth - revealing moment in this case. Not to mention he ended up being responsible for several innocent Bears being killed, who would have likely never been SHOT if Idiot Treadwell had not offered himself as a MEAL, as he did. Specifically learn about bipolar mania and hypomania. He assumed the risk of putting himself in the worst possible situation (hungry bears already late to start hibernating for the winter and scarce food to be found). Have had zero use for coyotes ever since (the occasional now and again reports of one trying to wander off with someone's child hasn't helped). And from what I read, no one has a degree in this field or even a related one. What I don't understand about this article is why would anyone be mystified with this tragedy. Not only that, but there are clues hidden in his childhood. Biologist Larry Van Daele, for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game theorizes that Amies screams may have prompted the bear to return and kill her. ( Van Daele 2004 ), We can only envision the horror of what Amie had witnessed and heard. Im getting killed out here! (Tim was wearing a remote microphone on his coveralls). A total of 6 park violations or complaints from 1994 to 2003, including guiding tourists without a license, camping in the same area longer than the 5 day limit, improper food storage, wildlife harassment, use of a portable generator, and misc. Son u obviously ain't never been to Alaska cause your dead wrong dead dead dead wrong u can carry a gun. *Due to the graphic content of the video, you will have to sign-in to YouTube to verify your age before watching. Whatever is easy to get to while expending the least amount of energy. Superintendent of Katmai National Park. The fact that he was not killed earlier, just goes to prove that grizzly bears really want nothing to do with humans and would rather avoid us whenever possible, but will tolerate us, to a point. A special thanks to Rangers Joel Ellis and Rick McIntyre for their interest, their valuable insights, questions and encouragement. lets respect the bears by leaving them their space & staying in our own. After all, he camped on established bear trails, or near intersecting bear trails, and had contact with the same bears every year and felt he knew each one personally. As scheduled, at 2:00 PM on Monday October 6, 2003, air taxi pilot Willy Fulton from Andrew Airways arrives at Kaflia Lake to transport Tim and Amie out of the area for the year and is approached by a large brown bear. The ranger stated that she looked "as though she were peacefully asleep". Sleep well Tim and Aimee. All he did was acclimate wild animals to human beings, putting humans and wild life in more danger. Including two humans. Cue her trying to use the tents to create separation when the bear comes after her.Lastly, for the well and truly discomforting part, your report of fractured canine teeth and some others ground down, so perhaps took the bear longer to kill them (owing to less efficient bites)(or maybe they both got lucky)(maybe that bear had a fondness for carotid or femoral artery). Yes the death was gruesome but not out of the ordinary gor the wild. Again, such a great read! I will also say shame on him, for dragging Aimee into it (her fault too, no doubt), and adding three extra bodies to the death toll (TT + (Aimee + 2 other bears)).Because of his disregard and disrespect for mother nature, 2 bears were killed just so ppl could investigate the "murder" scene. Some readers may find the following information and examination disturbing. I take it they never really discussed what Amy should do if Tim was attacked by a bear. I like how you are modest and state that you partly wrote the article to defer others from profiting from these two the couple's deaths. Tim, and those fake Utube audio's, all in the same pile! Why did he change his last name? I followed Tim starting in 2000 after I joined Sea Shepherd at the time. As a person who grew up in Calgary, we are taught from an early age that bears are not your friends. Indeed. Willy then takes off and flies over the campsite 15 to 20 times in an attempt to chase the bear away, and sees what appears to be the same bear feeding from a human rib cage, but each time he flies over the camp the bear begins to feed even faster. Sadly, Ammie trusted and was with an idiot California nut that got what he deserved. Interesting, well done and terrifying article. High 5 to you for trying to deter people from profiting on Tim and Amie's deaths. You hear the gf say "is it STILL out there?" and then a few minutes later Timothy is heard saying "hel me! There are several ways to determine whether one of these recordings is real or not. Tim was just lucky and his luck finally ran out. Because he was not attacked says more for the bears than to Tims expertise in handling aggressive bears. He out stayed his welcome.2. Emery was on a charter flight over Hallo Bay in Katmai National Park with a film crew from National Geographic, when they spotted a guy on the ground desperately waving his arms. Nature is cruel. This could indicate that he was closer to her than his dad. Trooper Chris Hill said the. This guy just annoys me. He was a Clown, and a Fool, and at BEST, perhaps genuinely Learning Disabled. Bears in Katmai National Park typically begin to den sometime in October or November and go into hyperpagia in early September, as they try to gain as much weight as possible prior to denning by mass feeding. Additionally, the audio release on YouTube and Reddit has not been verified as being authentic, raising the possibility that it is a fake. Grizzly bears are one of the largest apex predators in North America, other than man, they have no predators, they are kings of the forest and if it moves, to the grizzly, thats a meal. One last thing that made me laugh about the author who on this planet told you firearms weren't allowed in katmai? After yelling Bear! That must have hurt his family something awful. One day, someone will verify that they've watched most of the still available footage. So it makes sense that this bear was fed up with being hungry, got desperate, and was willing to eat anything. Its a lifetime, and even with adrenaline is slowed to a crawl. In the 85 year history of the park no visitor had been killed by a grizzly. I have no opinion on Treadwell as a person, or his character, I know he loved Grizzly bears and wanted to protect them, but after all is said and done, when Treadwell stepped foot into grizzly territory, it was only a matter of time before he would meet his fate. The author states "bear #141 was a bear that Tim had named Ollie, the big old grumpy bear, and this is the bear identified by Hertzog in Grizzley Man as the bear that probably killed Tim and Amie. No fancy slug, any 1 oz. I just believe it has been edited. Timothy Treadwell formed mutual bonds between the wild creatures and spent the majority of his waking hours playing and observing the large wild beasts. Cute doesn't mean that it won't cause you pain. The fact that the tape only contained sound and the incident occurred at night or while the camera was tucked away in the duffel bag at night was also deciphered by the rangers. 2003 AP Wire Interview. After all, someone hit record on the camera. I know this all too well! So it was clear that he did have mental health issues, to say the least. (Herzog, Fallico 2004), Tim With The Grinch Lions Gate Films 2004. Hysterical and paralyzed with fear, standing just outside of the tent until the bear returned and attacked her. I originally had thoughts of turning this into a book, but after much thought and consideration, I decided that in doing so, I would be profiting from someones death. Is there any pictures of the aftermath? And i cannot believe not one person has mentioned u dont store food right next to your tent no comments about his bear containers please it doesnt matter! If I cared about bears that much. My very own silence of the lamb(s) well before the film. Hugo MD down there in 2017 comments area gets ONE star. Not only that, but it's a known fact that hunger will agitate any living species. Cheers to your kind heart! deer slugs beats the highest power rifle at close range, and this is precisely why the rangers use 12 guage with slugs. I actually appreciate this clearing up the fake audio as i nearly made a fool of myself alluding to it being real merely because I had fooled myself by so many repeat occurrences of the footage followed by others claiming it to be real, who were either intentionally perpetuating the hoax or just others fooled like me. In my opinion, Tim accomplished his mission. For an almost forgot, don't know how much is born with versus the TV and film, but slap the child's hand when he or she reaches out to touch someone's dog. 217pp. Basic writing great so u wrote an article but wont write a book? I mean thats a real jem guess i broke the rules guy but im alive and kicking. 2003 Scene Investigator. No gun, no weapon of any kind except for a frying pan, screaming was all she had left. I think he was only dumb af. After barely graduating high school, Tim left for Southern California and ended up in Long Beach. Thank you for putting this story up with your own insightful input.If you see a black mama bear racing towards you and your heart beat doesn't change, you are an abnormal human being.I you glanced around and saw a grizzly bear at a distance and your heart does not stop for a moment, you are a very abnormal human being.If additionally, you attempted to go and manipulate the behaviour of those wild animals in order to have them coexist with you, you must be crazily delusional.Many delusional people go in life not having their delusion proven to them. Treadwell also frustrated park rangers because he refused to carry bear spray. A video camera was recovered at the site that proved to have been operating during the attack, but police said that the six-minute tape contained only voices and cries as a brown bear mauled Treadwell to death. Katmai park ranger Joel Ellis received the call from Andrew Airways at 1:35 PM. And everyone saw it coming except him. Seen a lot of Tim bashing here. Anyone that spends as much time in the field as Tim and I have, will no doubt have had similar experiences. As far as inconsistencies with sound and distance. Good writing of the events, if Tim would of keep a 44mag for just this kind of event he and his friend would still be here, not having a backup plan was his down fall, hope is not a plan. His drinking and acting out by "bashing" a car indicates such. Also, who is the author of this great piece of literature, "The Night of the Living Bear"? He sees himself as a naturalist and loves the outdoors. Huguenard quit her job on Jan. 31, 2003 and moved to Malibu where she was to start a new job after she and Tim returned for the winter. Therefore, he had thought processing skills of 10-13 year old boy. (Tim Treadwell)if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'yellowstone_bearman_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_13',130,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yellowstone_bearman_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0'); The true hero of this sad tale is of course Amie Huguenard, the one person in this saga that we know so little about. I have heard it and no it is not real but a fake or spoof. Sometimes you get the bear, and sometimes the bear gets you. We were yelling and the bear was looking right at us., As the bear continued to move towards the group ranger Ellis fires a shotgun, while trooper Hill and ranger Gilliland also begin firing at the bear. Unlike what is portrayed in the movies, the bear is nearly silent. He would walk up to a half-ton wild animal with four-inch claws and two-inch fangs, and say, Czar, Im so worried! (Fulton 2004, Ellis 2003, pg 5), Meanwhile, searchers excavating the bears cache back in camp discover Amie Huguenard, whos arm and fingers had been exposed to the daylight when investigators first entered the camp. Night encounters are much different than surprise encounters during the day and must be handled differently. Photo by Willie Fulton, courtesy Nick Jans. Indeed. After exiting the plane, the four begin slowly hiking up the path from the lake, yelling as they walk to help locate any surviving victims, and to alert any nearby bears of their presence. as much as i would love to feed a bear & show them affection, i know that in doing so i could inadvertently harm the bear, or a human. But to think this mania he is in isn't the 100% cause of his behavior is troubling. Alpha, rule many Ignores that. You meet the wrong person at the wrong time and you're dead, too. The Pioneer awoke in the middle of the night to his horses screaming in the barn. I cant find little Booble. In Alaska, that kind of behavior makes a man stand outand not in a good way. (Van Daele 2004, National Park Service 2003)if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'yellowstone_bearman_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_16',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yellowstone_bearman_com-medrectangle-4-0'); In late June 2003, Tim and Amie arrive in Katmai and set camp at Hallo Bay, in what Tim referred to as the Sanctuary. I do like the Grizzly Man movie but I feel his friends acted way too much to show empathy or their true feelings for Tim. For starters, Treadwell was an outsider, a Californian from the weird-wacky end of the scale, a guy sporting a shock of. Tim exposed the bears appearing on tv may have even given hunters all over america the idea to hunt the 160 bears the PS allows to be killed in katmi and kodiak. Easy to see. However, Amie is clearly heard yelling to Fight back! She is then heard screaming Stop! That was cutting it thin stated Ellis. Franc. For 13 years, Timothy Treadwell camped in several Alaskan parks but Katmai National Park was a favorite, crawling and walking up close to bears and filming them. I warned my neighbors of my own actions and now have a bear horn to warn those nearby. Im gonna give it another listen now that you cleared this out, and put more focus into my original skepticism about the distances from the microphone to see what else i notice. I just wanted to say that you did an amazing job. But Treadwell was a fool. Please let me know what you think? A greater idiot, I charged the guy.He shot me in the chest but I still played grizzly bear, running him down and beating the crap out of him.Stupid because I could have gotten another passport. Having the presence of mind to turn a camera on with a bear just outside of a thin tent wall could only come from repetition, from someone who had done it many times. He was as useless as tits on a Bar hog, and his legacy is fitting- He ended as Bear Shit. Not surprising the fox followed his every step. Jake Adelstein's wife, relatives, and kids, Tsukumo Sana: Who Was She Before Hololive? In the last paragraph of the "Discovery and Investigation" section, you mention that investigators performed a necropsy on the bear on Friday, October 8. It seemed so obvious to me. Sunao Adelstein: Who Is she? His rants and fits were indicative of that age bracket. Six minutes of audio recorded during the attack were subsequently found on the couple's . This gives a more in depth look onto Tim, Amie, and the incident. After moving a clump of dirt, ranger Ellis later recalled seeing fingers and an arm protruding from the pile. The problem I have with this is, the decomposing bear carcass I saw in the out-take showed no actual sign of being poached, it was just a dead bear. Unconventional? All fake recordings so far have been under 3 minutes in length and the real tape is 6 minutes. Again, it would have to take in-depth research to reveal exactly what his mental health issue was. In this particular case, the bear came walking down the path that night and had no where else to go, but right through the camp with Tim and Amies tent in the middle of the trail. I hope that you use it! The tapes, which capture the sounds of Timothy and Huguenards deaths, are described by Mirror as being rather gory. The couple had spent parts of the three previous summers together in Alaska. Only low growls and periodic grunts are heard which only adds to the horror of the scene. But when his mauled remains were discovered, the legend began to unravel. 2006, Discovery Channel Special, on camera interview. Extremely well written and thought article. Yes they're actually a lot like people. In one of the most extremeand ultimately tragicexperiments in human-animal cohabitation ever attempted, for 13 consecutive summers, Treadwell lived (and finally died) among the bears at an Alaskan national park. Individuals who have aggressively yelled at the bear, or thrown rocks or other objects to distract the bear, generally have then had time to move away to safety or, they drove the bear away with the first yell and aggressive action. There are no highways or skyscrapers in the world of the bear- but there are boundaries. Read at your own discretion. A truly BRAVE Man is one who faces Danger that MUST be Faced, and does so with Courage, overcoming his natural Fear, to do a job that must be done. I think Treadwell wanted to be anything but Treadwell.Treadwell (like all radical environmentalists) may not have suffered from a low IQ but he was highly naive, extremely selfish with a big ego.In closing; were all going to meet the same ultimate fate, we will die. Timothy was clearly INSANE. or possibly Run Away! as the sound of a frying pan is used to beat the top of the bears head and the sound of Tim moaning. During this period, Tims cries and pleadings can be heard for two-thirds of that time. Lets face it, humans are not exactly the cleanest animals on the planet, what harm would it do to just toss this banana peal or apple core?. Money doesnt have to go in your bank account mr. author. Oh, and for "nature", can find the critters in the Hollywood hills. Who, even though horrified at the sights and sounds of Tim being eaten alive, stayed with a man she knew was hell bent on destruction, overcoming her fear and fought a thousand pound grizzly bear with nothing more than a frying pan for at least 6 minutes in an attempt to save her friend and lover Tim Treadwell. In fact im sure hunters got the idea from him as permitting increased unfortunetly he has popularizied the area to the world. Ranger Ellis fires 11 times while rangers Gilliland and Dalrymple each fire 5 times, dropping the bear 12 feet away. Greatings from Dsseldorf. Than You!! Makes total sense that he got GOT by an older bear that had come into the Maze after the younger, stronger bears, had had their fill of food and headed in to hibernate.I will say Kudos to Treadwell for living the life that he wanted to liveby his terms (illegal or otherwise), and also going out on his own terms. He was an outsider. 2005, Trapped: The Life Of Timothy Treadwell; A Cry For Help, Schullery, Paul. Perhaps the author didn't want letters addressed to (him?) Im not sure the cause or timeline, but it seemed rather obvious to me that this guy wasnt playing with a full deck. Both seem excited and in happy spirits having located the missing sow. The two troopers, who had arrived at this point, as well as Willy Fulton, begin yelling at the bear to get out!. Was it mainly due to being orphaned so young? My next point is about people posting about which type of mental illness Tim had. Bear number #141 had worn, broken canines and was unable to make use of this tactic, along with the fact that the human head is just too large to fit directly inside of a bears mouth. Youre still able to be show honesty andempathy. After the college party life took over his life and losing his scholarship, Tim began auditioning for parts in various sitcoms, changing his name to Treadwell from his mothers side of the family. I honestly dont think he did any harm out there. Humans need to go into natural spaces with profound respect. Lol. But let's face it, no one deserves the kind of tormented life or death Timothy endured. Possibly in his mind, he thought that if he didnt pose a threat to these animals, that they would ignore him and leave him alone, Timothy Treadwell was wrong. Maybe we should be focusing more on trying to unravel the mysteries of what psychological damage happened to Timothy earlier in his life to make him react by living with and baby-talking to 1000 grizzly bears? Votes: 14 25.9% Run Like Hell! Yes, the cubs are so cute but not your friends. I think Timothy did some positive things for the wildlife, especially the bears by traveling around and speaking to schoolkids about them and speaking about them in a positive way albeit not 100% accurate but generalnly in a good way.I too think that many of the bears in his videos were extremely close to attacking him and I find it odd he didn't pick up on this while editting his videos at the very least. Jewel Palovak also states in her interview, that Tim was working with the park service, providing them with information on boat traffic, weather and other data collected. I have recently watched Grizzly Man at the request of a friend who found I was entertaining black bears in my yard, granted it is really far out in the middle of nowhere, but i do have distant neighbors. So he decided to go back to their campsite which they had never stayed so long before. How many times have each of seen a dog take the food and go away a short distance, where it feels safer? Anyways thank you to the writer for not being like everyone else . how interesting and very thorough. After he was discharged from the hospital, Tim decided to travel to Alaska and watch bears at the urging of Terry. As for the audio - the mother of either Timothy or his girlfriend owns it, and is not releasing it. As for Aimee, she was educated, probably intelligent, and perhaps successful in her field, but those factors have never precluded naivete. this website was the first result so i clicked it, read it & im glad i did. I recall watching "Grizzly Man" years ago and the photography was beautiful. But maybe he had a big ding dong which amey enjoyed so she stayed with him till her death. Willy Fulton Amie Lynn Huguenard was Timothy Treadwell's constant companion on his final three trips to visit the grizzly bears in Alaska's Katmai National Park. because he had been given food rewards from humans on multiple occasions. I give him a lot of respect for going into Alaska with none. According to Tim, as a teenager his home life disintegrated often getting stinking drunk and once smashed up the families car. By whom, I could never guess. I would never put myself in their way, just as I would never interact with wild/primitive humans. RIP both. (Fulton 2003, 2004), Incident Diagram courtesy National Park Service (Body locations are noted by author). His head connected to a small piece of (spine}, and what has been described as a frozen grimace on his face. I haven't found anything online but just curious if anyone took a little trip out there to take pictures or video and see what's changed. The way he curses society and material things makes one wonder malibu? he two jungle explorers who perished during the final search for their documentary. (Treadwell 2001). 1. The salmon run was at its end, and the river that flowed through the grizzly maze contained the last remaining salmon of the year. Bears typically make very little sounds, and each fake recording has the sound of a bear roaring, growling, and making all sorts of noises. Ranger Dalrymple was slightly ahead of Gilliland when Gilliland suddenly yells, Bear! The stuff horror movies are made of. If you have the bad luck of being eaten by an animal just remember, 90% of the time youre still alive as they start to eat you! When Tredwell was in his 20s, he developed a heroin addiction and had a fatal overdose that came dangerously close to taking his life. In each case, Tim would leave the tent as soon as he heard a bear nearby, and would calmly talk to them in his often child like voice encouraging and forcing them to leave. Amie turns the camera on and asks if the bear is still out there. Deb Liggett, superintendent of Katmai National Park became sufficiently concerned about Treadwell that she met him for coffee in Anchorage several years prior to his death. thank you for your story. Director/Producer Grizzly Man Movie. The word WANNABE pops into my head. I think initially he turned to heavy drugs to ease his pain w living life in the closet, and then, he turned to Wild Alaska, where he had no boundaries, labels, etc.His severe misstep was staying longer than usual that last summer. Nothing that something as small as a .22 can't solve, however. 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