Dorothy Ann Garner was a former office supervisor of Scott Foresman. For in Barry Ernests book, The Girl on the Stairs, the reader will read that both Vickie Adams and Sandy Styles told Barry that they did not see either Shelly or Lovelady when they descended from the fourth floor to the first. Mr. WILCOTT - Not specifically, only generally. Mr. GOLDSMITH - So basically, you checked only one of the advance books, is that correct? [8] Jim Marrs, Crossfire (Carroll & Graf. Yet the mere existence of oversized boxes on the premises does not constitute proof of ongoing illegal activities. Mr. GOLDSMITH - You testified that your records were only kept for thirty days, is that correct? Why this information would.come out to a CIA station XXXXXXX rather than some other part of the world is, I assume, because Oswald was trained in Japan, according to your belief. He learned this after the fact through various sources within the Agency, who all recognized what had happened after the assassination and the association of Oswalds name with the crime. Told to report to base by the tower. Mr. GOLDSMITH - During what years did you work for the CIA? The CIA then told him a story of how someone could be thrown out of a plane without a parachute and the CIA would protect them. Mr. WILCOTT - Oh, yes. (sic) Mr. SAWYER - Thank you. During this same time, I also met and spoke with relevant employees who later worked for Lee Harvey Oswalds supervisor after the assassination of President Kennedy. Mary Lea Williams, a receptionist for Allyn & Bacon, said the move occurred two or three years before the assassination. He directed me to another man nearer the door, who pointed to an office. At the time of the assassination of JFK, Wilcott worked at the Agency's Tokyo station where he said he was told by other Agency personnel that funds he himself had disbursed were for "Oswald" or the "Oswald Project." JFK FILES - The Roscoe White Story: -Grassy Knoll Assassin Or Hoax? Mr. CORNWELL - I have no further questions. Mr. WILCOTT - Gordon Finch. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, I did. Below is an excerpt from Harriss letter dated December 15, 1992: Enclosed is the Bill Shelley document I read to you over the phone. Well, they would go through the files and take out anything that they thought was, say, indicative of how this flap occurred and change the files. Mr. CORNWELL - What, if any, investigation did the Agency do with respect to that? (Their previous address was 501 Elm Street on the first floor of the Dal-Tex building.). From about January of 1960 to about June of 1960, I was transferred to Finance Field Payroll, also, in this same building, on the Potomac. Mr. WILCOTT - Most of the people were involved in the civil rights movement or in the antiwar movement in 1968. Mr. PREYER - Well, that is the other question that I want to be very sure on. Mr. GOLDSMITH - I think we had better go over that one more time. Needless to say, she never did wear that dress. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Would those summaries be destroyed as a matter of routine, to your knowledge? Mr. CORNWELL - When was that? Mr. WILCOTT - No. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Mr. Wilcott, you indicated that after receiving this information concerning Oswald's cryptonym, you went back to check some files, is that correct? Mr. SAWYER - It went through the XXXXXXX station? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, for a limited period. Apparently, work at the book depository was not so demanding as to preclude these forays into military, law enforcement, or intelligence organizations. I will give my card to the Committee. Fritz was on the sixth floor examining the scene when Truly told him of this. 1964, of course, the Vietnam war was going on and Lyndon Johnson was now president. Mr. WILCOTT - I cannot remember. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Do you remember where this conversation took place? The band started out in 1966 in Long Beach, California, and became known for its unique blend of country western and rock and roll. CIA finance officer James Wilcott said, Several different individuals or firms in Dallas had been involved in one way or another with acting as cut-outs for arms shipments to Cuban exiles for the invasion. Mr. DODD - When you were told all of this? The book depository was in a seven-story, red brick building located at 411 Elm Street. Mr. WILCOTT - It was right at my window, my disbursing cage window. You may have noticed that at the end of my letter to Alternative Views I carbon-copied to my will. It was intended as a jab at myself lest I get too full of myself rereading it 50 years from now. Please try again. Mr. WILCOTT - It was my Request for Advance Book. Upon request, the National Archives sent me a copy of the letter. ", and they might look it over and retype the accounting for funds for their project and, you know, make changes that they might think were in their interest to do. Having a double life would not have made Shelley unique among the people who worked at the book depository. Supposedly, he fell asleep at the wheel, or committed suicide, when he rammed into the back of a semi-truck. Mr. GOLDSMITH - How did you become employed with the CIA? I called the number of the Avalanche Journal in Lubbock, Texas and got the personnel director. We appreciate your being here today, Mr. Wilcott. Mr. WILCOTT - Not publicly. She said that she had been in the personnel department since 1982, and she never knew anyone by that name. Why would anyone share the information that Oswald was an agent with you, Mr. Wilcott? Wilcott was a private pilot and landed his plane at noon, 11-23-63, Tokyo time. Mr. WILCOTT - It was a book that I had. Mr. PREYER - I believe you have written an article about this, an unpublished article. There was a lot of excitement going on at the station after the Kennedy assassination. There was a person, Dave, who was a Deputy Chief. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Mr. Wilcott after leaving the XXXXXXXXX Station, was there any other time when you came across any information that indicated that Oswald was a CIA agent? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, I did. Mr. CORNWELL - However, I take it from the fact that, as you describe it, it wasn't always applied, that occasionally you did learn something about the identities of the persons or projects that the cryptonyms referred to; is that correct? Then in 2009 I read and reviewed James Douglass's masterpiece, JFK and the Unspeakable, and my traumatic memories of 1963 and after came flooding back in full force. (National Archives, RG 272) No other event of the last 75 . (2009), James W. Douglass explains this in detail, including the James Wilcott story. Mr. PREYER - It had no relation to your performance? One of the aforementioned employees (whose name I cannot recall) stated that when she went to work for Bill Shelly at the school book depository in the early 1970s she was interviewed for the job by some type of government agents who asked if she had been recruited by the F.B.I. Mr. WILCOTT - They would have summaries of some sort. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Are you saying, then, that the cash disbursement files as a matter of routine would be periodically destoryed? The first contact I had with any reporter or any newspaper people or any media people was with Glad Day Press. Mr. WILCOTT - June of 1964. And perhaps even having people inside the TSBD as assets. Mr. SAWYER - Who is the public safety commissioner? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. Mr. GOLDSMITH - How many people from the CIA did you speak to who speculated that Oswald was an agent? James T. Tague was an unintended victim in the Kennedy assassination, hit by a stray bullet while stuck in traffic on the way to pick up a luncheon date. It was just a three-ring binder, and we would list down the advances by cryptonym and the amounts and then reconcile that with the daily disbursements. Mr. WILCOTT - In 1963, I wasn't think that much about it. [6] Interviews of Joe Bergin, Jr. February 12 and 26, 1994 and August 7, 1999. [23], The man using the pay phone was Shelley, for in an affidavit made out that same afternoon, he said, "I went back into the building [from outside where he viewed the shooting of the president] and went inside and called my wife and told her what happened. Behind the building are five loading docks and an asphalt lot extensive enough to accommodate a number of trucks of any given size. I talked to reporters from various papers, and I talked to people in other forms of meetings, and to me it is not surprising at all. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Answer "yes" or "no" for the recorder. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Where is Concord located? [19] Immediately after Adams and Styles went out the back door, Officer Marion Baker came in through the front door and met Roy Truly. In my letter to him, I praised him for his courage and expressed the hope that someday he might fill in the gaps of his story for the sake of history. On many occasions he had conversations with CIA personnel concerning Lee Harvey Oswald's employment as a CIA agent. The Three Barons proves that it is possible (with enough research), to reconstruct the organizational chart of the JFK plot. My testimony included numerous meetings with a man named Bill Shelly (I am no longer certain of the correct spelling of his last name.) This was just prior to moving to Langley, in finance, and my duties there were policing accounts, and included auditing of special accounts. [22] Sylvia Meagher, Accessories After the Fact, p. 74. There is a very large spider guarding this web of secrecy. Mr. WILCOTT - I really don't know. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, I did. Joe died on August 29, 2001 at the age of 55. Mr. Shelly claims to have been an intelligence officer during World War II and thereafter joined the CIA. Mr. DODD - How long had you been married by the way? Mr. WILCOTT - That is correct. Oswald was already dead at that time, the book might have contained a reference to either Oswald or the Oswald project and that that reference would have been to a period six months or even a year earlier, is that correct? [5] Examination of city directories and phone books in the Dallas Public Library shows that the book depository and the publishing companies did not have the 411 Elm Street address until 1963. Mr. DODD - I have just a couple of questions. Mr. WILCOTT - Well, my tires were slashed and damage done to my car and I believe sugar poured in the gas tank, and whether this was actually CIA or not I have no way of knowing, and it could also have been just for harassment as a result of antiwar activities but I think there is also a possibility that it could have been attempts to intimidate me into talking about the CIA. Mr. SAWYER - What were they? Mr. WILCOTT - Dozens, literally dozens. Mr. WILCOTT - Certainly, from May of 1957 to January of 1960, I was in the pre-fab building on the Potomac in finance. men asked the employees point blank if they were members of the C.I.A. A fellow researcher named Eric Lee Jordan visited the site and took pictures of it. This would put his visit in a period sometime during the summer or fall of 1963. [27] Gerald McKnight, Breach of Trust p. 115. There were, as I recall, three men there, all I think in shirt sleeves. Mr. WILCOTT - Did you vote for President Kennedy? Mr. WILCOTT - That is true. Did you want to do this or intend to proceed with that line of questioning? Wilcott swore in a secret session Prior to this time, the building was occupied by a wholesale grocery company engaged in supplying restaurants and institutions.[4] The wholesale grocery company was the John Sexton Company. It was only my personal Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. But you apparently indicated that you feel there was a direct connection between the Bay of Pigs operation and the assassination of the President. Mr. WILCOTT - I have been trying to talk about this thing and other things for the last ten years. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Was he a CIA employee? Mr. WILCOTT - In December of 1975, in the little magazine called The Pelican at the University of California, and an interview was conducted by a reporter from that magazine. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. That was the SR branch which had all of the projects having anything to do with the Soviet Union. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Was Jerry Fox one of the people that made. Mr. CORNWELL - In the conversations you had with other CIA employees, the six or seven persons who purported to have good information about the use of Oswald as an agent, did any of those people say anything to you which suggested that the CIA had some role in the assassination of President Kennedy? Mr. GOLDSMITH - Why not? Mr. PREYER - I would like before we begin to read a written statement concerning the subject of the investigation. Mr. SCHAAP - For the record, I have made a list of all of these spellings of the names which have been mentioned, which I will give to the stenographer so that he will have, them correctly. Did you contact any CIA officer or employee with respect to the secrecy oath and discuss with them whether or not you should be permitted to discuss these matters outside of the Agency? According to an FBI report dated November 22, 1963, warehouse manager Roy Truly said, The Texas School Book Depository has occupied the building at 411 Elm Street for only a few months. [8] Carolyn Arnold, a secretary for Vice-president Ochus Campbell, told a friend in 1994 that she had been, and still was, terrified. Mr. GOLDSMITH - And what did he tell you the cryptonym was? G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel and Director. (SIG) in CIA Counterintelligence held a 201 file on Oswald in the three years prior to JFK's assassination. For details, please see the Terms & Conditions associated with these promotions. House of Representatives, John F. Kennedy Subcommittee of the Select Committee on Assassinations, Washington, D. C. Mr. SAWYER - Was he in Utica? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, you did. And I think that is why I probably heard a lot more things than other people did, for instance, than my wife did, because of that situation. Mr. WILCOTT - George Breen was a person in Registry, who was my closest friend while I was in XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Mr. WILCOTT - Well, I am sorry -- if Oswald was what? Please try again. Mr. DODD - And the information given you occurred sometime three months after the actual assassination. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Referring to that list, would you tell the Committee where you were stationed during your period with the CIA? Mr. CORNWELL - Last November? At the end of. ", That was the kind of things that people said. Mr. WILCOTT - No. From June of 1960 to June of 1964, I was stationed at XXXXXXX Station, and my primary duty was finance and cash disbursements. Their whereabouts are completely unknown. Let us say, for instance, that there was a certain project going on, and the project was one that became known that this project was being carried out -- and we call it "flaps," -- and the Case Officer in charge might get word that somebody from headquarters was coming to review the files to investigate the flap. [5] Interviews of Ted Leon and Thomas H. Butler. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. Mr. WILCOTT - No, sir. Mr. WILCOTT - I am sorry, sir; I lost the thread of your question. Mr. SAWYER - Were there any other instances of harassment? every CIA Case Officer who worked XXXXXXXXXX in 1963? Copyright 2016-2022 by All Rights Reserved. Mr. WILCOTT - We were married in 1954, sir. At my request, he sent me a copy. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. Mr. Wilcott, maybe we can expedite this somewhat by asking you this: Do you have any first-hand knowledge or information as to a link between the failed Bay of Pigs operation and the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy? About a minute or two later, NBC news reporter Robert MacNeil came in through the front door, amazed to see three calm men. Mr. WILCOTT - No; I know for a fact, or I know from hearsay, and I believe it to be true from the circumstances how this conversation came up and so on. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Why has it been difficult? He saw two white men sitting by the stairs. He was the mayor at that time. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, I did. Additional gift options are available when buying one eBook at a time. Its also includes links to many hours of online videos you can watch on the evidence covered. Mr. WILCOTT - I don't remember his name now offhand. Mr. PREYER - Thank you. Mr. WILCOTT - That is correct. Mr. CORNWELL - Is there any chance that that record stil exists? Last modified on Tuesday, 21 April 2020 03:08, The JFK Assassination Decoded: Two Reviews, Malcolm X's Family to File $100 Million Wrongful Death Lawsuit, Alleging Cover-up of His Murder, A Personal Encounter with the Warren Commission, JFK Medical Betrayal: Where The Evidence Lies by Russell Kent, The CIA and the Texas School Book Depository. I . EXECUTIVE SESSION They constructed a new building in the northwest part of Dallas, which both companies shared. Mr. GOLDSMITH - And how did that come to your attention: He was not questioned by the Warren Commission. Out of curiosity, he opened this door and saw a large storage area that took over half of the square footage of the fourth floor. Regardless, it ended up in my files around the time we opened the JFK Center in 1989. Their apartment looked as if no one had ever lived in it. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Could you give an example of that? Mr. GOLDSMITH - So, does that mean you were able to check back only thirty days from the time that you were given this information? Ruffians driving by yelled derogatory things and threw objects at the house such as half-empty beer cans. It was a guard-type function at the station, which I worked for overtime. I asked Mr. Peets if he knew of any member of the band who disappeared in Dallas in the mid-1970s. Mr. GOLDSMITH - excuse me, just answer the question very generally, without referring to anything right now, and please describe generally what your responsibilities were as a finance officer. Mar 26, 2017, 6:30:52 PM to The dubious allegations of James Wilcott, a former CIA finance officer who testified before the HSCA in executive session, are still repeated by theorists promoting. James B. Wilcott worked for the CIA from May of 1957 to April of 1966. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Well, if I understand your correctly, then, you answer now was somewhat different from what you testified earlier. Mr. GOLDSMITH - When was that? So, when the Case Officer made reference to a cryptonym, you didn't know whether the cryptonym referred to Oswald specifically or to a project in which Oswald had been involved is that correct? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Try again. Mr. WILCOTT - Well, it was just a cryptonym, and it could refer to a person, or it could refer to something else and I would have no way of knowing what a cryptonym referred to. Since the floors were not strong enough to accommodate forklifts, he wondered how the warehouse men could have moved such enormous boxes. She said that no one by the name of Glaze was currently working for the newspaper, nor was that name among the files of past employees. Feel free to use any part of it as you please. Mr. CORNWELL - Is that the only reason? 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