Gon takes Knuckle on by himself while Killua watches from the sidelines. [205], As Killua anticipated, the Royal Guards have different positions than expected. However, he exhausts his aura before being able to land a decisive blow. Menthuthuyoupi pursues him, but Killua escapes thanks to Meleoron's ability. [101] As soon as he enters the game, he feels eyes on himself from two directions, which he reckons to be where they can find two towns. He is nicknamed "Kil" or "Killu" by his family. He agrees to travel around with Gon until he finds something he wants to do. [115] After one month of Shu and Ken training, she teaches them Ryu, the instantaneous redistribution of aura through Gyo for combat purposes, and has them hone it by sparring together. She orders him to leave Gon's side if he cannot defeat Shoot. Killua and Palm begin to fight. This impeded him as a Hunter, as Biscuit stated more than once that victory is never certain, and that depending on the circumstances, a person has the potential to defeat a stronger opponent. [47], One month later he books tickets for Hisoka's match against Kastro. He then asks his son about the Hunter Exam, the people he met, how he felt, and more. He was the main protagonist of the 13th Hunter Chairman Election arc. Gon and Killua sense its power and jump up as he decimates the Officers with Silent Waltz. As he ponders how to escape without using Godspeed, which might hurt Alluka, Tsubone reveals herself. Silva and Kikyo questioned him about it, and he relayed what Nanika told him, adding that refusing four demands resulted in death only after Mitsuba is killed. [244] Not long afterwards, Killua and Alluka watch a video sent to them by Gon of a flock of Small-billed Swans taking flights. Killua is challenged by Gon multiple times, winning every contest, and approves of Tsezguerra. The first and only time this Nen ability was used, it barely seared, Killua leaps into the air above the opponent and projects a bolt of lightning from his fingers, paralyzing them for a few moments and causing them pain. Killua has all the benefits granted by his status as a Hunter. [109] They waste ten minutes trying unsuccessfully to catch a Hyper Puffball and later a Bubble Horse. [168] Killua scouts Knuckle as he proclaims he is ready to fight with a megaphone, determining he is strong. They fly to the Heavens Arena, where they can train and earn money at the same time. Hisoka does not flinch at getting his arms sliced off He wouldn't get his arms cut off he'd be decapitated just like Killua did Ranmot only he was unable to understand he should not have tried to attack Curious, Gon asks him what doctoring methods exist, and he explains cauterization, autopsy, and ostomy. [199], Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: In spite of his young age, Killua is an exceptional melee fighter and master of innumerable unarmed combat techniques. [157] After receiving an SOS message from Ponzu containing the location of the nest, Kite, Gon, and Killua rush to help. Before he learned Nen, he was able to open a 16-ton gate[40] and after he learned Nen, he opened the 64-ton gate. Milluki advises him to look it up on the Hunters' website and tells him copies of the game will be auctioned off at the Southernpiece Auction. Five and a half hours later, the Extermination Team leaves the room to move to one closer to the palace. Killua snaps one of his handcuffs and threatens Milluki back. [182], He accompanies Gon to the woods next to the city as he makes preparations for his date with Palm. Activating Speed of Lightning, he rushes to Gon's side. Their alliance now counting nine members, they each choose a sport that fits their abilities, with Killua calling dibs on sumo. [189], Killua proceeds to take out Neferpitou's puppets and warn the people of East Gorteau that Mig Jol-ik has fallen. There, he proceeds to demonstrate the Nen of the Flame. Gon and Killua give them almost everything they have but surprisingly get nothing in return. [137] Killua's hands are mangled by the first two throws, which allow their team to take out "No. It is revealed to be a tournament in which a single win results in clearing the exam. Realizing their allies are too weak to be of use, Killua recommends the three of them to throw their matches while gathering as much information on the contests as possible. Killua warns Gon they might meet real contenders, but the boy defeats his opponents without difficulty. He soon reveals that he is completely immune to poison. The two are mesmerized by the promise string, after which Killua asks Wing what Hisoka's ability is. He also tried to make friends with Canary, but he never tried to offer her an animal skull. He is knowledgeable about a wide variety of topics and is endowed with prodigious intuition and analytical skills. hates red peppers. He awkwardly states he is not helping Kurapika because he wants to, prompting her to smile knowingly. In the fifth match, Killua faces Pokkle and immediately concedes, believing his opponent not to be worth his time. [93] On the way there, Pakunoda asks them why they don't run away from her, since she is injured, but Gon replies that they do not want Kurapika to become a murderer. Why does Killua use Godspeed? He begins to doubt himself and, after a few instants, his left eye disappears due to the effect of Hotel Rafflesia. You get highfalutin. [38] Killua becomes afraid as Illumi proceeds to question his motives, with Killua admitting he does not want to become a Hunter, but only challenge himself with the trials. He selects Dolle Harbor as his destination and is teleported there. While his friend is in a deep coma and his condition deteriorates each passing minute, Killua sits outside of the room, looking at him through a window. Gon and Killua are locked in a room, with Nobunaga guarding the only entrance. He can be evolved from Killer (Lightspeed) using: Stats Overview Killer S+ "I won't forgive anyone who tries to hurt Alluka. [217] Killua finds a plug and starts recharging his electric supply. Zepile reveals he made the vase they two boys were bidding on when he was working as a counterfeiter and, impressed with them and smitten with Gon complimenting his craftsmanship skills, offers them his services. Killua thus pulls out one of his yo-yos. [224] Both applications can also be used to carry others, both to displace them[235] and to protect them from enemy attacks. I just want to be a kid. He informs Gon that Nanika was the one who healed him. When the clone attempts to cross it, Killua burns its cells with electricity. She nudges Gon with her Ko-covered fist, knocking him back and causing him to bleed, leading them to realize the power of the technique. This ends up putting him up against Gittarackur, who removes his needles and reveals himself to be Killua's older brother Illumi. Kurapika allows him to get on board as well, and the hostage exchange is carried out smoothly. Killua recommends trying. [13] He is also tremendously observant, and he believed he could notice the slightest change in the expression of two Spiders. both can use sharp objects as weapons, Hiei his sword and Killua his fingernails, but are also exceptional hand-to-hand combatants; both have sisters that they are protective over; just like Hiei has black spiky hair and same colored clothing, Killua has white spiky hair and same colored clothing; one of the differences between Killua and Hiei is that he actually smiles in contrast to his. Wing appears behind the two boys and offers to teach them the real Nen. Subconsciously realizing they might pose a threat to the approaching Ikalgo, he dispatches them before even understanding what he is doing. Killua realizes that Gido, Sadaso, and Riehlvelt want to pick a fight on the same day as Gon to get an easy win, and Gon gives them the liberty to choose. By tearing the skin off his ankles, Killua manages to free himself. [195], Ikalgo, the Chimera Ant Captain who was controlling the man's body, attempts to escape, but Killua easily catches him and interrogates him about Flutter's ability, offering to spare him. Ten days before the deadline, Gon wonders why Knuckle is not allowed to go to NGL despite his power, with Killua speculating it is because of his personality. Buhara requests a whole roast pig from each applicant, but the only one in the preserve is the world's most dangerous pig. Killua accepts to be taken to their hideout. Killua is annoyed by their persistence and leads his friends away from them. [62] Killua manages to raise 286 million before a gamble leaves him penniless, causing him to lose the competition. He protests when Kurapika gives Gon the job of distracting the Troupe so he can abduct Pakunoda. The NPC who started the quest takes the team to the top of the lighthouse and, at dawn, transforms into "Plot of Beach". [194] He performed Ten successfully on the first try with next to no instructions, a feat which Wing described as both "amazing" and "terrifying",[44] and learned Ren and Gyo in only one night. [220], Palm and Killua reunite with Ikalgo, announcing their intention to stay by Gon's side without interfering with him. Killua uses Nanika to teleport him home, and asks Tsubone and Amane to leave him alone with Nanika lest he issues another command. He incites a revolt, which causes him to be killed by Razor. [64], By the following day, the number of challengers has already decreased as rumors began to spread. As time passes, he becomes more muscular and toned. He pretends he is a fan who wants an autograph, but Kastro recognizes him and enquires about his impression of him. [13], As a Transmuter, Killua's most efficient in changing the properties and shape of his aura. He proclaims the first thing he will do after meeting his father is introduce Killua as his best friend, to the latter's embarrassment, and moving Biscuit to tears. On the verge of losing consciousness, he apologizes to Gon, but Ikalgo saves him by taking him to an underground clinic. Hisoka's declaration that he is bored triggers an epiphany and Killua becomes certain that he has already made contact with the Spiders and that there is an Exorcist on Greed Island. Killua refuses and claims he is fine, but Biscuit forces him to pull his hand out of his pocket, exposing the grievous injuries he suffered. [215], Exploiting Meleoron's invisibility, he manages to paralyze Youpi with Thunderbolt right when he is about to kill Knuckle, allowing the Beast Hunter to survive and strike his opponent several times before running away. Although he tells Gon to focus only on his battle, he cannot assuage his unease and brings up the topic of the King's self-inflicted injury again. [203] Six seconds before go-time, he senses Gon's cold single-mindedness. They agree to offer a 15 million reward, with Gon pawning his Hunter license for 100 million. Killua argues with him, only to be won over when Gon reminds him that he would be dead if he had dodged to the other side. [237], When they reach Gon's room, Killua waits for Alluka to wake up, under the careful watch of Tsubone and Amane. When Genthru comes to, they have him get his binder out by stating they had already planned to use "Angel's Breath" on every one of them. When the second level of Neferpitou's control is activated, Gon swears to Killua he will take the Royal Guard on himself. Killua determines him not to be a threat and leisurely walks to him. Killua eventually snaps, swearing he will do anything to get Kurapika to cooperate, before handing the phone back to Gon. [107] They exchange their cards for money and buy a sketch map of the island. Illumi then declares he did not seriously intend to harm Gon and that he was just testing Killua, which allowed him to ascertain he is not fit for making friends. When the two stop in the middle of a courtyard, Gon and Killua hide in the adjoining abandoned building. Gon's fury manifests in the form of tremendous aura output, and Killua calmly stops him before he can carry through with the attack. He orders them to punch him as much as they want and, if they fail to make him budge from his spot, they will have to leave their tokens behind. As per their request, they two of them are assigned to taking care of Neferpitou. [135] After Hisoka eliminates "No. On that occasion, despite his attacks inflicting no damage at all, Killua's electricity proved powerful enough to elicit screams of pain out of Youpi, as well as to paralyze him for a few instants. Killua calls it quits, having realized that Netero did not resort to his right hand or left leg at all. The difference in experience between assassination and a proper fight initially prevented him from making the most of them,[112] but he soon improved to an astounding degree. Gon enquires about Pakunoda, learning that she has died. His favorite snack is chocolate, specifically Chocolate Balls and Chocolate Robots. [15] By that time, he had already assassinated more people than the Bomber(s) combined. Godspeed. [50], One month later, Killua and Gon reprise their training under Wing. [72] Killua agrees to track them with Zetsu on the condition they fall back at the first sign of danger. Palm manages to recover her senses and destroys Pouf's clone, who was ordering her to kill Killua. After the match, he cautions Gon about the electricity, to which the boy responds he has already come up with a plan. The alliance members head to a bar where they find four pirates. Biscuit proclaims herself as their new Nen instructor. [54], The following day Wing introduces his students to Hatsu. After a while, while Gon tries to remember the three doctoring methods explained to them by Zepile, Killua prepares to lay down his life to let Gon escape, despite being aware their chances are extremely slim. He puts others before himself without being concerned about his own health or even his life. They escape while in a state of Zetsu, with Killua chastising Gon for his naivet, as they would have never managed to defeat the swordsman. Killua is convinced that he is dropping out and tells Gon to leave him behind. [81] Melody also tells him the Ten Dons have canceled the reward,[82] causing Killua to change his mind about pursuing the Troupe. [193] He managed to dispatch a small squadron of Chimera Ants that had drawn him in the treetops and surrounded him in a few seconds, not only avoiding their attacks, but also turning them against his assailants. Killua copies the save files before looking into the game, which is out of production. As they walk next to a stand participating in a silent auction, Gon picks up a knife, which Killua recognizes as a Ben's knife. Killua went Godspeed mode to run away from Pouf and protect Komugi! Despite his protests, Gon musters even more aura to deliver the final blow to the Chimera Ant. They check their home codes,[66] but they have received no useful tips. He swiftly dodges Zushi's punch and strikes him in the neck from behind, earning two points. Instead of buying spells, she acquires two shovels and a wheelbarrow, ordering her students to dig their way to Masadora. [89] When the lights return, the Spiders find out that Chrollo is missing. [133], Killua pretends they had not chosen who would play sumo yet, assigning the win to a fodder player. They fly to the Southernpiece Auction House to investigate. Despite his protests, Killua is unable to advance and cannot figure out why. As soon as they leave the forest and head into the badlands, they are attacked by Cyclops. Gon musters even more aura to deliver the final blow to the approaching Ikalgo, he already! Escapes thanks to Meleoron 's ability is calling dibs on sumo and more acquires two shovels and a,... Himself to be a threat and leisurely walks to him Gon multiple times winning. After the match, he rushes to Gon interfering with him and offers to teach them the real.! Gon the job of distracting the Troupe so he can abduct Pakunoda strikes him the! 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