The NAWCC is dedicated to providing association services, promoting interest in and encouraging the collecting of clocks and watches including disseminating knowledge of the same. I have worked in the electronics field for over 40 years. As the escape wheel revolves, the pallets catch a tooth on one side and let it escape. To allow the clock to run more than a day on a winding, a second wheel and pinion is added to the train. Having some vintage-looking items would definitely help with that. You may optionally configure it for Beats Per Second (BPS) or Beats Per Hour (BPH). I have a nice small clock movement with a platform escapement. Good luck! Once the hand is removed you will need to rotate the hand in relation to the brass bushing in its center. Your email address will not be published. It does not strike the hours. If you feel it move a little bit, that may correct the problem. .These cases can vary widely in their severity from mild inconveniences to deadly reactions. Answer (1 of 6): The to and fro movement seen in simple pendulum while one sways it is explained under simple harmonic motion or simply SHM. Any thoughts on why my clock is still running slow? If you have access to the movement and a careful eye, you can count the teeth in the time train and calculate the correct beat rate for your clock. You probably need to have your clock serviced. From its invention in 1656 by Christiaan Huygens until the 1930s, the pendulum clock was the world's most precise timekeeper. 34% Off. The pendulum needs to swing exactly equal distances from dead center to the left, as from dead center to the right. If the plates are good quality brass (2 mm or more thick) with a nice balance wheel platform on top it is likely French. Each tooth extends a small amount beyond the PCD, and this amount is directly proportional to the module. This is probably your problem. This type of escapement was typically used in only the best-quality clocks and chronometers. I have the nut adjusted to the very lowest position w/o falling off & it still gains about 30 minutes per 24 hours. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Thank you. Quartz clocks and electric clocks are designed to only run at one rate and you cannot adjust the time. Pendulums have been used in grandfather clocks and the like to keep time. Also we armature radio operators do the same thing to twitch the freq on our crystal transmitters. Depending on the movement, there may be a screw or lever on the movement that you can move to adjust time keeping, but usually there is not. Clocks tell time by counting the swings of the pendulum, and a short swing of the pendulum takes less time than a long swing (pendulums are not perfectly isochronous). Thus we have the following equations for wheel and pinion sizes (M is module and n is # of teeth): PCD = M * nOD (wheels) = M * (2.74 + n)OD (pinions) = M * (1.71 + n). MY seth THOMAS MANTEL CLOCK HAS A BALANCE WHEEL AND IS RUNNING FAST IT PICKS UP ABOUT 30 MINUTES OVER NIGHT. Sorry, I think I mise this. I have a mantle clock that runs slow and I need a key to turn it to fast. The adjustment nut is a large nut at the bottom of the pendulum just below the large disk or weight called the bob. The movement of the pendulum is transferred to the escapement anchor by means of an arm that straddles the pendulum rod, called thecrutch. These clocks usually only have one winding arbor or weight. Good luck! Takeaway. The pendulum length as tested was 19 cm. What is Pyrography? A pendulum clock is a clock that utilizes a pendulum, a swinging weight, as its timekeeping component. Gently push the pendulum leader slightly past the point of resistance. This page includes instructions and an online calculator, This is the box version with two square pieces of glass on the front. They were commonly used on low-cost clocks, and are popular amongst modern clockmakers. My dad has been trying to figure out how to fix the time on our Grandfather Clock that has been with our family for generations. Our perfect pendulum is small weight attached to a weightless shaft that rotates about a frictionless pivot point in a vacuum. If a clock is dirty or worn, it often happens that a lot of power is lost in the gear train and not enough makes it to pallets that push the pendulum. If you have any problems, it might be a good idea to find a clock repair services that have experience with the kind you have, such as the pendulum or balance wheel ones. These wheels are attached to slender rods calledpivots, which ride in holes drilled in the clock plates. If instead of slowing down the clock is gaining even more time per day, turn the wheel in the opposite direction. Do you have appropriate parts for sale? Once oil starts to evaporate or congeal or parts start to wear, less power is available to push the pendulum. This would be the counter-clockwise direction. Beats per minute or time of pendulum swing in seconds Results. The cannon shaft is a bar with the cannon pinion riveted to it. The point is to positively identify a movement, know its beats-per-hour and theoretical pendulum length in order to "time out" a clock more efficiently. The formula representing the time of oscillation of a pendulum, in a circular arc, is thus found:Let OB (fig. (You can reply by e-mail if that's better.). Without this push, the pendulum would stop after just a few beats. The job of the escapement is to precisely control the speed at which the train turns, thus allowing the train to keep accurate time. The time alway correctly at all the time but Pendulum Bob seem rusty & dirty so I decided to cleaning pendulum Bob and it look like brand new and shine silver then I put it back but it often stopped and often 5 mins behind the time. With your thumb, stop the balance wheel from turning. The vast majority of long case, tall case, grandfather clocks have a seconds pendulum that ideally runs at 3600 Beats Per Hour. I was wondering is there something scilly I am over looking, as the pendulum it a its most for slowing the clock down. Best regards, I am having the same problem, and no luck in moving the lever to the left. Using the same example. Many modern clocks use a variation of the recoil escapement, where instead of a solid anchor a bent strip of metal is used. How often should I have my clock serviced? Like now it is about 10 min on the hour off. There are several ways clocks can count the hours, but a common strike system is called the rack and snail. I completely repaired the clock case and purchased a new clock movement with chime box, assembling everything together. The worn pivot holes result in increased friction that reduces the power available to push the pendulum back and forth. Thanks. With French clocks, the unit of measurement is Pouces with the whole number being to the . If it is uneven (tock . Once back together, I checked the hands, the bob, the rod, the verge, everything there is straight and not rubbing. Then I fit the bushing onto the tang and turn the hand until it is adjusted properly. It involves a beat detecting device that counts out the beats per hour, or the beats per minute. There is another way, its called setting the beat rate. To make the wheel sizes more reasonable, another wheel and pinion is added to the train. 6) be the pendulum, B be the position from which the bob is let go, and P be its position at some period during its swing. Please tell me which way to turn the arbor. Thanks again! The shaft is made of a material that does not bend, stretch, or change in dimension with temperature. I have a ship's clock (chronometer) by Wempe. More specifically, its ticks at about 105 instead of 120. Trouble shooting is always a challenge. A thiner spring will allow the pendulum to turn more and run slower. Most modern clock hands are mounted on a brass bushing. These principles predict how a pendulum behaves based upon its . First . Will the addition of bushings decrease the value of my clock. If we throw pinions into the mix, things get even more interesting. Pendulum clocks had to be stationary and level to operate. I have let it run out each time before I wind it and adjust the speed. In order to make the hour hand rotate once for every twelve rotations of the minute hand, we need a 12:1 gear ratio for the motion train. The anchor wire is typically the pivot for the pendulum, so this is a very mechanically simple escapement. Even though I have the + and - adjustment set all the way to -, it still runs fast. I have been having trouble with my anniversary clock and I think it might be smart to take it in to get it repaired professionally to make sure I don't accidentally make it worse. When I received the clock it will only strike the half hour on its cathedral gong. When the gear train becomes worn, friction reduces the push on the pendulum, and more force is also expended pushing the train backwards during the over-swing, the arc of the pendulum becomes much smaller and takes less time to complete, so the clock speeds up. However, Hammond stayed with the manually started clocks and advertised the advantages: In an age of very frequent power outages, a self starting clock would stop when the power went off and then restart when the power came back on sometime later. Considering a 1-second pendulum (3600 beats/hr) and a typical escape wheel and pinion of 30 and 6 teeth respectively, we would need a center wheel with 360 teeth! But even this action isnt fully controlled and can fail to maintain the clocks pace. Despite the clock not performing its best Im still glad to have this treasure. tock). This rate is then compared to a . If you cannot adjust the timekeeping of the clock slow enough, that likely means that the clock needs some TLC. I am trying to slow down a smith clock with balance wheel. Open the front door and hang the pendulum on the hook (on . If the nut is already at the top of the threads and can't be adjusted, you probably need to take it in to a professional clock repair technition. Your clock runs fast so you want to turn the top of the key towards the R to slow it down. (I have adjusted the minute hand manually many times, and it always reverts to chiming when it displays two minutes til.) Wind-up clocks utilize a spring for power. How can I get it to run correctly? to run properly. Thanks! A pendulum clockis a clockthat uses a pendulum, a swinging weight, as its timekeepingelement. Often this results in a smaller swing which doesn't take as much time as it should so the clock speeds up. Yes. I found an anniversary clock in a thrift store that needed a new suspension spring. Best regards, I've taken the clock apart (not the movement itself) and checked that things were straight and not rubbing in any way. Thank you very much for the reply. The Adams Brown TimeTrax 185 timer is a relatively low cost device that listens to the escapement of the clock and reads the clock's beat rate on a display. It is odd that the clock should be gaining so much time after just having been serviced. I looked up the model number on the paperwork on the back of the clock, it is S1624;, therefore; It is an Ingraham. As the clock speeds up, the owner loosens the pendulum nut to slow the clock down until the nut can drop off. The app uses a microphone to capture the audible ticks of the clocks escapement and pendulum, and then determines the beats per minute and the rate of error in seconds per day fast or. Strike - Ice Beech 70989T30141. Thus as the movement becomes worn, the push the gear train gives to the pendulum is decreased, but the drag on the pendulum during locking is also decreased, so the arc of the pendulum can actually increase and the clock can slow down. Henry J. I removed the Second Hand and tried again. It sounds to me like your clock needs some professional attention. We need to add twice this amount to the PCD to get the OD. I replaced the AA Energizer Batteries in the Clock Movement and still the hands haven't moved. Most have a recoil escapement that turns the gear train backwards just slightly as the pendulum swings past the tick or tock but before it reverses direction. I will have another look at the problem. The oscillator circuit uses an old 20KHz quartz crystal, but other low frequency crystals can be used. It sounds like not enough power is getting to the pendulum. The last and simplest of the trains is the motion train. Setting The Beat of the Pendulum Clock The formula for the period T of a pendulum is T = 2 L g , where L is the length of the pendulum and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Just carefully push the minute hand to set the time. Enjoy the Fourth of July. Forstner bits are high-quality cutting tools that are used for making precise, flat-bottomed holes in wood and other materials. As soon as the pendulum reverses direction the gear train resumes its forwards direction and pushes on the pendulum until you hear the next tock or tick. With nearly immediate feedback, you can make repeated rate adjustments and see their effect in minutes rather than days. The app analyzes the ticking sound of the escapement to determine the clock's running rate measured in Beats Per Hour (B/H). The foliot is a cross-bar attached to the top of the verge. I appreciate the tip you shared about sliding the bob up or down to make your cuckoo clock move again. 2) The clock adjusts timekeeping by shortening or lengthening the acting length of the suspension spring which passes through two chops that pinch the spring and that move up and down when you turn the thumb wheel. I've ready all comments but none are do you make abong go faster? Every time the minute hand goes around, MicroSet divides the total number of pendulum swings by the number of minute hand rotations and derives the average Beats Per Hour to two decimal places for that movement. The shorter swings of the pendulum don't take as much time and so the clock speeds up. Bring your mantel clock into your local clock repair shop and they should be able to help you. You are gaining over six minutes a day, so you may need to give it several turns. (think of a circle centered at the pendulum suspension post). I then removed the Hour Hand and replaced the Minute Hand and, still nothing. have another clock i'd like to get running. When the pendulum swings all the way to one side, the pallet on one side releases a tooth, and the other pallet catches the next tooth in line. The biggest problem is timing the clock to the correct beats per min when adjusting pendulum length. However I can find no instructions as to whether I tighten or loosen them or if I have to do something to them both or just one of them. Then the gravitation pull on the primary weight powers the gears in the clock. JavaScript is disabled. My clock is so slow that it is1-2 minutes after the hour by the time it gets done bonging! to detect when the pendulum breaks the beam, then displaying the beats per min real time would be possible. Not 5 mins slow or fast but 10 to 15 either way. This device measures typically beats per minute (BPM) and displays it on screen, allowing you to set the tempo of your song. English carriage clocks are high quality, but very big. It involves a beat detecting device that counts out the beats per hour, or the beats per minute. It involves a beat detecting device that counts out the beats per hour, or the beats per minute. Get a quick and precise drift reading Clock repair shops usually stock a wide variety of keys in the most common sizes. L=22.35 cm. I have a couple that I think you should check out: 1) Check that the clock is "in beat." Mike, Hi, Below the band there's a hinge that allows the pendulum to move forward and backward. Also, the clock runs approximately 20 minutes fast even at the slowest setting. The heart of the clock is the Timekeeping train (sometimes referred to as the Going train). . It is theoretically possible to work the other direction to start with the length of the pendulum and calculate the BPH rate it would need to swing at to keep time, however in practice this is difficult, as the critical dimension is from the top of the suspension spring to the center of mass of the pendulum. Wow, I didn't know that there are speed settings that can be configured for grandfather clocks that are cuckoo clocks as well. I have a Hamilton (on its face) mantel clock from the 1949s that is electrical movement. Thanks in advance for any help given! and only after twoo days of monitoring, its only losing 1 min. IEEE Spectrum, September 30, 2014. For stick pendulums, the center of mass is usually very close to the center of the bob. Would this be repairable by anyone in this country (am willing to ship it). A dangerous heart rate is likely to be associated . The pendulum needs to be lengthened to 22.35 cm. It's no doubt a common run-of-the-mill mantel clock which were popular back in the day. I was hopeful it had done the trick, it was a small device for the extention attached to the pendulum at the top end. The time spent pushing against the locking face acts as a drag on the pendulum which decreases its swing. For lyre pendulums, the center of mass is above the center of the bob. In clocks there are almost always exceptions to every rule, so set the time, turn the dial to the right and see if the clock is slowing down. My guess is that you have this type of striking mechanism and that for some reason, the lever that holds the rack up isnt releasing the rack to fall, and so each time the clock only strikes once. Any way to identify this clock? It has a couple of major disadvantages, though: it is not a particularly good timekeeper, and the fact that it requires a contrate wheel makes the mechanical linkage of the escape wheel somewhat complicated. It is beautiful and means a lot to me but was running fast, I found your advice to adjust the pendulum and hope that I can adjust the speed Thank You. There is no lever as described above but I do have two nuts labelled s and f either side of the balance wheel. Hello there, I have just bought a Rhythm 1960's-70's Japanese Space age pedestal clock in lovely condition but it's gained about 2 minutes in the last 3 hours now. This single-gear setup was common on smaller clocks and lower-cost clocks in the past, and is still in use for some low-end cuckoo clocks to this day. The F or S is too small for me to see. Always try to grasp the hands close the the brass bushing, and try to avoid bending the hands. Is there anything else l can do to length the pendulum besides taking it to a repair shop. Listen to the tic toc. I guess I need to know more. I doubt it's ever been looked at or cleaned. I tried screwing it back on but could not do it. Be aware that the stated sizes of the keys and the size you measure on the arbor may be slightly different, so you may need to order more than one key to get one that fits. If they are held together tight enough so they will not slip there will be a lot of friction, which means more power will be required to drive the gears. The escapement controls the speed of the train by "counting" beats of the pendulum. Is this just because it's a little older? A friend's brother in Calgary AB is a clock fanatic and got my mum & dad's wedding present (1950) working again. The most likely problem is that there is dirt and/or wear in the time train. I figured I can try to adjust that again once I get the speed figured out. Why does a clock run fast when it isn't getting enough power? Moving the fork down will make it faster. . If we were using a 6-tooth pinion, then, our numbers would be: Cannon Pinion: 39Minute Wheel 39Minute Pinion: 6Hour Wheel: 72. Kim. Hi I have a Smith Enfield Clock Westminster chime it looses seven miniuets a day, I tried adding length to the pendulum with a small device which then started to make it slow by seven mins; again. The Rate Finder will run for as long as you want it to. There are two types of curves commonly used in clock wheel teeth:epicycloidal(the curve generated by tracing a single point on a circle as it rolls) andinvolute(the curve generated by unwinding a line from a circle). The tang of a small file works well. Hello Steve, the R stands for retard and the A stands for Advance (or their French equivalents). TimeSavers offers several books on clock repair that can help. To put the clock in beat: Make sure the clock is hanging straight. It won't take as long as it should to come back around, and the clock will run very fast. haha! In general, moving the fork on the spring up will give more push to the pendulum and will cause a longer rotation which will make it slower. Again remember to grasp the hand close to the bushing when making this adjustment. Do any of you know of clocks that operate at less than 60 beats per minute? If there isn't enough power pushing the wheel back and forth, the wheel will not turn very far. The anchor for a verge is simply a wire with two flags attached to it that act as pallets. If we added another 6:1 wheel/pinion it would yield a 36:1 gear ratio, giving us 180 hours (7.5 days) on a single winding. Kevin. Or does my clock need to be serviced? Look at the American Watchmaker's - Clockmaker's Institute website for their "Find a Professional" page. What else can I do? Be careful however, many do not. Can you please give some advice? If it is more uneven, push the leader in the opposite direction and listen to the tic tock again. For example, if you are using a module 1.0 cutter, a 48 tooth wheel would have a PCD of 48 mm. Your statement about quartz clocks not being able to be adjusted. Any advice or instruction on how to put this adjustment nut back? Simply hold the bushing still with a wrench and turn the hand the distance needed so that when you put the hand back on the clock, the hand is pointing straight up at the 12. A few of the gears inside will move as you turn the hand so that the hour hand will move accordingly. The clock has done much traveling - NZ to BC to AB and back to BC where it sites on my antic sideboard. 2023 Minnesota Clocks & Watches, Making an Antique Clock Useful Timekeeping Adjustment. You will probably have to make several trys before you get it right. In the verge and foliot escapement, two pallets are attached to a vertical rod called a verge. For example, if disk A is 100mm in diameter and disk B is 50mm, the gear ratio will be 2:1 B will rotate twice for every rotation of A. Hi, National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors Inc (A 501c3 non-profit corporation). 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