The Switch Axe is such an unusual Monster Hunter weapon. Later levels also give you Affinity. Applies Phial only during the Sword Mode segment. , so you should probably keep an eye on it. Fond Farewell at this point has the same raw and Sharpness as the Petrified, but also has additional Water on top of it, and some Affinity. Well preface this particular style by telling you that its probably the most powerful option you can choose for the Switch Axe, at least in terms of sheer damage output. Type . During Hack n Slash (any style), can perform the special finisher by pressing X. Until then, this will get you pretty far. This set will be the last one you make before Ahtal-Ka in all likelihood. Customize MHW "BASIC High Rank Armor build" v1 in MHWCalc. I've been maining it since its release in 3. Guild SA itself is underwhelming due to all of the fancy additions to the other styles, namely HA slots for Striker and Alchemy and the lack of loss of moves on Adept and Aerial. Youll need S+2 to get Purple Sharpness though. Really you could go full Ore or full bone in the early game. It also has a charge mechanic and multiple Phials it can fill up while attacking. (loop) Down Slash -> Up Slash -> Down Slash -> Up Slash (end loop). A good way to immediately counterattack Post-Adept Dodge and transition to Sword Mode afterwards. If youre in Guild Style, you can press R to perform a finisher attack, after which you can press R again to perform a Morph to Sword Attack. When it comes to SA Phial Types, theres usually only one answer when people ask about it. Sword Mode: (loop) Forward X, X, Forward X, X, (end loop). Its even got a slot. This includes. But well cover all the other SA Phial types here anyway. Conversely, you move slowly in Sword mode, but its attacks are quick. When it comes to SA Phial Types, theres usually only one answer when people ask about it. Sword Mode: (loop) A, X+A, A, X+A, (end loop). Has Razor Sharp and Critical Eye, so this set will be a little less effective in terms of damage output this early in the game, but if you want a sorta-good looking set and dont want to use BuJaBu anymore, then you can use this. When you do, youll be forced back into Axe Mode, so be sure to not deplete it in a bad place. Alternative LR set that you can use on basically any Blademaster weapon type. No other SA has quite as much raw or sharpness in this point in the game for a long while, so youd better get used to this. If it gains White or Purple, like Elderfrost does, then this is great. The power of 3 HAs means that you can stack the 3 most powerful HAs that SA has access to, Readiness, Energy Charge, and Demon Riot, and only lose a few extraneous options. Use the long recovery frames to precisely iframe attacks! What Should Monster Hunter World Players Expect? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Now this phial type, if you can believe it, is somehow moreniche than even the upcoming status phials. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 Hunter Art slot (1 SP Art). Switch the way you play with Switch Axe! the typical SA style featuring unlimited and full access to both moves. Zinogres SA qualifies, with decent raw, Power Phial, and good Sharpness. Juice Up On The DPS For Faster Area . These cookies do not store any personal information. The two branches off of Seregios SA are really competitive with each other, so Ive recommended both here. Sometimes useful to open up additional windows of opportunity on monsters, especially since youre rolling all the time. Make this and love it to get through the beginning stages of G-Rank. When Switch Gauge is under 40% and after any attack where you can morph to Sword, R -. The Switch Axe is a powerhouse weapon with two distinct stances. Elemental Discharge Canceling takes up a lot of Switch Gauge, so be careful with it. Only a few monsters in the game are really weak to Dragon, and being forced to use Sword Mode to apply Dragon? The more obvious style is to keep on chaining Morph Attacks with R, letting you save on phials while pumping out damage. (loop) Boost Jump -> Aerial Upslash -> Jumping Down Slash (end loop). If you do so though, this can take you all the way through Ahtal Ka. Can still perform Jumping Elemental Thrust from midair. Id rather you just have Dragon-elemental damage naturally. That said, the Axe Finisher is an instant-ish 3 hits of 95 MV, but Swords Adept counterattack is two swings, totalling 50 MV, which uses up Phial Gauge. All SA attacks provide Super Armor while youre doing them. You can switch between Modes while youre idle with R, and some attacks can even combo into a morph attack with R. Try it out, and see what attacks can perform a morph-to attack. Rare 1 Rare 2 Rare 3 Rare 4. During Hack n Slash (any style), can perform the special finisher by pressing X. Performs a few opening swings in Axe Mode, then empowers your hunter to perform the Hack n Slash faster, consuming less stamina. Your email address will not be published. Hellblades SA is still relevant in GU because you dont have to run S+2 nor RS on this SA. This means that you can spam Elemental Discharges without the extreme cost to your Switch Gauge. Please dont claim any of this guides contents as your own. Your call, since its really close. First and foremost, always choose Power Phial SAs. You can switch between both of your Sword attacks easily, nudging and manoeuvring your hunter around the hunter as you do. Provides a variant of Attack Up and Weakness Exploit, which will boost your damage quite effectively. Has Evade Distance, Evasion +1 (with a few decorations), and Critical Eye, which is pretty nice for SA. 1 Hunter Art slot (1 SP Art). Alchemy SA is like Striker Style, but has the Double Slash, if you really like that. Valstraxs SA packs Element Phial rather than Power Phial, but is (slightly) compensated by the fact that you dont need to run either S+2 or Razor Sharp on this SA. Fire Switch Axe Build. Can still perform Jumping Elemental Thrust from midair. With Evade Extender in tow and well-timed sidesteps, you can just hop through attacks and keep up aggression, making high levels of play interesting and effective too. You can use this style if you want to try out the pure SA experience, but other than that? I hope you get all the drops you need from Lao on your first time hunting him, since his SA, new to this game, is quite a powerhouse in its own right. Zinogres SA. Unless you have Demon Riot up. Sometimes useful to open up additional windows of opportunity on monsters, especially since youre rolling all the time. Its got lots of Critical Eye and still has Razor Sharp, so its perfect for taking up to G-Rank Defense properly. But not every single one is necessary to progress the main . Czar Switch Axe LV7: 250: Generations Ultimate does function a little differently to others, since it essentially allows you to access the entirety of the Hub from the get go, however you will. The style does lose some versatility in Axe mode, but given that youre hardly ever going to be out of Sword mode, who cares? SA is very strong in this game without being mindlessly broken, like some other meta weapon/style combos. Until then, in G rank you can use the Elder switch axe you can easily make from a little bit of gathering. Too good to be true? You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Only a few monsters in the game are really weak to Dragon, and being forced to use Sword Mode to apply Dragon? An easy way to immediately transition into Sword Mode from Axe Mode midair. If you can somehow scrape together the Rajang Hardhorns required to upgrade this SA, this will be the best weapon to fight Ahtal-Ka with, since it has 290 raw and a decent amount of Thunder, combined with SA. Adds a specific amount of Dragon-elemental damage, listed on the SA Status tip, to all Sword Mode attacks. Demon Riot is one of the two HAs that made SA a force to reckon with in Gen. Its got lots of Critical Eye and still has Razor Sharp, so its perfect for taking up to G-Rank Defense properly. This leads to a game that has a huge, Jumping into a multiplayer hunt, at least in any modern Monster Hunter title, is an easy proposition. 1 Hunter Art slot (1 SP Art). Aerial SA can spam jump attacks automatically when you jump on the monster, and youre in Sword Mode. Itll stay that way until you get Petrified Axe to Level 7. The other styles generally lose out because they either dont have the HA slots in the case of Adept and Valor or theyre generally underwhelming in the case of Aerial and Guild. Being a Blademaster weapon, Razor Sharp is always nice to prolong your sharpness bar and prevent dropping into lower levels of sharpness. Furthermore, the blue sharpness this SA has is effectively infinite. Oh, and you can KO monsters with Exhaust Phial if you hit them on the head, but good luck actually trying to KO things with that. For more fluid transitions between Sword and Axe Mode, try using the aforementioned Morph Attacks. More Attack and more Defense than the LR version, this set is pretty great on its own, and easily capable of taking you through the early vestiges of G-Rank. In exchange, theyre often weaker than the Axe Attacks. Rare 5 Rare 6 Rare 7. The listed duration for the art is based off of 100% Switch Gauge, so you may experience reduced duration otherwise. More experienced SA players can abuse this fact to precisely time their dodges to naturally iframe through attacks. This can also be used on LR Nakarkos, since hes weak to Fire. A simple gapclosing attack in Axe Mode that transitions to Sword Mode. Avoid at all costs if you even think about using Sword Mode. (loop) Down Slash -> Up Slash (end loop). The other phials simply dont do enough, compared to a 20% boost in damage when youre in Sword Mode. Tempest Axe boosts your Axe Mode capabilities, in particular improving the Hack n Slash whilst giving you an additional finisher that is faster, and does about the same damage. Slightly above-average raw with a healthy amount of Dragon, though you need to run Sharpness +2 with this one to get a usable amount of high Sharpness. The most powerful HA in the entire game, only crippled by its use time and the fact that the other HAs can do more for less. Axe Mode: X, X, X, (loop) A (end loop), R. Down Slash -> Side Slice -> Upswing -> (loop) Hack n Slash (end loop) -> Hack n Finisher. A simple gapclosing attack in Axe Mode that transitions to Sword Mode. Weapon Name. Like the Switch Axe, it can morph between 2 different weapon forms. Deviant Boost of some weapons makes chaining together Energy Charges while Demon Riot is active easier. The Switch Gauge charges over time while youre outside of Sword Mode and is drained with every Sword Mode attack you do. Switch and use Axe Mode with X, and Sword Mode with A. Github Mirror for my guides, in case theyre taken down: This kinda wins by default. That said, the Axe Finisher is an instant-ish 3 hits of 95 MV, but Swords Adept counterattack is two swings, totalling 50 MV, which uses up Phial Gauge. Ils ont ensuite dclar la guerre aux forces de l'Axe (Japon, Allemagne, Italie) c'tait le 7 dcembre 1941. Most matchups for SA are favorable too, since Sword Mode is not only powerful but also has Minds Eye, and Axe Mode has the utility of the high reach. Though having an increased charge time in GU, you can still chain together Energy Charges, though it will be slightly harder than before. This may be only a minor improvement, but if youve kept up your Mizu SA improvements you should use this. Valor SA can be played in three distinct ways, but loses the Energy Charge/Demon Riot combination. . If you do use these SAs, bring out and use that Sword Mode. In the same vein, Evasion +1 can be used for certain attacks too. This is a classic SA because this is really the only SA that you can use. Tree; . Youll deal little damage with this SA, but youll actually have a chance of paralyzing the monster with this one. The next most obvious style is Elemental Discharge spam, using the Double Discharge to inflict large amounts of damage in short bursts. The legendary Jho Cena provides Sharpness +2 and Razor Sharp at base, without charms or decorations. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Contact us for advertising opportunities:, By clicking "Accept", you consent that we may use your personal data to serve personalised adverts, and that Cookies or other local storage identifiers may be used to serve personalised and non-personalised adverts. The finisher deals 25% + 55% damage. YAWG and the Yet Another series of Guides and Tools will always be free to use. Deviant boost, good amount of Poison, good Sharpness. Triple slots and natural Purple is okay for Status SA. A Switch Axe with the power of a Stygian Zinogre. grants you 3 ways to play, at least, while youre in Valor Mode. Has a decent amount of Blast to compensate for its below-average raw. Evade Extender is really helpful for mobility regarding SA. 1 Hunter Art slot (1 SP Art). The axe form serves you with its several combo attacks while it charges the weapon. Also, since you dont use Switch Gauge on attacks, you can use Elemental Discharges constantly without it being a pain on your Switch Gauge. Has Evade Distance, Evasion +1 (with a few decorations), and Critical Eye, which is pretty nice for SA. The more obvious style is to keep on chaining Morph Attacks with R, letting you save on phials while pumping out damage. Petrified SA is actually the one you're going to be using until Village 5, when you can make the Elite SA for Raw, Rathalos SA for Fire, Lagi for Thunder, and then of course there's the Fated Four's SAs, which will cover Fire, Thunder, Ice, and Water. Axe Modes attacks are slower and dont apply the Phial of your SA, but theyre more powerful, and provide a measure of utility while youre low on Switch Gauge. Off-Meta Recommendations - Dont Use Unless You Really Want To! No other SA has quite as much raw or sharpness in this point in the game for a long while, so youd better get used to this. The new HA introduced in GU, Tempest Axe functions as a parallel to Demon Riot, except it makes your Hack n Slash swings more efficient in terms of Stamina and they also speed up the more you Hack n Slash. Though I suppose that every style does that more or less. A simple upgrade from Narga S with more points in Expert and Evasion for your evasion needs. With these active and your sword constantly slashing, youll reach a point where your arts are almost fully recharged before they run out, meaning you can just stick with sword mode for almost the entire hunt! (loop) Down Slash -> Side Slice -> Upswing (end loop). If it gains White or Purple, like Elderfrost does, then this is great. YAWG and the Yet Another series of Guides and Tools will always be free to use. This is a classic damage-boosting skill, where if you hit weakspots your Affinity rises by 50%, which is a 12.5% boost to your damage! Having two distinct movesets and the ability to fluidly switch between the two of them, Switch Axe can be extremely fun to play and to master. You will also miss the Deviant boost with this SA so run Energy Charge II instead of III. Hack monsters down with the force behind Axe Mode, while cutting them down with the utility and speed of Sword Mode! This style focuses on making your Sword mode abilities as easy as possible to use, which it achieves by making them loop together in a smooth a natural fashion. Luckily, it's also one of the best that you'll get your hands on for a good while, at least in terms of viability against any monster. The simplest combo you can do in Sword Mode. This set is the same as the standard Rathalos mixset from Low Rank but with all of the parts upgraded to their respective High Rank versions. For more fluid transitions between Sword and Axe Mode, try using the aforementioned Morph Attacks. . Visit our Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate database at:! Or a damage calculator? Look up axe weapon tree and see where those axes go or if there are other end path axes you want. Infinite X can weave in the gapcloser attack by using the Forward + X, while infinite A has the Double Slash. Id rather you just have Dragon-elemental damage naturally. SA is very strong in this game without being mindlessly broken, like some other meta weapon/style combos. Switch and use Axe Mode with X, and Sword Mode with A. Dont use Adept SA though since Evasion doesn't stack with Adepts triggering frames. Wielding it fills the Arts Gauge faster. When you do, youll be forced back into Axe Mode, so be sure to not deplete it in a bad place. Even without the explosion, its really effective. Armor List. If you cant fit anything of relevance on your armor set, then this is the skill to go for. Deviant boost, good amount of Poison, good Sharpness. Soulseer Mizutsunes SA is the best Water SA mostly because of Deviant boost, but also because of its decent stats too. It also prevents reloading your Switch Gauge. 20% more raw on all Sword Mode attacks makes the difference on their attacks, easily closing the gap between Sword and Axe attack MVs, and making it so that it may surpass Axe Mode MVs. worth it or not, Evade Extender is seen by a crutch by more advanced players but is also viewed as core by people that keep their SA unsheathed. Rathalos X packs more points in Attack and Tenderizer as well as points in Earplugs, which can be useful at times. Id rather you just have Dragon-elemental damage naturally. This guide is meant for new players of Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (MHGU) or for players who haven't played Blademaster in the old-school games, and wish to play as Switch Axe. I cannot overstate how great Power Phial is, especially with Demon Riot. Though having an increased charge time in GU, you can still chain together Energy Charges, though it will be slightly harder than before. yes. Useful for shorter monster downed opportunities. Even without the explosion, its really effective. Energy Charge ignores this restriction and recharges your Switch Gauge, while providing additional Affinity. Faster, consuming less stamina 40 % and after any attack where you use... Try using the Double Slash some weapons makes chaining together Energy charges while Riot! Opportunity on monsters, especially since youre rolling all the way through Ahtal Ka can. Should probably keep an Eye on it and prevent dropping into lower levels of Sharpness you jump on the Status. Of this Guides contents as your own since its release in 3 letting you save phials. Generations Ultimate database at: https: // the gapcloser attack by using the Morph... Ive recommended both here adds a specific amount of Blast to compensate for its raw. 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